My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 194: Sanqing's contradictions

But after seeing the primitives all day, there is no such respect.

Just to the original and Nu Wa, Zhun Ti, the three said their friends.

The original self-esteem "sex" and vanity were greatly challenged.

Although the original is a nest fire, but it is not easy to attack.

This outsider seems to be three in one, which is not good for destroying this relationship.

After all, in front of Nu Wa and Zhun Ti, still pretend to be friendly.

The original said on his own.

"Brother Tongtian, don't come unharmed, you can come here today to take a look."

Tongtian is a straightforward man with a concealed face.

Because Tongtian is different from the original argument, he is still angry.

Tongtian said.

"Honghuang is so big. Did I come here to hinder you?"

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Nu Wa, quasi mention, silent.

The original and hurriedly want to smooth the past, the original said angrily.

"Brother Tongtian, you can do everything you want."

Tongtian does not buy it.

"That's not enough, you see yours, I see mine."

There is not much talk in the sky, so the embarrassment of the original face, there is no place for your self-esteem and vanity.

When I saw it, I couldn't stand it anymore, said.

"To say a few words, these three men are sanctified by incense. Their strength will continue to increase with the incense offering, and it is not a matter of surpassing our cultivation behavior. Our cultivation practice has not been for tens of thousands of years. Any improvement. "

"The incense is sanctified?"

Nu Wa, Zhun Ti, the primitive and the heavens are all dazed, although they also guessed that the incense is sanctified, but they did not expect it to be true.

The incense is sanctified, and it has never been mentioned, and according to Lao Tzu, this will continue to increase with the incense offering.

So the meaning is that if the time is long enough and the incense is enough, the strength of these three people will continue to strengthen.

Even more than them.

This makes the saints worried.

The original asked.

"Senior brother, does this really mean that incense is sanctified? We have not heard of it."

Nu Wa is also curious and has never heard of it.

Nu Wa also quickly asked.

"Really? What is the incense sanctification of Laozi Daoyou."

Although Tongtian and Zhunti didn't say anything, the meaning of "doubt" also appeared in the face.

I said.

"This human being is transformed by the aura in the wilderness world. Nüwa only gives them appearance. In fact, humans are still full of heaven and earth aura.

This incense is sanctified by the dedication and faith of human beings. This can be done without the help of Hongmeng Ziqi, but with Hongmeng Ziqi, their strength will be greatly improved.

The three emperors have a relationship with Hongmeng Ziqi. This must be the reason for the Hongmeng Ziqi and the changes! "

The original still didn't understand. Laozi didn't say clearly what the mana would be like in the future. The original asked again.

"Brother, will their mana really strengthen with the incense offering?" This point, Laozi is also a little uncertain, but at present it seems that the three emperors' mana is low and there is still much room for improvement.

I said.

"Yes, the ability of incense to worship will not increase all the time. The further it is to the back, the more incense will be needed, and the promotion of nature will be slowed down."

After all, Lao Tzu is among the six saints with the highest mana.

Even if I didn't know, I was embarrassed to say that I didn't know.

After all, this damages your identity.

After listening to the words of Lao Tzu, afterwards, all the people let them feel unpleasant.

Since then, everyone knows that this incense is also a good thing.

With the incense offering, it can be directly sanctified.

And if they come to worship this incense, maybe this mana will also be significantly improved.

Everyone is calculating their own small abacus.

After the three emperors entered the body with Hongmeng Ziqi, a series of visions occurred.

The three emperors of Jean are sublimated through the use of incense.

The three emperors are now able to move flexibly.

Although the clay statue is still there, they are already free to move, that is, sanctified.

The three emperors are finally sanctified, and all the tribes of this Central Plains tribe bowed down and bowed.

Fu Xi also restored the memory of his previous life, and finally remembered that his previous life was the brother of the saint Nu Wa.

Then Fu Xi took Shennong and Xuanyuan.

To the five saints including Nu Wa.

Nu Wa saw her brother here, and there was a little tear in her eyes, but Nu Wa, as a saint, had to control her emotions.

Nu Wa said.

"The elder brother has finally sanctified the truth, and it is gratifying. With such achievements today, the younger sister is also happy for the elder brother."

Fu Xi said.

"Yeah, now I am the one who really is. I used to go against the sky and did a lot of harmful things. Fortunately, some people gave instructions. Otherwise, I really wouldn't have the chance. "

After listening to this, Jean's face twitched nonstop.

Laozi is the ancestor of human Taoism. The establishment of the three emperors should be the chance of Laozi, but now he has been pushed out, so that his face can only be so ugly.

The original saw Laozi's expression, and the original asked.

"I don't know which expert urged me to let Fu Xi's Taoist friends and Shennong Xuanyuan have achieved the holy position. It is really a rare wizard. Can I see this expert."

Fu Xi said.

"Family teacher, because there are many things, need to" **** "labor, unwilling to throw their heads" show ", please forgive me."

Originally, he also touched the gray of his nose, unwilling, but still dared not attack.

After all, how terrifying is the strength of those who can lead mortals to sanctification? There are still deep doubts in the original heart.

After Tongtian heard it, he said heartily.

"Hahaha, Fuxi Road is friendly and lucky, there is such a good teacher."

After seeing the original expression, Tongtian knew that it was not his two masters' masterpieces, but that he was at ease.

Probably in my mind, Fu Xi ’s master is his brother ’s door. Otherwise, in this flood, I really ca n’t find the second one.

Laozi calmed down and said.

Fuxi, Shennong, Xuanyuan, three Taoists, three have just been sanctified, why not let me open up a chaotic space to see, let you stay in it for a while!

Lao Tzu saw that his chance was snatched away, and in this flood, it was originally on a first-come-first-served basis, although Lao Tzu calculated that his chance was here.

But now it is occupied, and there is no alternative but to take advantage of the opportunity to win over the three emperors. ..

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