My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 184: Fuxi became the leader of the tribe

Under the leadership of the panda, this Fuxi slowly came to the Yangshan Mountain.

But when I got here, I did find that no one knew myself.

Fu Xi is also very annoyed.

After all, I have been away for 18 years, but I have never seen anyone from the human race, and Nagato has been able to bear his temper and taught Fu Xi well.

For Nagato, these eighteen years are just a glimpse of time, which is too small compared to the time of ten thousand years in this flood.

Nagato was not yet transformed in Sanqing, and the second Western leader was not yet born. The two groups of lich, and the three groups of dragon, phoenix and kirin just arrived in this wild continent when they just emerged.

Speaking of which, this long door of Shou Yuan is already at the same time as heaven and earth.

This is already eight or ninety thousand years in the past, and the least valuable of these is time.

The long gate is already a habit of slowly.

After Nagato sent away Nu Wa, he started a new round of layout.

It's right to let the panda look at Fu Xi, and then help Fu Xi in secret. After all, this is Fuxi's chance, and Long Gate doesn't want to let Fuxi be sanctified too early.

This is a lot of exercise.

If this person is promoted too fast, he will think how powerful his ability is.

The most important thing is to have a humble attitude. This is a very good way to do anything.

This is to be able to deal with such a situation, otherwise, without this good exercise, this is not compatible with this position.

And once this humility is lost, people's hearts will be lost. If people's hearts are lost, it will be very annoying afterwards. If it falls afterwards, I don't know how it fell.

This is a test for Fu Xi, if Fu Xi can't stand the bitterness, then this is incapable. And if after such a simple matter, Fu Xi still can't become a thing, this is also the fate of Fu Xi.

But if there is a long door behind it, Fu Xi's development is no problem.

These are the two necessary factors for success.

The first is to do it yourself, and then someone will say you do it.

Then say that the person you walk in has the ability to help you take off. Otherwise, this success is still very difficult.

If there is such a capability, if the long gate has the strength, there is no depth.

Then the panda bear took Fuxi to the place where this human race was totem.

Because there are also three human ancestors here.

One of these three ancestors, the Flint, is here.

After seeing this Fuxi, the Suiren had a certain feeling in their hearts, but they still dared not recognize each other.

Then the white boy turned into a panda bear said.

"Fu Renshi, this is your son Fu Xi, now he has returned from his studies."

Then the Flintman and the Flintman's wife ran out, then cried while holding Fuxi. This Fuxi didn't respond at first, but then it did. Then I was intoxicated by the caress of this parent.

Then Panda felt that he was a bit superfluous. Then he left.

After seeing the panda leave, this human race bowed down to the panda, and then said.

"Thank you lord."

Then among the human races, it began to welcome Fu Xi's return.

After all, Fuxi's father is the noble three-ancestor of the human race.

Such strength makes everyone respected very much. And the son of the Flint's family will be loved by this race from the moment he was born.

This respect will extend to the children. This is Love House and Ukraine.

This situation of everyone makes everyone love Dai Fuxi very much.

Then Fu Xi lived up to expectations. Many measures have been proposed among the human race. Then there is the thriving of the human race.

This Fuxi has successively improved this house, so that the quality of this house has been significantly improved.

Then Fuxi took the people of the tribe together and worked hard together to repair the fence to prevent the beast from attacking. This is a better development for the human race. And this development did not take much time. That's it.

And these things have greatly enhanced the prestige of Fu Xi among the crowd.

Then Fu Xi taught others to learn to use nets and net fish.

In the past, if you eat fish, you can only fork the fish with a tree branch, or catch fish directly with your hands. But later Fu Xi learned to use the net. It is to make Fuxi have a better way to catch fish. This made everyone feel that Fu Xi was very powerful.

I think Fuxi is omnipotent, so Fuxi's prestige is even greater in the crowd.

Then among the three ancestors of the human race, there were the Chao family and the Ziyi family, who had successively left the human family and returned to reincarnation.

After all, this is a mortal, a fairy tale made by virtue of heaven. This is also a life-span, it is only a longer life than ordinary people, this is not that there is no limit to life.

Then the Suiren's time had come to the end of Shouyuan.

At this time, everyone came to look at the Flint.

Fuxi then spent more than ten years in the human race. I have long had a deep father-son relationship with the Suiren. The Suiren are indeed because of Shouyuan's long life, and they can give a lot of things to Fuxi. Although not all of them are useful, it is good.

Among them, as long as Fu Xi added a word, he could still find the truth in his father's words.

This family has an old, like a treasure.

This is the best explanation.

Then the Flinren said to Fu Xi.

"Er, there are Chaos and Ziyis who have passed away. This human race is no longer protected by the mana with high mana. This is still very deadly for them. Er, since you are If you learn some Taoism from the Immortals, then it must be protected, our tribe. All of these tribes should be a family, if there is no more contention between them, then it is very important for the development of the tribe. The important thing. "

Then Fu Xi said.

"Father, I will not live up to your expectations, our human race will be getting better and better."

And then the Flintstones are no longer concerned, and then the peace is gone. The Suiren were originally contributors to the human race, so it was said that they had come to heaven and merged with heaven. ..


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