My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 162: Longmen

The Long Gate is above the Lingshan Mountain, watching everything happening in the flood with the eyes of a saint.

Now Nagato is known as the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and it is also covered by the Hunyuanzhu to hide the sage's breath. As long as Nagato does not use his powerful mana, then even a sage, or Dao Zu Hongjun, cannot know whether Nagato has Without sanctification, what is the specific strength of Nagato?

The Nagato is very beautiful. In this case, the Nagato can be free from the constraints of the heavenly path, and can not be discovered by the heavenly path, nor be missed by the saints. Benefits.

This is equivalent to being an invisible person. If you do n’t worry about it, there will be no hatred, and Nagato can do whatever you want, and do whatever you want.

After feeling a glimpse of heaven, Nagato knew that after Hou Yi shot the sun, and was killed by Tai Yi's revenge, he knew that the tribe of Wu and Yao tribes was about to be pulled away.

At this time, the saints in the flood were looking at these two tribes. If the two tribes could disappear, it would be tantamount to how much energy would be released. The strength of the saints would be to advance by leaps and bounds to a terrifying level. .

In the flood, such saints are not willing to intervene, and the long door will not intervene, and it can only cause a cause and effect. It is not good to help this person or not, then the long door is better than home Do you sleep well?

On this day, Nagato was aware of a hint of heaven in the flood, and then Nagato opened his eyes slowly, and then said to Junction and Zhun Ti.

"Two brothers, I feel that important things are going to happen in the flood, I will go to see if they can win a bit of luck for us."

Then Nagato set off. The place where Nagato sensed was Shouyang Mountain, the birthplace of the human race.

Nagato is now the Great Luo Jinxian Realm, so for Nagato, this mount has little effect on itself, but it is better than nothing, and sometimes it can help yourself to resist for a while, and the panda bears because Long-term cultivation can make oneself reach a good level.

The current level of Panda bear is already the fifth-order Warcraft, and Xiu is calculated according to the level of the monk.

This level is already much higher than that of the disciples who sit down in Sanqing.

Master Lao Tzu, Master Xuandu, did n’t say that. Lao Tzu was originally intent on teaching, but Yuanshi Tianzun was really keen to teach his disciples, and he only accepted the kind of talented and talented apprentices.

The apprentice under Yuanshi Tianzun is Antarctic Xian Weng, and the second apprentice is the Lantern Daoist. Although the strength of these two people was originally quite powerful, then because of the original saint's name, these two men fled to Yuanshi Tianzun Under the door.

The cultivation of these two people is a bit powerful, but today's pandas can also hang down the lantern burner and the Antarctic fairy in minutes. After all, the panda's seniority is very high.

Later, in the land of the heavens, the Taobao people are more powerful than the panda bears, and then the Madonna of the Golden Spirit, the Madonna of the Tortoise, the Madonna of the Improper, and the bear are all comparable.

So this panda bear must continue to cultivate.

After the long door sat the panda to Shouyang Mountain, he hid in a dark place. After all, it is not easy to come in person. One reason is that if you come in person, it may cause misunderstandings. And if there is any connection with the human race, it is tantamount to revealing his whereabouts.

At this time, the panda has gradually become an opportunity for transformation. As long as the panda can slowly transform into a human, the long gate can allow the panda to walk around in the human race instead of himself.

Although pandas are not good at this time, Nagato can help them.

Nagato waved his hand, and then transformed the panda into a fairy boy.

Then under the gaze of Nagato, the panda slowly descended into the human race.

All the people of the human race saw that the sky was rewarded by a fluttering, fairy in white, staring blankly.

Then Panda said.

"I am a fairy under the Sanctuary of the Nagato saint in the flood, and today I was ordered by the saints of the namen to come and direct you in the flood, so that you can understand the road and survive in the flood, so come If you say it, you will not disappoint the sage Nuwa's hardship in making people. "

When Panda began to talk about the Nagato saint, everyone in the human race didn't know who the Nagato saint was, but as soon as I heard the panda bear saying that it was a saint Nuwa, worship began among the clan. People who are related to the Wa saints have great respect for the human race.

Nagato felt that Nu Wa's charm to the human race was too great. What is the purpose of the panda here is to bow down.

Nagato is very clear that after this, the human race will be the one chosen by heaven, and this wild land will also become the world of the human race.

The human race is very well controlled. At this time, there is one aspect, that is, the human race will not destroy the resources of this wild continent too much. After all, it needs very little.

If the Demon Clan or the Wu Clan rule, it will not be very clear what the continent will become, but what is certain is that at that time, the saints cannot have the prestige of the saints, and the heavenly path has no enshrinement.

The most important thing for the human race to become the choice of heaven and earth is humility. This treats everyone very humble, treats saints with courtesy, and does not favor one side or the other.

There are too many people among the demon races who do not abide by the rites and laws, so this demon race cannot be the highest-level creature that rules the flood.

Panda was very happy to see that everyone was so pious, and then Panda said.

"Nagato Sage, I was sent here to be able to preach and enlighten you so that you can live and work in peace and prosperity and grow up gradually."

After the people heard the pandas, they paid a visit again.

Cat Bear said.

"Since the ancient **** of the ancient world came to earth, there was no vitality and aura in the flood. Then the sage Nuwa was enlightened and prepared to build the earth, so there would be a human race. But after the human race was born, because he did not have Mana, no means of self-defense, make the human race the humblest existence in the wilderness. Humans ca n’t beat the beasts and raptors, and often become the food of the beasts. There are also monsters who come to invade the territory of the human race. Even the floods, the four seasons, and the warm and cold weather can kill countless human races.

The sage's long door is very meaningful, let me come to guide the human race, so that the human race can master some means of survival, self-defense, so that the human race can flourish. "..


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