My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 172: The ancestor Wu Wu fell unpredictably

Gong Gong has lost his reason at this time, and has lost some basic control over things.

Zhu Rong will also be very angry in such a situation. Zhu Rong is not a person who is afraid of death. If Gong Gong fights with himself for the last bit of strength, then he will be there without hesitation.

At this time, Zhu Rong was a little sad, because Gong Gong turned out to be a loser. Although Zhu Rong does not want things to go to this point, it is too late at this time. If it were not for his own provocation, the co-worker would not be frustrated and fought out his real body to fight.

The harm of this real battle is not unclear.

The battle between the two ancestors was fierce.

If the start of the two-person battle is tickling, then the real battle is now a wonderful military round.

If this ancestor witch fights in real life, the damage to the surrounding environment is also very huge. This stretch of hand destroys a forest.

A fall is a lake.

This flat lawn made the two fight in a mess.

Even when fighting in a real body environment, Zhu Rong seems to have a lot of upper hand, but there is not much, but the situation has been suppressed by people, so Zhu Rong is very sad. After all, this is not his own. Thing, and it is exactly this way, I really do n’t know where to put my face.

The co-workers at this time were desperately corrupted.

Regardless of the consumption of one's own body, if one exhausts one's physical strength, one would die like boasting the father.

However, Gong Gong felt that he could not overcome Zhu Rong. At this time, there were no ancestors and witches. If all the big witches and the little witches were together, they could not stop them from fighting.

At the beginning, these Wu people and big witches were just ordinary discussions, and such a thing was very common between the two of them.

And until both of them showed themselves, the big witches felt the seriousness of this matter. They all knew the destructive power of this ancestor.

The disadvantages are naturally clear.

If they didn't stop, they might die forever.

After all, both of them are of such strength, so the possibility of dying in both battles is very high.

The distance between the two ancestors is very far, and the distance between each tribe is also very far. If there is Dijiang, this speed is naturally the fastest.

However, there is only one Emperor River among the Wu people, and ordinary people can obediently communicate by walking.

Or faster is running. This running speed is also very fast, but in the flood, this seems to be very backward.

The two men are exhausted.

So these two people are like Fu Xi's design, both battles, and finally both of them fell.

When Fu Xi looked at the sky from afar, he realized that Gong Gong had a strange movement.

Gong Gong was hammered **** the ground by Zhu Rong, and then Zhu Rong shouted.

"Do not accept. Do not accept."

Then he threw the Gong Gong to the other side, and Zhu Rong said the same thing.

"If you refuse to accept, do you really refuse to accept? I am better than you."

After Zhu Rong said this many times, Gong Gong was also fell down by Zhu Rong many times, and Gong Gong finally broke out.

The huge body of Gong Gong slammed into Zhoushan.

This time Zhu Rong was completely unprepared.

This mountain is not the pillar that connects heaven and earth, it is very tall, and it is also the steepest.

Fu Xi knew the position of Gong Gong's crashing into Mount Zhou, and this was the way Gong Gong wanted to die together with Zhu Rong. After all, it was to crash and die on Mount Zhou.

Sure enough, the body of this ancestor was a powerful anomaly. This head hit the past, and the head of the Gong Gong was not broken, but Zhoushan received a huge impact.

Then this wild continent was shaken a few times, and Fu Xi also saw this scene.

This Zhoushan turned out to be a deep rift by Zhu Rong.

This gap is still expanding, and the rate of expansion is quite alarming.

At this time, the co-workers lost their minds under the influence of the previous rage, and after this violent impact, a crack began to appear. Then it turned out that there was a big gap.

Gong Gong gradually sobered up, and then Gong Gong looked at Zhu Rong with a blank face. At this time, Zhu Rong was already frightened by the scene before him. And the power at this time is exhausted.

Gong Gong looked at Mount Zhou, who was broken by himself, and regretted it. After all, it was the backbone of his father God Pangu, and it was the pillar of heaven and earth.

At this time Gong Gong knelt on the ground and confessed.

The opposite Zhu Rong was also aware of the seriousness of the problem, and he also didn't say anything. Whatever he said was an insult to these two people, and a disrespect to the wild land.

After being notified by the Big Witch, Dijiang applied the law of space for the first time, and soon came back.

Dijiang came back and saw this scene in front of him.

The break of Zhoushan Mountain is still expanding, and the two kneeling in front of them are also covered with injuries. At this time, Dijiang has no time to watch the Gong Gong and Zhu Rong.

What Dijiang is more worried about is that Zhoushan is no longer there.

But under the Zhoushan Mountain, the ancestors who quickly arrived at the Zuwu Temple saw the Zhouzhou Mountain, which was constantly making a huge breaking sound, and was extremely panicked.

The sound of the broken Zhoushan Mountain preached continuously in the ears of all living creatures on the Honghuang Continent. Everyone had a feeling that this day it was slowly collapsing and this land was slowly tilting.

When the ancestors and witches felt the ancestral hall, they saw the co-working and Zhurong in front of them, and they both died because of exhaustion.

Zhu Rong and Gong Gong froze on their knees, and there were still dry tears in their eyes.

In this scene, Fu Xi was a little moved, and Fu Xi was a little confused. Fu Xi was also unclear. If he did so, there would be no adverse effects. If you do this, what kind of influence will it have in the future.

After all, under his own planning, Zu Wu fell, but Zhou Shan broke.

Then Zhoushan Mountain is completely broken by you. The broken stones on this mountain are still falling off. Without much time, Zhoushan Mountain will completely collapse.

Fu Xi also had some doubts.

But at this time his task was already completed, and he could no longer stay here, and then Fu Xi returned to heaven. ..


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