My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 175: Lich Wars

Then the contradiction between the two groups of lich can no longer be reconciled. Nagato is also clear that the two groups of lich must have a battle before they can calm down.

Under Fu Xi's arrangement, Gong Gong and Zhu Rong, both of your ancestors and witches, were with Zhoushan, and both died together.

The accounts of the Wu people are all counted on the demon's head.

Among the Wu people, they are eager to move and want to avenge the demon.

In Kunlun, this Yuanshi Tianzun is also actively expanding his influence on interpretation.

The standard of the original Tianzun ’s admission is very high. Not only is it necessary to have a good root and suitable for cultivation, it must also be a human being, because after this human being, it is the main primate of the wilderness. , Very suitable for monasticism. Therefore, the original Tianzun is very optimistic about the human race, and many of the apprentices collected are human beings.

The original Tianzun is preparing to create various magic weapons for his apprentices.

After all, if the cultivation is normal, the power of this magic weapon can be used to make your own strength get very important.

When the Zhoushan Mountain broke, Yuanshi Tianzun found him again.

This Zhoushan Mountain was refined by the Yuanshen, the great **** of Pangu.

The energy contained in it, as well as all kinds of heaven and earth avenues, are very rich.

After the fall of Mount Zhou, this mountain will be useless, but if a magic weapon is refined, its power is beyond all other magic weapons.

The attributes that come with them are very powerful, as long as they are slightly matched, they can have very powerful power.

After the original Tianzun took the baby back, it was in Kunlun Mountain and the Jade Xu Palace. It began to refine this half of the Zhoushan Mountain.

After that, he will be refined into Yuanshi Tianzun, the first disciple of the twelve Golden Immortals under the seat, and Guangchengzi's Fan Tianyin. Fan Tianyin is very powerful. One thing can prove it.

This apprentice of Guangchengzi, Yin Jiao, after getting Master Tianchengzi's Fan Tianyin, could beat the master. So the increase in magic weapon is quite obvious.

Among the apprentices of Yuanshi Tianzun, the twelve golden immortals, that is, the most outstanding one among each batch of disciples, Guang Chengzi is the first batch of apprentices, followed by red sperm. This is the most outstanding talent among the students in this class, and won the favor of Yuanshi Tianzun. Therefore, these twelve Golden Immortals later have their own strongest magic weapon.

When the meteorite Tianzun was in operation, the Master Tongtian also went to the Biyou Palace in the East China Sea, widely enrolling disciples, and then through his own selfless dissemination method, making Tongtian's disciples very numerous. Before the Dragon and Phoenix War, they were already born monks, and they all joined the door of cutting off without hesitation.

Tongtian's strength was originally based on the interpretation of the original Tianzun, and Tongtian and the four swords of Zhuxian rewarded by Hongjun's ancestors were so jealous of their original strength. Then the original can not be attached to Laozi with Zineng, and allied with Laozi.

And in this monster clan heaven, because Wu clan died under the planning of Fu Xi, two ancestors and witches died, too one in the monster clan heaven, and all the demon saints, are very happy, after all, this is one This is a great thing.

This witch clan without the two ancestors and witches has greatly weakened its abilities, and the twelve of the witch clan's strongest hordes are full of anger, and they are unable to perform again.

This is also a very fatal point.

Although it is said that the monster clan's Zhou Tianxing battle array, as well as this and Heluo Hundred Yuan battle array, are all in this flood, the famous battlefield.

However, if you fight with the Twelve Capital Great Array directly to summon the Primordial God of the Pangu Great God, it is tantamount to hitting the stone with eggs. It was simply unbearable.

Last time, fortunately, there was Hong Jun, and a long door to make the primordial spirit of the Pangu Great God sober. Otherwise, the twelve ancestors and witches might not be able to control this time. When the rest of the demon clan is very happy, Fu Xi has some hesitation in his heart, and Fu Xi is not sure whether it is right to do all this.

This killed the human race, and used the human race's grievances to refine the Witch Sword. This kills countless human races before it is refined.

Fortunately, there is a need for Di Jun and Tai Yi's real fire, which is more. The blood of the two of them is also limited, otherwise, the human race is a threat.

The luck of the human race is also closely related to Fu Xi ’s sister Nu Wa. If this has always slaughtered humanity, then Nu Wa ’s mana will also be greatly affected.

In the early days of this flood, people practiced by relying on their own qi, and this was originally full of aura.

However, after the aura in the wilderness slowly decayed, the best auxiliary for the monk to practice was the incense of this world.

The reason why this **** has divine power is because some people in this world believe that he has divine power, which can be manifested most vividly in later generations.

To be honest, this witch clan can't stop because they lost two ancestors.

Then they are ready to fight against the demon clan.

This is the ancestor of Hongjun, and will not stop them again.

This is the fate of the two groups of lich.

The remaining nine ancestors of the Wu clan, along with a lot of big witch and little witch, came together in this demon heaven to prepare for the trouble of the demon clan.

This time the Wu people are really angry.

The death of these two ancestors and witches is a great blow to the strength of the Wu people.

And it happened that someone saw Fu Xi with the demon clan present, which is beyond reason anyway.

This time it was shocking among the demon clan, Di Jun and the prince.

In Di Jun's hand, he held a carefully refined magic soldier, a witch-killing sword. The witch-killing sword itself was made of the ancient black iron.

In addition, there is the wraith of the human race and the sword body, as well as the blood of Jinwu itself.

This Emperor Jun can also exert great power against the Wu clan by using this witch-killing sword.

Tai Yi directly sacrificed the Emperor Bell.

This war, both sides, have been waiting too long.

It is too long to be safe.

The biggest race among the two wilderness was originally the exclusion of happiness. It is simply impossible to survive well in the flood.

After Di Jun came out, he said to the people of the Wu clan.

"I don't know, why are the Wuzu ancestors and witches so popular with the teachers. I don't know what friends do."


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