My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 174: Black turtle incarnation

After listening to Nagato's words, Xuan Gui had a plan. If you make up for the sky, you will definitely have a lot of merits, but if you are beheaded by Nuwa, the merits will also be halved.

But if the tortoise chooses by itself, and discards its own flesh to make up for the sky, it may still have the opportunity to gain great merits and help him become holy.

Then Xuan Gui said.

"Thank you, Master Changmen, for your guidance, I have been practicing here for hundreds of thousands of years, but I still haven't cultivated a humanoid figure. I must have practiced this way again, and that's how it looks like. Albert. Imitate Pangu God and use his own flesh to support the world. "

Then Xuan Gui contributed his own flesh.

Just when Xuangui vowed to contribute to this flesh, this heavenly path was to lower its great merits, and then entered the body of Xuangui, and the soul of Xuangui came out.

Then Nagato said.

"Since you have already made your choice, then it is better to go to the capital and reincarnate as a human being, and you can save yourself like this."

Then Xuan Gui listened to Nagato's words, and then went to the vicinity of Liudao Reincarnation and reincarnated.

This mysterious turtle has already achieved great merits, and if it is reincarnated as a human being, it will also be helped by heavenly merits. As long as it is a good practice, it must be able to accomplish this great cause.

The Nagato used mana to cut off the limbs of the black turtle, and then sent it to the wild poles. That is on the four corners of this wild continent.

In this way, it can hold the world and let it slowly return to normal.

And just when the long gate supported the world with its limbs, Nu Wa also refined the five-colored stones.

Then Nu Wa used this mana to slowly make up the world.

Finally, after thousands of years, this day is finally made up completely.

At this point, Nüwa's merits are considered complete.

Although the power to make up for the sky is still part of Xuan Gui, it is still huge. The strength of Jean Nüwa has improved a lot.

And the supplement of the sky was originally a matter of Nuwa. If not, the Nuwa would face various disasters.

When Nu Wa was sanctified at that time, she said that she wanted to protect the fragile humans in the flood.

Then there was the induction of heaven and earth, which reduced immeasurable merit, and then sanctification.

At this time, heaven and earth were hit by disasters. If Nu Wa didn't do anything, then Heaven would not accept it.

Therefore, the saint of heaven is only a maintainer of heaven, and the prestige of this saint can only be manifested if the heaven is properly managed.

This world is back to normal, but the flood between this world is flooding. The water in this day's river was poured back into the flooded continent, and the flood was filled with Wang Yang.

This co-working of mastering the law of water is after the demise, in this flood, the ability to master the law of water is naturally attributed to heaven.

The saint can obtain the authority of this management in the heavenly way, and then use the law of water to solve the flood in the red flood.

All these saints are enjoying, this ancestor-witch work, and the death of Zhurong, bring a series of benefits, because there are such reasons, so, let the saints now, very much To see the ancestors and witches, return their abilities to Heavenly Dao completely.

In this case, the strength of the sage has also increased significantly.

Laozi on the Kunlun Mountain, primitive and celestial, started planning, which made the war between the ancestors and witches.

Only in such a battle, they can completely fall.

And when the other ancestors returned to this ancestral hall, they discovered that all this was caused by someone.

This is so good, that all the ancestors and witches have something to go out, but there are only co-workers and Zhu Rong left. This must have been planned by someone in advance.

Although the ancestors are impulsive, they are still not what they are. Anyone can see what is the reason for this phenomenon.

Then Dijiang said.

"Zhu Rong and Gong Gong worked together and died in a battle. It must have been someone who planned it in advance. Otherwise, we all went out. Why did they leave them alone."

At this time, a big witch said among the Wu people.

"When we were near the Zu Wu Temple, we saw the Gong Zu Zu Wu and Zhu Rong Zu Wu. The two were in a war, but when it was above, I seemed to vaguely see a person."

At this time Xuan Ming asked immediately.

"Who is it, look clearly, no."

Then the big witch said.

"It seems to be Fuxi of the demon clan. I had seen him before when he praised his father and the big witch."

This is to make all the ancestors and witches filled with righteous indignation.

Xuan Ming said.

"It must be the demon clan, they are trying to destroy us, and we must not sit still. Now Gong Gong and Zhu Rong have passed away. This hatred is not a good man. We will kill this demon clan together. The two of them have revenge. "

This time the subgroup was indignant, and many big witches also responded. This ancestral witch hall was boiling.

Dijiang did not choose to remain silent.

The battle between the two Lich is about to kick off.

And Nagato has helped Xuangui achieve this celestial virtue and made Xuangui reincarnated.

This is also conducive to attracting this black turtle. If there is a demand in the future, it must be able to make good use of the black turtle.

Then, after collecting an extra piece of five-colored stone, Nagato used his power to create this magic stone, and then created the Nine Tricks, and then placed it in the ancestral vein of the East.

It can be described as the dragon from the three mountains, and the ancestors of the ten continents.

This is Huaguo Mountain.

Huaguo Mountain has always been a blessing. The aura here is very strong, and this is also the location of the ancestral veins, so it is said that there is also a great aura.

If the five colored stones are placed here, at this time, by absorbing the spirit of this world, the essence of the sun and the moon, and after tens of thousands of years, it will be able to breed Sun Wukong.

This is a chess piece arranged by Nagato in advance.

This will be of great use in the future.

Then the long gate was infused with mana in this spirit stone, which is also easy to control the stone, otherwise it will make it difficult to control.

After getting these things done, Nagato is ready to make the three emperors among the human race.

These three emperors have a high status among the human race.

There is also the need to enjoy the mortal incense of the human race. The power of the incense is much better than the merits of heaven.

After that, the strength of the three human emperors can be compared with the saints.

Therefore, Nagato must not miss such a good opportunity. ..


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