My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 176: Duel of the strong

The Shebi shouted after hearing this.

"Emperor Jun Di, you two children, knew that it was a sneak attack behind you, dare to do an upright fight, and then harm our brothers. Zhu Rong and work together. Such a despicable means is also only such a despicable person as your demon clan. , It will work. "

Taiyi said with some anger.

"You don't want to spit on blood, we never did such a thing, you don't want to talk about it."

Then Di Jun added.

"Yes, we demon clan, want to be safe and self-serving, never again have any disputes with the Wu clan. It has been following the instructions of Hongjun Daozu, demon palm heaven, witch palm land, division of labor and cooperation, there will be no implication. "

Dijiang seemed to calm down, Dijiang said.

"You don't want to admit it anymore. Some of us already saw that Fu Xi was there. Please come and confront Fu Xi!"

This made Di Jun and Tai Yi very angry, but there was no good way. After all, this is the fact. If this is the case, maybe I do n’t really know what the result is.

Then Emperor Jun let the people under him find where Fu Xi was.

But there is no trace of Fu Xi anymore.

This time, it was a bit embarrassing. If Fu Xi wouldn't come, it was really unclear.

In fact, even if Fu Xi really went, if this is of no avail, this Fu Xi is gone, it is nothing more than that the Wu people have to kill Fu Xi first. But how to do this. This is still a problem.

Just when Di Jun thought that Fu Xi was afraid, and ran away, at this time, a person came out from among the demons.

Everyone took a closer look and found that this person was Fu Xi.

Then the big witch who saw Fu Xi said.

"It's him. I saw them in the competition of Zhurong Zu Wu and Gong Gong Zu Wu."

The big witch's finger pointed to Fu Xi.

At this time, Fu Xi was watched by everyone.

But Fu Xi's expression was very indifferent, and then Fu Xi said.

"Yes, it's me. It's me who led away the other ancestors and witches, only the co-workers and Zhu Rong were left. I really did not expect that the hatred between them was so deep.

When Fu Xi admitted, Xuan Ming was already punching.

Xuan Ming's exercises have always been very strong.

This fist came over, if Fu Xi didn't resist, it would just hang up on the spot.

Fortunately, at this time, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi sacrificed the Chaos Bell to help Fuxi defend against a fatal blow.

At this time, Xuan Ming's blow seemed to ignite the audience, and the big witch and the little witch among the witch race rushed towards the demon race like crazy.

Among the demon clan, the ten demon saints, as well as a group of demon soldiers and demon generals under their respective teams, are all in strict array to wait for them to dare not have any slack.

Everyone was together at the beginning.

The number of demon races is already dominant.

But there are also many Maori people. There are as many as ten billion.

Among the demon clan, there are hundreds of billions of them, which makes the Wu clan very shocked.

However, in this situation, the two sides are already at war. Only after they are fighting well, can this side say anything more.

At this point, it is reasonable to have a fist.

Xuan Ming, as well as Xuan Ming's apprentice, Jiu Feng, because he is a good professor of Xuan Ming, let Jiu Feng's cultivation behavior also advance by leaps and bounds. Now Jiufeng is already capable of fighting against the energetic level of the demon holy level. This lich war is destined to be a brutal killing.

This lich army is fighting in the sky, it is simply covering the sky.

The other creatures in this flood, let them be intimidated by fear, not daring to look directly, but obediently hiding at home and daring not to go out.

Even if they run away, the sky is the scene of this fight, let them go where.

It is said that this is the case in the flood, where the gods fight and the mortals suffer.

All the other creatures saw the heaven and dense monks in the fight, so that they were not terrified.

But the longest door is here.

Be prepared to take Fuxi away during the Lich War, because Fuxi has the opportunity to become the emperor.

And this opportunity is not for ordinary people to take away, even if it can abolish the emperor's stamp, it can't affect the emperor.

When Nagato arrived in the Lich War, it was discovered that Fuxi had already been savaged by Emperor Jiang and Shebi, and Xuanming three were under siege.

Fu Xi's ability, although powerful, is far from being able to confront the ancestors.

As long as it is three or two times, it can kill Fu Xi on the spot.

Then the purpose of Nagano's trip was very clear, that is to take away Fu Xi, even if Nu Wa came, it would be useless.

Because at this time, the two tribes of the Lich, even Nuwa, did not dare to violate the meaning of this heavenly way.

Therefore, Nu Wa cannot participate too much.

Nagato didn't care about anything else, just turned into a golden light, and rushed into the battlefield of the Lich War. This was just a blink of an eye, and this Fuxi was taken away from the eyes of the three ancestors. .

This made Dijiang, Shebi, and Xuanming all a little surprised.

But the Wu people at this time were too late to be surprised.

At this time, the witch-killing sword in the hands of Emperor Jun had already hacked a lot of big witches and countless little witches.

Di Jun, at this time is fighting against Tian Wu, but the power of this ancestral witch sword is too great.

The body of this ancestor was originally known for its powerful ability to recover.

However, after being injured by the Zu Wu Sword, their bodies have no previous recovery ability, and there will be various problems.

Seeing this, Dijiang noticed the terrible place of this ancestral witch sword.

Then Dijiang said to the ancestors around him.

"Be careful of the sword in Dijun's hand, it seems to be a very restrained witch."

Just in this Kung Fu talk of Dijiang, at this time, the ancestral witch sword in Di Jun's hand had already passed through Tian Wu's chest.

Although Wu did not directly die on the spot this day.

But judging from the black gas flowing from Wu's wound, this witch-killing sword is indeed very powerful.

Then Xuan Ming went forward to fight with Di Jun.

Xuan Ming's exercises were mysterious. When he was fighting Emperor Jun, he did not fall in the wind, but gradually took the upper hand.

Dijiang, on the other hand, waved the wings behind him, and used this spatial law to kill several powerful men among the ten demon saints.

This caused demons' morale to be greatly affected.

Then Emperor Jun signaled Tai Yi, and quickly launched the star battle this week.

In an instant, the three hundred and sixty-five strong monsters waved the star streamers in their hands. ..


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