My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 167: Lich intensification of conflict

Just as Nagano sealed the war of gods after the plan, the battle between the witch and the demon clan was triggered at once.

It won't take long for it to become very hot.

And Nagato is also because of some things about this cloud neutron, but also to cultivate it well, is to concentrate on cultivating the cloud neutron, hoping that this cloud neutron can gain superior ability in the war of gods.

It is because of this ability that Nagato had to cultivate cloud neutrons.

At this time, the conflict between the witch and the demon has become more obvious

After entering this stable time, which will take 10,000 years, the Wu people and the demon people have become very different. The demon people are above the heavens, and in the sky, they say more of the air. And become more immortal.

Therefore, it will be less strong and become more proficient in spells.

But the Wu people are indeed different. With their own powerful body, the Wu people are like the immortality of the Honghuang Continent, and can exist for a long time in the Honghuang Continent.

Such strength makes the demon clan a little daunted.

After all, the strength of the demon clan has not been greatly improved within this 10,000 years. Although the spell strength of the demon clan has been improved, the main physical strength has not improved, which has become a demon. A fatal flaw of the tribe.

If it is in a flood, or climax spell is enough, when dealing with ordinary enemies, it can be in a state of crushing.

Because it deals with the Wu people, the demon can only fight against the Wu people if they have a stronger physical body.

Because the ability of the Wu clan's close confrontation is very powerful, as long as it is a simple move, some simple physical attacks are tender enough to cause great damage to the demon clan.

The Wu people originally attacked with some restraint spells.

Because the damage of this spell attack is on the powerful physical body of the witch, the attack ability of the spell can only be halved, which is equivalent to being immune to magical damage.

As long as the Wu people strengthen their physical strength, they can easily defeat the masters of the demon, and it is precisely because of this extraordinary ability that the Wu people now have more confidence in the wilderness.

Because of this, the gap between the two communities is in the combat capabilities of individual soldiers.

However, the demon army is still very powerful, and the number of demon army is also large.

And some demon clan have prepared some more powerful means to deal with witch clan.

The contradiction between the two tribes caused by Hou Yi's shooting at the sun was restored to peace after Hou Yi died. The Wu clan has no longer pursued the demon clan Emperor Jun Jun to kill Hou Yi.

After killing Hou Yi, the demon clan did not take any further action, so this allowed the two groups of lich to reach a brief tacit understanding.

This tacit agreement can only be between the senior leaders of the two communities.

And among them, there is already hatred, which occupies a large position.

The people of the Wu clan are thinking of ways to deal with the demon clan.

And the demon clan is the same. Yaozu Yaoshengmeng, like the clan who sometimes grabs a few fine skin and tender meat among the clan to eat. Now that there are three ancestors in the human race, the human race will not be killed by the demon race so easily.

With the joint efforts of the three ancestors of the human race, the Flinren, the Chao, and the Ziyi, Jimeng slowly became very powerful, and was able to fight against the demon sage Jimeng.

Jimeng's supernatural power is already a quasi-saint state, and the fighting power is very powerful, and the strength of the three ancestors in the human race is only the big Luo Jinxian, but the human race has an unparalleled incense offering power.

This force makes the three human holy people enough to fight against the demon clan Jimeng and others.

However, the human race always has only three talents of the great Luojin fairy realm, which can't compete with the demon race. There are many people in the demon race, and many demon soldiers are very powerful. The human race is difficult. Resisted.

Among the huge killing voices, the number of human races is gradually decreasing.

There are only a large number of human races. In fact, the only real strength is the three ancestors of human races.

Even after the little demon came, the human race could not resist, and not many people brought by Ji Meng this time, but these people are enough to make the race face the disaster of extermination.

A wolf demon among the demon clan only waved with a huge palm, and a hundred people were killed in the clan. Although there are some people in the human race who have mastered some of the self-defense that the panda teaches, but in the face of absolute power, these things are useless.

Then everyone in the human race began to bow down and pray in front of the statue of the panda.

At this time, the panda actually felt.

Then Panda said.

"Master, this human race encountered the massacre of the demon clan, just because the resistance of the human clan angered the people of the demon clan."

This human race used to be honest. After the demon came, they were obedient and could only let the demon kill. But now that there are powerful people, the resistance, but the people among the demon clan, is more presumptuous.

This evil effect can only be a silent endurance of the human race, and after the human race suffered a crisis, the panda bear with luck and human race luck was induced.

If the Terran suffered such a severe blow, the luck enjoyed by the pandas would be correspondingly reduced. These are more serious consequences. Nagato is also reluctant to happen.

Nagamon walked on the eastern continent because of the hidden tracks, so he could quickly feel the birthplace of the human race, Shouyang Mountain.

Nagato is still inconvenient to shoot. At this time, Nagato still allows the panda to do these things himself, and the panda's physical body is already very powerful. Even after turning into a human body, the spell cultivation is not lost to Ji Meng.

Even if the panda can't beat it himself, isn't there a long door behind, so the panda went to the human race with confidence.

At this time, Ji Meng was fighting with the three masters of the human race, and it was inseparable.

But the little demon brought by Ji Meng is indeed killing human races constantly.

The bear suddenly fell from the air, and this huge body fell on the ground, making the entire Shouyang Mountain shake.

This momentum gave everyone in the room a shock.

This appearance is really domineering. Nagato is often reluctant to show this kind of limelight. Although his own character is also such, in the flood, it can only be low-key.

There is a heavenly path above, there are many masters underneath, and this is also the way of survival in the flood. It is the first article that his teacher Dongfan Daojun told himself, and Nagato also keeps in mind. ..


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