My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 161: Taiyi Refining Sword Sword

Taiyi was very embarrassed to talk with Houyi, and then Houyi finally angered Taiyi, so there was no way for Taiyi to talk to Houyi again. And Tai Yi finally made a killing heart. Tai Yi was forced to do such a thing. If he didn't act, he really didn't know how to communicate with Hou Yi.

This Taiyi is also difficult to communicate with those who are going to die, it is really annoying and personal.

Tai Yi's hot temper, Hou Yi turned his blame away, that is, he washed his neck and waited for Tai Yi to finish.

There was no intention of repentance at all, which made Tai Chi very angry.

This is like having no place to vent your fire.

Tai Yi said.

"Then you die, then I will fulfill you.",

And what Tai Yi thinks about is to educate this person well during the fight, and only in this way can Tai Yi's anger be vented.

Then Taiyi put away the Chaos Clock and planned to fight Hou Yi with both hands at once, so that he could relieve his hatred.

And Hou Yi seemed to understand Tai Yi's purpose too, and also dropped the bow in his hand, and turned out to be in a melee fight with Tai Yi.

Both were previously invincible, Hou Yi's body is also very powerful, and Taiyi is also more powerful, Taiyi is completely a militant in the flood, after countless battles, combat experience Very rich. Moreover, the cultivation base is higher than Hou Yi.

Then Hou Yi was determined to die, but he was just cooperating with Tai Yi. But Hou Yi still hasn't lost much of Hou Yi's advantage.

After a fight, Hou Yi finally lost.

At this time Hou Yi was already scarred, but his momentum was still not lost to Di Jun.

Hou Yi said with a smile.

"Huh, Donghuang Taiyi, but that's the case. My Hou Yi is willing to die today, to give you a demon clan, but you don't want to bully my Wu clan, don't come to provoke our Wu clan, my way is to tell you Everyone of the demon clan, do n’t come to provoke the witch clan, no matter who you are, as long as you dare to go to the witch clan's site, if you dare to spread the wild, it must be called to come back and forth, you should remember this. "

After talking, Hou Yi laughed again, like crazy, said.

"The Wu people are born in the wilderness, and everything in the world has aura. As long as you stay in your breath, you can keep the wilderness intact."

Tai Yi looked at the abnormity of Hou Yi and felt a little puzzled. At this time, Tai Yi was also tired of beatings. At this time, his anger should also be dissipated a little. This made him lose the anger of nine nephews. It's impossible to disappear so easily.

Tai Yi looked at Hou Yi and was a little unwilling to kill him, but at this time Hou Yi's move made Tai Yi shocked.

Hou Yi immediately grabbed a bow and arrow around him, which was to end his own life, and gave an explanation to the demon clan. Tai Yi was very excited to see this scene and was shocked by the horrible character of the Wu people.

This horrible character makes Tai Yi a little scary. As the saying goes, I'm afraid of people who don't even want to die. If they don't die, everything will be done, so no one dares to mess with it, and no one dare to interact with it.

After seeing this scene, it was too long for a long time to calm down, but stood in front of Hou Yi's body and looked at Hou Yi.

This witch clan has no soul, but only flesh, only consciousness, which makes the retention of Hou Yi's soul as previously mentioned by Tai Yi become empty talk.

After waiting for a long time, Taiyi recovered, and put Hou Yi's body into the demon gourd.

This demon gourd is also a spiritual treasure obtained by Tai Yi on the Kunlun Mountain's innate spirit roots and gourd vines.

It contains gas capable of slashing monsters and killing immortals, and Taiyi is to use the Pangu essence blood in Hou Yi's body, and then refine the slashing immortal flying knife.

Before again, Taiyi had already collected the bodies of the nine Jinwu princes, and they were all put into the chopping fairy flying sword. The flames of the sun in the body of Jinwu and the emperor Jun and Xi and two The blood of Jinwu, born from the combination of human beings, enhances the strength of the Sword Flying Sword.

And among these slashing gourds, it took some time to breed the slashing flying sword, as long as you wait slowly to refine it.

After Tai Yi had dealt with the matter in the flood, he returned to heaven.

After Di Jun knew that Tai Yi had already killed Hou Yi, although Di Jun was very angry, he couldn't blame Tai Yi too much.

After all, Taiyi did this to exhale himself and to avenge himself.

Although Di Jun also wants to do this, but he is the demon emperor of the demon clan heaven, if it is too aggressive, it will intensify the contradiction between the two clan, and then let the two clan fight, and it is not just the witch clan Run away, and the demon clan will also be under the thunder of the sage Hongjun Daozu, and soon die. Emperor Jun understood this truth, and also understood the trade-offs.

In the face of his son and the survival of the demon clan, Dijun can only put down his private enemies. To protect the demon clan can survive and survive, Dijun has made a lot of efforts , And now it cannot be destroyed by his impulse. At this time, Di Jun is very calm and wants to resolve this matter through negotiations with the Wu clan, instead of directly asking the criminals of the Wu clan for the crime, like Taiyi. Emperor Jun would not agree to this approach.

The tenth prince You Min, after experiencing the tragic fact that nine brothers all fell by their side, was heartbroken.

The nine brothers of Youmin usually spoil themselves. They didn't think that the demon would eventually die in the wilderness because of these little things.

Although Uncle Taiyi helped You Min revenge, you still couldn't be happy.

Then Youmin started to reflect on her mistakes.

If it hadn't been that he had an enmity with Kuafu, and then Young Min asked his nine elder brothers to help him avenge his revenge, there wouldn't be such a series of incidents for a long time.

But although Kuafu was exhausted, Kuafu ’s life compared with his nine brothers, even if he killed nine Kuafu, he would n’t make Yumin better. After all, what he lost was his most important Things that seize others because of hatred can only be temporary, so that their hatred is vented.

After Yu Min went through this matter at this time, the whole person became speechless, as if feeling that she had done a lot of wrong things, and had no confidence in herself at all. ..


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