My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 196: Haotian's conspiracy

Haotian didn't figure it out.

He used to be Hongjun's boy, but now he is only Hongjun's boy even though he was the Emperor of Heaven.

Haotian took the position of the Lord of the Three Realms and gradually became arrogant.

Gradually he had his own ambitions.

Haotian wants greater rights. In the face of disobedient and unwilling to obey his own, then there is only one way, that is, to eliminate.

Emperor Haotian, after the establishment of the Heavenly Court, wanted to express himself and wanted to prove himself.

Haotian God, thinking left and right, finally decided that he wanted to win over the human race.

This incense has become a holy thing, and it has spread all over the wilderness continent. Now everyone knows that the offering of this human race is an extremely important asset.

And if he can draw Zhuan Xu, this human race must not thank Hao Tian.

Because the war between the human race and Chi You, although it won, but the human race also paid a painful price.

The Jiu Li tribe of Chiyou was merged, and the Great Wu Jiufeng led a part of the primitive Wu clan, and fled the vicinity of Six Dao.

These six reincarnations are somehow formed by the ancestors and ancestors. After the Wu people come to take refuge, the earth will naturally not stop.

It will only be a good shelter.

And Haotian took a fancy to the remnants of the Wu clan, Jiufeng.

Although the Wu people do not want to fight for hegemony, if they can destroy the Wu people, it is undoubtedly a great merit.

Haotian Zi believes that this can gain greater trust and support in Hongjun Daozu.

Haotian then sent a maid next to him down, and Haotian also named this woman as the nine-day mysterious girl.

After the Nine Heavens mysterious girl descended, he came to Zhuan Xu's side and informed him of the meaning of Haotian Tiandi.

Zhuan Xu was moved, so he sent people to prepare for marriage and marriage with Wufeng's Jiufeng, and to prepare to attack the remaining strength of the Wu people.

Jiufeng had the least difference from the ancestors and witches, and had a chance to have a little soul, but the innate soul was still inadequate.

The Wu people are very eager to make friends with the human race, so that the Wu people can also breed offspring.

Jiu Feng thought again and again and finally agreed to Zhuan Xu's proposal of marriage proposal.

Jiufeng had no precautions, but took people to prepare to marry Zhuan Xu.

After Zhuan Xu deceived Jiufeng, he ordered people to attack the settlement of the Wu clan.

Jiufeng was furious.

However, Zhuan Xu had the support of Jiutian Xuannv. Jiufeng couldn't get injured. Instead, Jiufeng received serious injuries.

Although the human race was repelled by the Wu people.

But the Wu people also suffered heavy casualties, and Jiufeng also fled back.

This Malay tribe has since collapsed.

Jiufeng can only be a good treatment.

But this big punishment day is very annoying.

Xing Tian, ​​who was originally extremely strong in combat, after Hou Yi and Kua Fu, was called the strongest, and he used an axe in his hand, named Qian Qi.

The power of the Qi is huge, and it can be called a congenital spirit treasure.

The power of the axe depends on the strength of the user before it can be exerted to the extreme.

Xingtian is a big witch system, and its physical strength and strength are all among the best, so this thing can only exert its maximum effect in Xingtian's hands.

Seeing that the Wu people suffered heavy casualties, at this time Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian then knew that all of this was Hao Tian playing ghosts in the back.

Xing Tian was irresistible, and Xing Tian went to Tian Ting and Hao Tian Theory with his relatives.

Haotian seemed to be a bare-bones commander at this time. There were no powerful generals beside him, but only some maids beside Yaochi.

Where can these maids withstand Xing Tian's attack, when seeing Xing Xing Tian at this time, Hao Tian can only carry the Hao Tian sword forward.

Hao Tian said.

"Dare to punish the heavens, you dare to break into the heavens, but you know, I am the Lord of the Three Realms sealed by Hongjun Taoist ancestors, Haotian God, if you know it, leave quickly, I will spare you your sins. Jun Daozu ’s words are that all of your Wu clan can kill you cleanly. "

Xing Tian was not affected. Hao Tian said a few harsh words that would scare Xing Tian back.

But I don't know that Xing Tian has always been the number one person who is not afraid of the earth. When he saw the threat of Hao Tian, ​​Xing Tian was even more disappointed.

Xing Tian said.

"Okay, then you let Daozu come out to judge, why do you want to kill our Wu clan, why instigate the clan to fight against us.

Even if we have grievances and grievances with the human race, when it is your turn to speak of us, I think this is what you are doing. "

Xing Tian was not stupid. He said Hao Tian ’s conspiracy at once, and Hao Tian was very annoyed. Hao Tian could n’t hold his breath first, but he carried the sword and stepped forward.

Both weapons are innate spirit treasures, and their power is infinite. Haotian relies on swordsmanship to gain the upper hand.

However, with this brute force, Xing Tian still pressed Hao Tian step by step.

Between the two, you come and go, and one battle is three days and three nights.

Haotian tried his best to finally cut off Xingtian's head.

However, the body of Xingtian still does not spray blood. After the head is separated from the body, Xingtian's body can continue to move. This head can also be seen, but there is no hand on this head that cannot be moved.

Haotian found this strange scene, and understood that there was something strange in it. Haotian kicked Xingtian's head away with one foot.

The maids around watched daringly, and put Xingtian's head in his pocket.

The next day of execution was without eyes, and the surrounding area was dark, and the corpse had no sensory organs, so it could not effectively attack Haotian.

Haotian didn't know how to restrain the secret technique of Xingtian.

Xing Tian ’s body could only be tied up, and then Xing Tian ’s head was put in a box, buried in a place on Yangshan that no one knew, and suppressed with some kind of symbol, and then covered up Its breath.

Put the body of Xing Tian under the Millennium Xuan Bing in the extreme north, freeze the body of Xing Tian, ​​and use the iron chain runes, as well as the heavy suppression of Xuan Bing in front, so that Xing Tian can no longer do evil.

After looking at these two axes, Haotian felt a pity and wanted to keep it.

But Yao Chi persuaded.

"This thing has a great relationship with Xing Tian, ​​maybe he can find his own owner, or don't stay well."

Haotian only listened to Yaochi's opinion, but this kind of fire and water does not invade. If you want to smelt, it is impossible.

Haotian had no choice but to sink it into the North Sea.

At the same time, under the ancient fierce beast Qiongqi under the rune, let Qiongqi guard the relatives.

After completing these, Haotian was finally able to feel at ease.

Hao Tian said with emotion.

"Among the Matriarchs, the masters are really like clouds. If there are more masters, do I, the Lord of Heaven, have to be so cold every time that I do it myself?"


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