My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 173: Make up

In the Jade Pillar Cave in Zhongnan Mountain, Nagato is still letting Yun neutrons travel around, and Nagato stayed here simply. After all, it is the closest to the Eastern Mainland, and the East is an outstanding place, and many great immortals exist.

Although the West is also good, there are not many famous immortals. It may have something to do with Luo Shui ’s detonation of the Western Spirit Vessel. This Spirit Vessel is damaged, and many Western powers, or many Spirit Treasures, have died. , And only half of Nagato kept.

Although it is very difficult to keep half of the spiritual veins under such circumstances, it is not half of the power of half of the spirit veins, and half of the power of half.

The spirit veins are also connected to each other. If there is no connection here, the ability of the spirit veins will drop a lot, which is equivalent to half of the road. Many roads are unable to go, that is, they are not connected. Too.

So speaking of Luo Sui's action, the harm to the West is too great.

Regarding the break of Zhoushan, Nagato knew that this was the general trend of heaven and could not be reversed, regardless of the story, but Zhoushan must be broken.

But how to break, for a long time, this is a small trend that can be changed.

But what should be done after Zhoushan broke?

Just after the break of Mount Zhou, the saints sensed it, but this is the spine of Pangu Great God. Even today's saints are incapable, and there is no level to repair Mount Zhou.

Sanqing can only be helpless, and quoting and quasi mentioning can only help more people not to let them die.

However, Zhoushan cannot help but make up.

Nagato knew that this was Nüwa ’s merit, and when the Zhoushan Mountain broke, Nüwa received a glimpse of this heavenly path, and then this was instructed to let Nüwa prepare to make up the sky.

Although the Zhoushan Mountain is broken, it is only continually collapsing, and has not yet completely collapsed.

After waiting for a complete collapse, the day collapsed. If you really go to make up for the sky at that time, it may be too late.

By then the creatures in the flood will be submerged by the flood. At that time, it was even more uncomfortable.

After this battle, the flood became a little bit sad.

Although many of the creatures in this flood have turned on wit, but the mana is low, and many more creatures have not turned on wit, and they have to face the disaster of extinction.

How should this be good, this makes the floods even more uncomfortable.

Nagato doesn't want to see so many creatures being hit like this, so he is actively contributing to this make-up.

Among the Wu people, because of the death of these two ancestors, the Wu people became insecure. Because of the fall of the ancestor and witch, the strength of the Wu people would be greatly reduced. The war of the twelve tribes of the clan, the war of the gods, is no longer able to start.

If the demon clan is in trouble, the Wu clan is in danger.

Moreover, this is not a danger in front of you. The danger before you is that the Zhoushan Mountain collapsed. The momentum in it has caused many of your ancestors and witches among the Wu people to be injured by the rocks falling in the Zhoushan Mountain.

If it hits a big rock, it will be smashed into a patty.

And no one wants to be that bad luck.

This heaven and earth are also in the fall of Zhoushan Mountain, and slowly began to lean.

For a while, the sky tilted northwest and the ground submerged southeast.

The slow tilt of the sky and earth, the shaking of the earth, and the terrible floods are all terrified. This is still slight after all. If the Zhoushan mountain really collapses, the earth movement caused by this does not know how strong it is.

After Nu Wa received the instruction to supplement the sky, she devoted herself wholeheartedly to the great project of supplementing the sky.

The composition of the sky is composed of the five-colored **** stones, so to make up for the sky, one can only look for the five-colored **** stones scattered all over the place.

And Nagato was looking for the five-color **** stones in the first time, one was to find the five-color **** stones, and the other was to be able to find the stone that gave birth to Sun Wukong. The situation of the battle between Dao and Demon is gone.

After a period of searching, finally, Nagato found this place.

Then Nagato collected the most aura of these five-color **** stones.

The rest is left to Nu Wa, so that Nu Wa can accomplish such a feat.

After all, this is a great merit, but this merit, Nagato does not despise, the strength of Nagato is already in the ranks of saints, and its ability is already stronger than Laozi.

But this sage fighting method is not only based on mana to win, but also depends on the restraint ability of this magic weapon.

If there is a saint-level magic weapon, the victory will be quick.

Also, it depends on the consciousness of killing the enemy first. If you have the consciousness of being proactive, it is also very useful if you can sacrifice your own magic weapon to kill the enemy when the enemy is not ready.

There are many factors in the battle between the saints, which is no longer described in detail here.

And after Nuwa painstakingly collected the five-colored **** stone, she collected five kinds of primitive fire kindlings in the world by using Qiankun Ding.

These are the fire on earth, the real fire from Samadhi, the fire from Nanming, the fire from the sun, and the fire from Liuding. These five kinds of source fires are then refined in Bushan.

But this world is already collapsed. How to repair this is also a huge question. How to repair this, and where to find this pillar that supports the sky.

This is a very important question.

Nagato knew that later Nu Wa killed the black turtle in the North Sea, and then used the black turtle's limbs as the four poles of this heaven and earth.

Nagato simply went by himself. Nagato came to the North Sea and said to the black turtle.

"Xuan Gui, now this world is collapsing, there is no support between this world, this day it will collapse one foot every day, this land will rise one foot every day, this will not take much time, the world will rejoin, The world is chaotic.

But your limbs are the best thing to support the sky. If you are willing to bear the blue sky, if you ca n’t move, you will be able to come out to prove the sanctification. "

Then after listening to the words of Nagato, Xuangui became enlightened. ..


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