My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 197: Xingtian Wuqin

In this battle between Haotian and Xingtian, the battle was three days and three nights, and the fighting was also terrifying.

The heavenly court had such a fierce battle, and the saints all felt something.

But this laozi didn't want to take care of this business, only his own practice.

The original did not want to go to this muddy water, after all, it was the cause and effect caused by Haotian God himself, and it was not that Haotian God instigated that Zhuan Xu would not treat the remaining witch forces like that.

The Western Two Sacred Nature does not care about things on the eastern ground.

Nu Wa was originally dissatisfied with God Haotian.

It's just that Nu Wa hasn't said it. After all, this is the rule set by Hongjun Patriarch himself. If the words are easily broken, then the consequences are still more serious.

When Haotian was listed earlier, Hongjun ’s ancestor did not ask Nuwa ’s opinion. Nuwa was originally unhappy. Nuwa could not blame Hongjun, but could only blame God on Haotian.

The cultivation practice of Haotian Yaochi can only be the Great Luo Jinxian. Although it has been a long time since Hong Jun ’s ancestor, the cultivation practice has not increased.

Originally Haotian, when he became Emperor Tian, ​​should have taken the initiative to go to the Wa Palace and meet Nu Wa.

Nüwa is a saint after all, and Haotian is just a big golden fairy. Even with the ancestor of Hongjun, the tail can't be lifted up to the sky.

After all, it was because of these reasons that Nvwa had misunderstood Haotian.

After Haotian became the Emperor of Heaven, he became more and more arrogant and made Nvwa very dissatisfied.

Now Hao Tian met a strong enemy, and Nu Wa naturally just watched the excitement aside.

There is still cause and effect between this saint. Although this is not the cause and effect that Haotian God has taken over, it has a lot to do with the attitude of Haotian God.

These causes and effects are all in one's own thoughts, and they are forged.

It is very difficult to solve these causes and effects.

Now Hao Tian has hidden Xing Tian's body and Xing Tian's axe.

No one can guarantee that there will be another criminal day, the next person who challenges the authority of heaven.

At first glance, this heaven is so fragile and weak.

As long as a powerful person can wipe out the entire heaven.

This is the fatal weakness of Heavenly Court, and to deal with this shortcoming better, it can only be an expansion of recruitment.

At this time, Haotian knew that it was the strong support of the original Tianzun, so that he, the boy who had been staying by Hongjun, could only get higher and become the master of the Three Realms.

In the future, the original Tianzun showed his favor to Haotian God in many ways.

After all, showing good to God of Haotian is just following the meaning of teacher Hongjun Patriarch.

Originally this did a good job.

After Haotian was short of manpower here, the first thought was to find the original.

This day Haotian God came to the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain.

After all, Haotian God is the Emperor of Heaven, and is also a figure of identity in these three realms.

So seeing Guang Chengzi under this door is to let Guang Chengzi report inside.

After Guangcheng became the dojo of the original Tianzun practice, Guangchengzi said.

"Teacher, God Haotian visits the door. It is outside the gate at this time."

The original was a little surprised and said. "What is he doing here? Then ~ invite him in!"

Guang Chengzi then invited Haotian God to the main hall of Yuxu Palace.

The original is the first to ask.

"I don't know what happened to Haotian Daoyou here!"

Haotian took a sip of tea and said, "It's hard to reveal".

"Original Taoist, I have one thing, I want to ask you for help, but I don't know what to say and what to say."

The original can only ask.

"Daoyou, please say, if anything can help, I will not postpone."

Hao Tian said.

"Original Daoist, you know, I made these three realm masters on the recommendation of Hongjun ancestors and your Sanqing Taoist friends. Although they were the masters of these three realms, they are famous and unreserved. Now, in this heavenly court, only these four sea dragon kings are under my command, but this aquarium has always lived in the land of the four seas, and it is of no use to heaven.

I have no one under my command now and no soldiers to send. So just come and ask the original Taoist friends to help out. "

After hearing this originally, he knew Haotian's intention and said with a deep expression on his face.

"What does Haotian Daoyou mean?"

Haotian said again.

"There are twelve golden immortals under Daoyou, all of them are powerful people in the process of teaching. Can Daoyou let them go out to help me. Fortunately, they can build heaven together and share infinite luck."

The original heart understood that although this heavenly court is the Lord of the Three Realms, it still depends on this dynasty in the future.

And the things in the world are the final decision of the three emperors. In the future, the influence of Haotian God will not be as fast as the three emperors come. The three emperors are the masters of this world's luck.

The development of this court is not so obvious.

And these twelve golden immortals are all their lovers. If they give their hands to the God of Haotian, then their strength will obviously decline.

So the original will never agree.

The original said.

"This matter is of great importance. I think it's better to have a long-term plan."

These twelve golden immortals have heard Master ’s original dialogue with Haotian. Naturally, he is unwilling to go to the heavenly court. Is n’t it good for him to have his own self? Things that need to be done. This is not only a delay in cultivation, but also no benefit.

Their Taiyi Jinxian's strength is already very powerful, and now it is enough to see.

During the period after the Three Emperors, most of the monks who had not cultivated the Daluo Jinxian from Kaitian to the present day, most of them died from the robbery.

Now the number of monk Da Luo Jinxian in this flood was obviously reduced.

And many Daluo Jinxian, because they did not realize the secret of this longevity, many of them are dead. Only a small number of immortals have survived.

During this period, Taiyi Jinxian was considered an absolute strongman.

The sage's ability is far beyond the monks of all sages.

It should be clear here that the sage is not the level of cultivation, but the fruit position, that is, cultivation is still a chance, and then it is a fruit position that can be achieved.

The realm of the sage is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which also has many differences, such as Laozi's cultivation is high. Nüwa's cultivation base is low, Laozi's cultivation base is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian fourfold, and Nüwa is Hunyuan Daluo 1st.

The Twelve Golden Immortals heard Tao Hao coming to find the original, and wanted them to mix with Haotian God.

But the Twelve Golden Immortals only have primitive Heavenly Venerable in their eyes. What is this God of Haotian, just a boy next to Hongjun Daozu?

The original was originally high-hearted and arrogant, and looked down on other schools. ..

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