My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 195: Three emperors opened the Huoyi Palace

Fu Xi listened to Lao Tzu's favor and Fu Xi's heart moved.

The most unpredictable Lao Tzu of the Six Saints of Lingxiao Temple has already thrown an olive branch to the Three Emperors.

Let Fuxi be somewhat emotional.

After all, Lao Tzu is the strongest and the strongest among the saints.

But at the beginning, Nagato told Fu Xi that the three people on Kunlun Mountain had a set behind them.

Especially Lao Tzu, relying on his own cultivation to be high, taking care of business everywhere, and having a primitive and arrogant look, no one looks in his eyes, and so are his apprentices.

Although Tongtian is better, it is said that the original and Lao Tzu joined forces to deal with Tongtian, and most of Tongtian's doormen were sent to the gods list.

These are all afterwords, but this life has long doors, destined to change.

After Fu Xi heard Lao Tzu's offer, Fu Xi said.

"Thank you for the kindness of Daoyou. Although the Three Emperors Hall is simple, I still like it very much. Besides, our chance to testify is still here. We ca n’t leave for the time being. We do n’t have to bother with Laozi Daoist. "

When I saw Fu Xi, I didn't give face, but I was very annoyed.

But after all, his identity is there.

And Fuxi and Nuwa still have this relationship, so I can only quietly prepare to go back.

I said.

"Since this is the case, then I will not disturb the three Taoists for repairs. I still have things here, so I will take a step first."

Lao Tzu also escaped.

Primitive saw Lao Tzu leave, Primitive didn't say anything, after all, I didn't dare to provoke people, and Primitive didn't have the courage to mess up.

After the original also said goodbye to you, he went with Laozi.

After seeing the two brothers gone, Tongtian just said.

"The three Dao are friendly and take good care. You have rejected my brother's kindness. The rest will have a lot of troubles. You still have to be prepared."

After listening to Tongtian's words, Fu Xi just smiled faintly.

"Thank you Daoyou for reminding us, but we are not afraid that we only want to do our own things and do not want others to interfere with us.

Tongtian naturally knew what kind of person Laozi was, and Tongtian said.

"Is it natural to know later, I will say goodbye today, there will be a period later."

Then Tongtian also said goodbye to everyone and left.

After Nu Wa saw few people at this time, she went to pull Fu Xi.

A teardrop gradually condensed in Nu Wa's eyes, and the saint also had feelings and tears.

Nu Wa has always been concerned about her brother Fu Xi. When Lich was fighting, she did not protect Fu Xi properly. Now she must double her compensation.

Now Fu Xi has finally proved his holy position. This is a great joy. Nu Wa is very high-hearted, and Fu Xi is also very happy.

Fu Xi restored his previous memories, and knew that he was working against the sky, and Nu Wa was helping herself.

Zun Ti didn't bother to see them Nuwa and Fu Xi describing their brother and sister feelings.

The quasi mention is quietly gone.

Zhun Ti did not rush back at this time.

Instead, he intends to find some opportunities in the East that are conducive to the development of Western education.

And this talent level is extremely important to the monk.

If the cultivator's talent is low, it will be difficult to improve even after long practice. And if you are talented, this entry is quick and improves faster.

This is a world apart.

The West really has no such talents. Therefore, it is said that the West has outgrown the three disciples that it had collected earlier. There are no strong disciples.

Quasi mentioned East, mainly to understand the approximate strength of East.

This will also help the Western world better.

After a while of Nu Wa and Fu Xixu, Fu Xi also persuaded Nu Wa to go back. After all, if staying here all the time, it is not a good thing for Fu Xi.

Then on this Yangshan, it was finally quiet.

This auspicious event lasted for a long time. People from all tribes in the Central Plains tribute and bowed respectfully outside the palace.

Fu Xi appeared to everyone.

"The three of us are now sanctified. In the future, we will better help human development and protect your safety. After these three emperors, it will be the period of the Five Emperors. "

Everyone is instructed to obey Fu Xi's orders.

Then the three emperors said goodbye to everyone, reached the edge of this world, and then opened a palace in chaos.

Although the three emperors have a low mana, the obvious difference between this saint and ordinary monks is still very huge.

The three emperors still have the ability of saints, as long as they are used, they will be able to exert powerful powers.

Then the three emperors wielded weapons in their hands, Fu Xi used a witch-killing sword, Shennong used a fork, and Xuanyuan used a cane.

After the three became sanctified, this commonly used magic weapon also followed the sanctification.

The three people used their power to create a huge space with all kinds of layouts.

Then Fuxi proposed this palace, which was called Huo Yi Gong.

Then the three emperors were in the Huoyi Palace, enjoying the incense offered by everyone.

With the development of the human race, the power of the incense is also strengthened in the continuous process of human inheritance.

These decades have passed.

The cultivation of the Three Emperors has already reached the late stage of Daluo Jinxian.

Such an increase in speed surprised everyone.

And the three emperors are golden bodies shaped by incense. This incense keeps going, and this golden body will not be bad.

The golden body shaped by incense is itself a powerful defensive magic weapon.

At this time, the three emperors were settled down.

At this time, among the Central Plains tribes, after the death of the Three Emperors, they elected a wise leader. This man was Zhuan Xu.

After taking the classes of the Three Emperors, Zhuan Xu began to develop even more.

Zhuan Xu still adheres to the spirit of governance of the Three Emperors and strives to expand his ability.

But at this time, Tiandi Haotian was the Tiandi that Hongjun discussed with Sanqing and established the original plan.

In charge of the Three Realms, the Heavenly Court at this time is after the Ancient Demon Race's Heavenly Court. The new Heavenly Emperor, because it is newly appointed, is just an empty shell, and there are no effective officers under his staff.

There are only a few boys around, so Haotian Tiandi is very annoyed that he always wanted to change this situation.

But there is no way, this situation still persists.

"After being Emperor Tian, ​​do you want to be more arrogant."

When Haotian was waiting for Hongjun in Lingxiao Temple, he always followed Hongjun closely.

Let him resist one side at the moment, not to mention being the master of the Three Realms.

This status is so different that Haotian hasn't responded. ..

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