My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 171: The battle between Gong Gong and Zhu Rong

Fu Xi originally knew that this was against the sky, and Fu Xi was a little excited after using Hetu Luoshu.

Then asked.

"Does the demon tribe have to die? Does the demon tribe have to die?"

Fu Xi couldn't accept such a thing. After all, the demon race was his own race. It is his own ethnic group, even if Fu Xi can prepare the number of days of performance with Hetu Luoshu, but this cruel fact, Fu Xi will not accept it.

Such a result, Fu Xi counted many, many times. There is no answer, and there is no solution to this. But Fu Xi didn't want to give up. If you give up, it means to watch the demon clan fall.

Such a result Fu Xi did not want to see, even if it was destiny. Fu Xi also has to change his life.

Therefore, Fu Xi's step by step is rebellious against the rules of heaven and earth.

Then Fu Xi wanted to use this Wu clan Wu clan to kill each other, so that the witch clan was missing very important people, in this way, that would allow the demon clan to survive for a long time.

Fu Xi thought that if he wanted to change his life against the sky, that is, to be right with the saint, and under the saint, what is the difference between himself and all beings in front of the saint and ants? It must be beyond the saint, but how difficult it is to transcend the saint can be imagined.

Even if this is the case, Fu Xi is persistent.

Then Fu Xi smashed and obtained the approval of Di Jun and Tai Yi, and then began to follow up the ancestors and witches of the Wu people, Gong Gong and Zhu Rong.

As early as before, Fu Xi was setting up this bureau and let Zhu Rong and Gong Gong two very hot-tempered two men fight.

Because these two people have been fighting for ten thousand years, there is no victory or defeat.

The fight between the two of them has not been fought very much, because other witches will intervene.

As long as the two fight, the other Wu people will come forward to stop the two of them, so it does n’t matter if such things are said.

As long as they can fight the two well, they will surely let them win.

And Fu Xi started planning.

This is to let all kinds of demon among the demon clan to visit the ancestor witch among the witch clan.

The people here must be prestigious, so this must be the top ten demon saints.

Because this is an action approved by Emperor Jun, so say the top ten demon saints. I have to agree to such an action. Therefore, the demon holy is very arrogant, because of such arrogance, the Wu people can only return their own Wu people to their own tribe.

Because each tribe of the ancestors and witches of the Wu tribe is divided, it is said that once the ancestors and witches returned to their own tribe. I don't know anything about this ancestral hall.

The ancestors and witches are always in the ancestral hall, but not much time has passed. These ancestors and witches were invited back by everyone in their respective ethnic groups. At present, the only people in the Zu Wu Temple are the Zhu Rong and Gong Gong.

All this was carried out according to Fu Xi's plan. If you leave the co-workers and Zhu Rong together, if they don't have to be provoked by others, they will fight well. There is no doubt about it.

The two looked around, and found that only the two of them were left, and then the co-worker said.

"Zhu Rong, there are only two of us left. We should practice well. After all, it is a good chance to have such an opportunity." But Zhu Rong said at this time he was out of anger.

"Huh, do you think you are better than me? Today is not as good as ours, so you have been better than me in your mouth for so many years. What is your real strength, it is better to take it out and take a good look It ’s not that you really do n’t know who is better. "

However, the two of them, Zhu Rong and Gong Gong, fought in the open space outside the Zu Wu Temple.

This ancestral ancestral palace was originally the closest place to Buzhou Mountain. Above this ancestral ancestral temple was a holy place among the Wu people, and there was no Zhoushan.

After such a long battle, the two men were exhausted from fighting.

But both of them are unwilling to lose. This is a good opportunity after all, and we must make a difference.

Fu Xi was staring at the battle between the two people on Mount Zhou. This was after all a simple contest, but the meaning for Zhu Rong and Gong Gong was completely different.

There are so many prejudices between these two people, so much so that each other is a realm of aversion.

Therefore, the two of them are playing while resting, and they must make a difference.

But in the end, the co-worker still did not survive Zhu Rong, and the power of the co-worker gradually waned, and then he lost to Zhu Rong.

At this time, Zhu Rong began to fight.

When this person wins, in general, this is a very rare victory. They will ridicule the opponent well, and then let the opponent feel some pleasure in their victory. In this way, after they have won the victory, they can obviously The expansion of the results.

This is also a very good method, and it is because of this purpose that the co-workers are very angry.

At this time, Zhu Rong gained the upper hand, and then he was very proud.

Then Zhu Rong was a little careless, because even his ability was basically clean, but only a little better than Gong Gong, but this is what made Zhu Rong laugh at Gong Gong.

Gong Gong was originally a hot-tempered temper. How could he bear such ridicule? So, it didn't take much time to make Gong Gong angry.

Then Gong Gong used the real body of Zu Wu. After all, Zu Wu's real strength was too great.

What Zhu Rong didn't expect was that Gong Gong would actually come up with his real life to fight with himself. Under the circumstances of real life, they would not show the truth unless it was something difficult for Zu Wu to encounter. Body.

The strength of Zu Wu's real body is very powerful.

And the body shape is a hundred times as much as before.

If Zhu Rong and Liang Zhen's body are said, it means that Zhu Rong can only think of an ant fighting an elephant, and will suffer a lot.

This power has also been greatly improved, but consumption is also faster.

And this is also very dangerous.

If you are not careful, you will kill the other party. After all, if the Wu clan's real body is fighting, although the strength is improved, there are also disadvantages.

Even if this person's form is how to fight. There is no danger to life, but it is different at this time, even if the battle will not hurt, and if it is exhausted, it is difficult to recover. ..


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