My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 193: Three Emperors Sanctified

Among the saints, there is no interest except for the sky, the connection feels ashamed, and the Western spirit is scarce and does not come.

Laozi, Yuanyuan, Zhunti, Nuwa, etc. all came.

Nagato is not interested. Now as long as Nagato cultivates cloud neutrons, there will be a spokesperson in the battle of the gods, and nothing will be done by himself.

Nagato grew up watching the Western Two Saints, so it is clear to the Western Two Saints.

If it were not for the poor in the West, these two saints would never interfere in the East.

Being able to barren in the West, and then go to the East to dig people without any pains, this Western Second Saint's efforts for the prosperous sect are not much.

This is already for my own business, it is completely put down.

No matter how powerful Nagato is, it can't be done like this.

Nagato's pride in his bones makes Nagato not choose to do that.

What others can't do, and others have done it, Nagato still feels the power of quasi mention. Although the method is not good, but the heart is very pious.

I don't want Tongtian to occupy a unique geographical advantage, and then recruit disciples, but also to discuss the value of the face, or my own preferences, and the apprentice does not accept the demon clan.

Longmen finished explaining Yun neutron, some things, and then returned to Huaguo Mountain, ready to cultivate this innate five-color stone.

Among them, Sun Wukong was born. In the future, Nagato only wants to slowly control and master all of this. This force and power must be equal in order to gain popular support.

The world it hits has always been worse.

On the Shouyang Mountain, among the temples built by three people for Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan, after accepting people's worship and worship, the gods created for the three people are changing every day.

This golden light emanated from the body of the statue, and the appearance of the three people gradually became clearer, slowly becoming lifelike.

Everyone felt that the gods were born and auspicious things happened frequently.

The souls of Fu Xi, Shen Nong, and Xuan Yuan have created statues for them in the human race. Every day, they pay homage to them, and gradually gather their souls on this statue.

And slowly this soul is getting stronger and stronger, and now more than three years have passed. Fu Xi, Shen Nong, and Xuan Yuan have all cultivated their golden bodies through people's worship.

Then, after practicing the golden body, in the Xuandu Cave, the three avenues of purple and purple spirits felt, and then they rushed out of the prohibition set by Lao Tzu.

Straight to the mountain of Shouyang.

Lao Tzu, Nu Wa, the original arrived first, and I must mention it for a while, and I felt it too.

The three hongmeng and purple qi circled in front of the Three Emperors Temple for a while.

Suddenly, the three emperor halls were filled with golden lotus, and tens of thousands of lotus flowers were blooming.

The Swiss beast walked around the Hall of the Three Emperors and saw all the statues of the Three Emperors leaning over and bowing.

Around the Three Emperors Hall, there are colorful clouds, and among the clouds, there are thousands of colorful lights, so that all the people tribute to bow down.

Under the watchfulness of the Four Saints, these three monstrous purple monstrosities got into the statues of the three.

Suddenly, the statues of these three people seemed to be inducted.

Thousands of golden lights went straight to Jiuxiao.

Everyone in the flood was shocked.

The Zhenyuanzi in Wuzhuang Temple was meditating under the ginseng fruit tree. At this time, he saw the golden light from the Central Plains continent, and he could clearly feel that this is the vision of the saint's birth. "Why is this saint's mana so low, what? Three people are sanctified at the same time?"

Zhen Yuanzi murmured, he didn't know what the reason was, this saint with such a low mana could also be sanctified, and three people were sanctified at the same time.

After he was beaten up by the Longmen, he stayed in the Stygian River. Now he finally recovered his vitality, and suddenly felt the birth of the sage, and let the sage of the Stygian sigh.

"After these six saints, new saints are added, I just want to take revenge."

Styx didn't understand that between the hands of the long door now, he could be killed.

However, in this Stygian river, the Stygian River can't reasonably think about the problem. At a later opportunity, Stygian will still find a long way to revenge.

Tongtian felt that the three saints were about to be born, but they couldn't sit still anymore. The birth of this saint is a huge event for Honghuang.

Tongtian was originally a saint who had only Lingxiao Hall, six of them, but today there are three more people, so Tongtian wants to go and see.

Tongtian is to let the first apprentice disciple Duobao Taoist lead the students to learn.

Tongtian himself used light escape technique to ride Kui Niu to the Yangshan Mountain.

At this time, Nu Wa saw her brother Fu Xi was sitting in the middle position of the chief of the Three Emperors.

Nüwa's mood is excited and uneasy.

Nu Wa is not clear about the strength of the three emperors. Nu Wa feels the strength of the three emperors at this time. In general, it is only the position of a saint. Their current strength can only be ordinary Jinxian level , But distinguished status.

Nüwa made up her mind. If anyone dared to bully Fu Xi, then he would protect him desperately.

Before Fu Xi was in the demon clan, he didn't protect himself, but conformed to the destiny, so Nu Wa had already blamed herself very much.

But now his brother Fu Xi is finally sanctified. Even if it is one of the most common saints, Nu Wa is also extremely happy and gratified.

When I saw that Laozi didn't say anything, he kept watching in secret.

Originally looking at the three emperors who were cultivated as low, they did not expect to have such a method of sanctification.

"What is this? The offering is sanctified? The incense is sanctified?"

The primitive did not expect that the incense offering of the human race could actually make people holy.

Although it is sanctified, how can this cultivation be so low, how can it be with yourself, the Six Saints of Lingxiao Temple?

The same doubts existed in Zhuo Ti, and the incense turned out to be able to sanctify so quickly.

I thought that when they realized this great monarchy, they did not know how many thousands of years they have practiced.

Never heard of such sanctification.


"I already knew that this way can be sanctified, then I lost to me, so hard to practice. But this mana is low, it is indeed a bruise."

Thinking that these three emperors are sanctified, but the mana is low, Zhun Ti's heart finally feels better.

Otherwise, I have worked hard for so long, but I didn't expect it at the end. It was so easy to become sanctified.

The Four Saints are watching the process of sanctification of the three emperors.

After seeing Lao Tzu all day long, he stepped forward and asked diligently.

"Brother, it's here too!"


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