My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 166: Red cloud into reincarnation

After Hongyun heard that he could reshape the flesh, he immediately agreed to enter the reincarnation long door to reshape the flesh.

This method is not only the fastest, but also the most time-saving and cost-saving.

And the magical power with a long door can completely seal the memory and mana of Hongyun, so that the reincarnated Hongyun will not be forgotten.

Nagato is the quasi-don't let Nagato enter the prefecture and enter the reincarnation.

Longmen's soul for Hongyun was a few drops of three-light **** water, which made Hongyun's soul more stable, and then he used the nine-nine scattered soul gourd to bring Hongyun's soul into the capital.

Because the long gate is inconvenient. And because of this human race, Panda bears quickly improved their cultivation, and gradually got the basic ability to transform.

Under the protection of Nagato, pandas can be transformed into human figures through the law of change, and if they are to truly transform into human figures, that time is still very long, and many fairies are also capable of changing into adults, which is not true. Become a person.

It is already a very good thing for pandas to be tender and humanized.

What makes Nagato very happy is that after having a powerful assistant, Panda, his own affairs will be much less, and many things can be handled by Panda. It is precisely because there are so many benefits, so Nagato is also very supportive of Panda being able to change into a human.

Panda bears have been with them all the time, even if it is Jin Chanzi, the entry level is not as high as the panda bear, and if the panda bear is called the apprentice, that is not an exaggeration.

The Nagato sent Panda bears to bring the soul of Hongyun into the mansion, let Hongyun reincarnate, and enable Hongyun to be reincarnated as a human being. This will make things much easier in the future.

Even if it is not a human being, it is not difficult to cultivate an adult under the guidance of a long door.

Finally, after entering the reincarnation, there was not much time before Nagato could feel the birth of Hongyun.

And now it should not be called red cloud, but called cloud neutron.

Nagato carried a mark on Hongyun's body that he could look for, and after Hongyun was born, Hongyun was under the gaze of Nagato.

The long door made him somewhat gratified that the red cloud was indeed the cast.

In less time, Hongyun was tender enough to walk.

Then the panda that turned into a floating fairy came to the human race. At this time, everyone already recognized the panda, and they all hurriedly bowed down.

"Welcome to the fairy to come."

Then Panda said.

"A few days ago, my Master Longmen Sage sensed that an elite of this race was born. Today I came to help him."

Then everyone obeys the ground and says.

"Just follow the fairy arrangement."

Then the panda bear brought the cloud neutron up, and then when he walked, the panda bear was placed on the border of the camp of the human race. Humans are very grateful for pandas when they leave, and then said.

"Thanks to the fairy, to the saints of Nagato."

After enjoying the supreme luck of the human race, the panda is very happy, and then the cultivation in the body is that when he does not practice, he is rapidly improving.

Then the Nagato was to train the cloud neutron to the eastern continent, the Nagato was hiding the trail, and then was placed in a cave on the Zhongnan Mountain in the wilderness. The neutron is here.

Because cloud neutrons have good roots, they learn spells and things especially fast. Nagato did not teach Yun neutron about Buddhism, but taught something close to reality. So Nagato is very dedicated. Yun neutron is also very serious.

It was only a short period of more than ten years that Yun neutron had grown up, and the rear long door felt that it should be possible to impart some kung fu and some things from the previous life of Hong Yun to Yun neutron.

And then the long door is to pass the memories of the previous life to Yun neutron.

After obtaining the memories of the previous life, Yun Neutron was very happy and very sad. But Hongyun had already wanted to open it, so there was no courage, which was no burden for Yun Neutron.

Today's cloud neutron wants to use a brand new identity to emerge in the flood.

Some of Yunyun's spells are inherited from Red Cloud's spells, so that some of Yunyun's spells can be used very well.

After all, the memory of the red cloud of the previous life makes the talent in the cloud much higher than ordinary people.

With such strength, Yun Neutron is very happy and cherishes his ability even more.

Nagato is very happy, because the cultivation of cloud neutrons is very huge for the future, and if it can be better guided in the future, it will be more beneficial.

After the long door told Yun neutron some of the Taoist basic skills, he told Yun neutron.

"Yun neutron, now you have a small accomplishment, and now some of the Taoism you have mastered are simple Taoisms, if you want to go further, it is to go to study everywhere. I can't Give you something more mysterious, because it will affect our future plans. "

Yun neutron was very grateful to Nagato, and now even if Nagato simply said a few words, I can completely obey the instructions and Nagato's words.

Yun neutron was originally such a very obedient person, but if he is more serious, it is very powerful.

If I were young enough to learn all kinds of Taoism, the identity of Yun Neutron would be more special.

The Nagato also wants this effect, and wants the Nagato to have such magical powers, because in this way, it can only be of great benefit to the Nagato's future plans.

After making arrangements for Nagato, Yun neutron accepted it happily, and then Yun neutron practiced well in Zhongnan Mountain. At the same time, Yun neutron, like Hong Yun, likes to make friends with all the heroes in the flood, It is precisely because of this character that Yun Neutron has a lot of Taoist friends, and also learned a variety of complicated Taoism.

The long gate has been laid out now, and now we have to wait for the real battle between the two Lich.

After Taiyi killed Houyi, the ancestors and witches of the Wu people were very dissatisfied. For this behavior, they all gritted their teeth, but they still took care of their face. After all, the strength of the two families now All have made tremendous progress, and they have acted rashly.

Emperor Jun and Tai Yi were a little worried that Zu Wu would have already become a twelfth day.

The Wu clan is also because of Dijiang's mastery, so that everyone dare not go to the demon clan to challenge and launch a battle. ..


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