My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 182: Emperor Li's Contradiction

Haotian's ability is not strong or not, but Haotian is very obedient.

Very much loved by Hongjun Taoist.

Who doesn't like the obedient subordinates?

And the original understands this point of Hongjun Taoist.

This is also what Hong Jun thought.

Hong Jun thought this way, so he was very happy.

After getting along for a while, Hongjun believed in Haotian even more.

Laozi also saw Hongjun's thoughts, and also strongly recommended Haotian on the side. As the master of these three realms, this is more powerful than the power of the demon emperor Jun.

However, although this Haotian is of noble status, there is still no such ability or strength as the demon emperor Jun.

The strength of the demon emperor Jun is beyond doubt.

And even the demon can only control the sky, but this strength is also very huge.

Everyone in this demon clan obeyed Di Jun's orders very much.

And now in this court, even if this Haotian is set up, the people under him cannot be recruited all the time.

After Lao Zi's vigorous recommendation, Hong Jun was somewhat happy, and then Hong Jun asked Tong Tian.

Hongjun said.

"Tongtian, just now your two brothers expressed their views. What is your opinion?"

Tongtian said after listening.

"I also agree with the opinions of the two senior brothers and let Haotian Boy be the Emperor of Heaven."

Tongtian is also not a fool. On this occasion, he is still clear.

The ancestor of Hongjun, for Tongtian, has always been a favorite.

The age of this sky is young, but this cultivation is indeed relatively high.

It didn't take much time, and this made everyone happy.

Because it is Tongtian's strong strength and talent, Hongjun is very fond of it.

It is to teach the four swords of Zhuxian and Zhuxian array to Tongtian.

And too much spoiled words, also made the original more jealous.

Then he also laid the groundwork for the future competition between the two.

Then after listening to Tongtian's opinion, Hong Jun also expressed his stance.

"Then let my boy, Haotian, temporarily represent the position of the Lord of the Three Realms, and wait until there are suitable candidates in the future, and then make the decision."

Then the original said again.

"Since Haotian is the master of the Three Realms, it is natural to have a queen. I think Yaochi, modest and virtuous, it is better to let Yaochi be the queen of Haotian.

This surprised Lao Tzu. I didn't expect that Tongtian was such a person, so Tongtian was very admired for the original ability to flatter.

If you let Tongtian say such a thing, then Tongtian himself would have no room for self-control.

This is the original charm.

But these words made Hongjun Daozu very happy.

"It's still thoughtful and thoughtful, just do it. After that, the Heavenly Court will be established. You need to support Haotian a lot. I am usually in the Lingxiao Temple, but I will ask about the things in the flood, then there will be many Things still have to trouble you. "

This is the decision of the Lord of the Three Realms.

Then Haotian was the master of the Three Realms, the position of the Heavenly Emperor. Yaochi is the place after doing this day.

This made everyone surprised. They did not expect that this kind of person had become the leader of the Three Realms.

Laozi's primitive sky, each originally wanted to be the first among the three realms, but they all dared not say.

After all, this is a sweet dish, if you sit in this position, it is tantamount to mastering the supreme ruling power of the flood. This is a bit difficult for others to accept.

And Laozi is the most likely candidate.

The original purpose of doing this should be to feel that there is no hope, and if Lao Tzu became the Lord of the Three Realms, then his life would be more difficult.

So simply let Haotian, the obedient little secretary next to Hongjun Daozu, do it.

In this case, it is convenient to control, and it will only be more or less for your own benefit.

Lao Tzu didn't have as many original ideas.

What Lao Tzu believes in is a strong word.

As long as it is strong, these things can be solved easily.

This is also Lao Tzu's concentration on cultivation over the years, and there is no time to accept his disciples.

The only apprentice, Master Xuandu, was just an apprentice of Laozi.

There is no good talent for self-cultivation. Following Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu has no serious education.

So this is Lao Tzu's sorrow.

Lao Tzu only went out once during the Lich Tribulation.

He took away the tenth Jin Wu of Di Jun, and he also took away the cut gourd.

This tenth Jinwu Youmin, which was later the road crusher.

Because Lao Tzu felt that Jinwu Youmin had some talent, he said that he had rescued him from an exception.

The road pressure allowed to stay in Kunlun Mountain to practice.

All this is done in secret, and many people do not know it.

Even Nagato, I don't know if there is such a plot.

What Nagato is clear is that when this road pressure is in the Fengshenbang, the number of appearances is relatively high. And the force is high.

But this was actually rescued by Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu has been teaching secretly and You Min some Taoism, and then let You Min change the name.

It is called land pressure.

This is the second apprentice that Lao Tzu secretly collected.

Except for two, Lao Tzu still has no apprentices.

Because Laozi is passionate about cultivation, not layout.

But the original is really layout.

Tongtian is really imparting knowledge. Preach the Tao.

And they are not dissatisfied with what they have learned, they are all originally taught to their apprentices.

After that, Tongtian still accepted many powerful people from the demon clan. These people survived the battle of the lich.

Then came to the Biyou Palace and met Tongtian.

And then Tongtian also held different dojo lectures in the East China Sea to teach this avenue.

At this time, many monks who were some of them were incessantly flowed into this heavenly dojo.

This is, for example, Golden Turtle Road, Kowloon Island, and Fire Dragon Island. These places are all doctrines that open to the heavens.

There are tens of thousands of fairy people who come to listen to preaching.

On this scale, the number of disciples is much higher than that of the original Tianzun.

And because of the exquisite teachings of the heaven and earth, the lectures are also taught.

So there are many outstanding ones.

The strength of these people is obviously higher than Yuan Shi Tianzun's interpretation.

It is for this reason that the relationship between Tongtian and the original is still deteriorating. ..


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