My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 183: King Fuxi stands upright

Long Gate is still bringing Fuxi back to Huaguo Mountain. Longmen still thought that he was teaching Fu Xi on Shouyang Mountain.

But seeing the three ancestors of this human race and many other human races is very complicated about their etiquette, so the long gate has no such thoughts.

After all, as usual, Nagato may stay in Shouyangshan, but now it seems that this is disturbing himself.

Nagato in Huaguoshan is good to teach Fuxi some simple knowledge.

Since then, it has been of great help for Fuxi to establish his prestige among the human races, as well as these other things.

This Fuxi is now 18 years old.

Nagato thought that this should also be independent.

Fu Xi learned a lot here, and he also mastered some basic spells and some basic practices.

Although the state of Fu Xi is still relatively low, it is still enough for the human race.

Then Nagato said to Fu Xi.

"Fu Xi, now that you are grown up, this time you go back, you should take them and do a good job. I believe you."

Fu Xi has been born since he followed Longmen, and naturally has a special feeling for Longmen.

Then Fu Xi said.

"My dearest relative is Master. Where else are there other relatives."

Nagato also told Fu Xi about his life experience, but because Fu Xi had never seen his own parents, he said that he would have such doubts.

And after such a long time getting along with Nagato, Nagato has long understood that Fuxi is indeed quite capable.

Not only is the talent for cultivation high, but this ability is also very outstanding.

Then Nagato said.

"Do n’t talk nonsense, your father is the Flinren who are one of the three ancestors of the human race. He is always protecting and guarding human beings. And all you have to do is continue to protect your race. Then ensure that the human race can continue smoothly."

Then the long door is to let the panda send the long door.

Later, after leaving the Nagato, this Nuwa also arrived on this Huaguo Mountain. Then Nuwa looked at her own brother. Fu Xi is now reincarnated, and his heart is wireless.

Nu Wa's status here is also declining gradually.

This is because although Nu Wa didn't help Fu Xi excessively and help the demon clan. But Nu Wa still lent the enchanting streamer, and this red hydrangea, and such magic weapon.

This is all on Fu Xi's face.

When the clan was slaughtered among the demon clan, Nu Wa didn't ask again.

So this is what led to the continuous decline of Nu Wa's status.

Although it is still a saint, it is only the lowest saint.

Although the current breath of Nagato is hidden.

But the long door exposed is still the realm of the quasi-holy strong.

This made Nuwa all admired very much, so this is to let Nuwa see Fuxi and grow up slowly under the training of Nagato. Nv Wa was also very pleased.

After seeing that Fu Xi was gone, Nu Wa appeared.

Nu Wa bowed respectfully to Nagato and said.

"Thank you, Daomen Nangmen, for helping my elder brother escape the battle of the lich. Under the careful guidance of Daomen Nangmen, his brother became stronger." And then Nagato said.

"Nuwa Daoyou is too humble, and I also considered it for this person. This human race was originally created by the Nuwa Daoyou, and this human race has now multiplied on the Honghuang mainland for many generations.

But in the wilderness, the ability of the human race is indeed too low, and I also want Fu Xi to enter the human race, take the human race to prosperity, and then Fu Xi can also achieve his own holy position. "

"Holy place? The long-door Taoist friends mean that Brother Fu Xi can still be holy?"

Then the long door said.

"Yes, this Fuxi will be able to achieve the holy throne of the human emperor in the future."

Although some of the ingredients of the leaked celestial machine are inside, this does not exist. This celestial way is completely helpless for the long gate.

After all, what Nagato accomplishes is the Saint of the Avenue. This is the fourth realm of the Hundred Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, not to mention play.

That's a half win over Lao Tzu.

But if it is malicious to provoke others, it is tantamount to finding yourself uncomfortable.

Nu Wa was very happy when she heard this.

Although it is a heavenly saint, Nüwa is only known by her name, and her realm will not be raised in the future. With the passage of time, Daluo Jinxian will be able to contend with Nvwa.

Although there is a fundamental difference between saints and non-sages.

However, under the influence of the magic weapon and these other factors, there will still be a more obvious influence.

It is because of this situation that the saints who have let them are very confused.

Therefore, Nvwa is so kind to Nagato.

Because Nu Wa's strength is slowly declining.

If it does not rise, all of them are in the situation of ascension. Isn't this just declining.

So there are some obvious differences.

Nu Wa said.

"If the elder brother can also achieve the holy position, then it is tantamount to letting my brothers and sisters be together again. Then I would like to thank the long-door friends."

Then Nagato said.

"No, I also want to do something for humans."

Then Nagato and Nuwa said for a while, then left.

After all, this is no big deal, as long as it is simply dealt with, only then can it be said well.

Nu Wa is also very grateful to Nagato. After all, when Nu Wa was first sanctified, the scenery was infinite, and then fell to the point where no one is interested. This advancement is difficult to advance, and if you are not careful, you may still commit the killing of heaven.

This is to make Nu Wa feel a little uncomfortable.

The main thing that Nu Wa should do now is to prepare this matter well, as long as it can be handled properly, there is no problem.

Nagato also understood Nuwa's situation, so she was more sincere to Nuwa. But he still didn't say what he really thought. If you say it directly, it will inevitably cause people to be uncomfortable. Even if this happens.

Nagato looked at the face of Emperor Fuxi in the future, and was also kind to Nüwa.

After all, after this, after Nuwa's relationship, although it is not very helpful, it is also a saint. Under this saint, all are ants.

As long as the saint is still a saint, then this is irreplaceable.

But Fu Xi returned to Shouyang Mountain, and everyone didn't know who the kid was. ..


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