My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 198: Haotian asked Hongjun to complain

The original is because it looks down on other people. In the eyes of the original, only his own brother and old man are the most powerful characters.

Although there are many disciples in Tongtian, but the disciples in the teaching department have low moral character and have no teaching.

Even some monks who are incarnations of goblins are still correct.

This makes the original despise the teaching.

One of the most important factors is that the strength of cutting off education is still so strong, and cutting off education has gradually prospered.

There are more and more incense in my hands.

In the teaching, if dealing with the Lantern Taoist, and the Antarctic fairy, if it is a little more powerful, even if it is a twelve golden fairy, the cultivation is actually only a freshman golden fairy.

Among the cut-offs, there are a lot of masters. There are hundreds of people with famous names, and there are more masters without names.

In the original eyes, Nüwa was just a female prodigy, with no real skills.

The words of the two sages in the West were not seen in the original.

Although the cultivation of the Western Second Saint is higher than the original.

But after all, the West is barren.

It has only been these few apprentices who have been teaching and quasi-teaching for tens of thousands of years.

The other apprentices have low roots and are not suitable for cultivation.

This has a great relationship with the destruction of the Western spirit.

The three emperors who have no contradiction with the original, just sanctified, the original is not very optimistic.

This teacher is such a person, and everyone in the explanation has such an expression, which makes people look very uncomfortable.

In the teaching, they are all high above the ground and look down on other monks.

I'm afraid that after they let them really taste the failure, they only realized it.

Where Haotian was in the original, could not please, naturally there is no way.

In terms of strength, although Haotian has a distinguished status, the difference between strength and originality is still too large.

The two have no comparable **** at all.

Haotian had to go back.

Haotian suffered a loss in the first search for the original, Haotian thought, this is also the case for Tongtian.

But if the Lord of the Heavenly Court has always been the commander of the bare rod, then he really has no face.

Since then, Haotian has only slightly seen his position among the saints.

Hao Tian thought that this original was so good for himself and would definitely agree.

Twelve Golden Immortals will definitely agree with his own heavenly court.

This also made Haotian understand the difference between himself and the saint.

After discussing with Yaochi, Haotian came to this Lingxiao Temple to report to his teacher Hongjun Patriarch, and also explained his difficulties.

At this critical moment, it still depends on the meaning of Hongjun ’s ancestors, otherwise, it is really hard to say.

Arriving in the Lingxiao Hall, Haotian said.

"Dao Zu, in this heavenly court, they are supported by Yao Chi and the two are difficult to support. I also asked the teacher to help us. I am afraid that no one has obeyed me in these three realms."

Hongjun said.

"Hao Tian, ​​Yao Chi, don't worry, I have my own arrangements, you stay in the heavens for the time being, don't cause trouble. The last time you beat Zhuan Xu and injured the Wu clan Jiu Feng, let the revenge of the criminal day. This will damage the dignity of the heavenly court, and no such thing will happen next time. This heavenly court is originally a place in charge of the three realms. It must be able to tolerate all kinds of things.

Although Hao Tian was criticized by Hong Jun, Hao Tian could hear that Hong Jun's ancestor was towards himself and did not blame himself too much.

Already promised to help myself.

But Haotian was still a little uneasy. Being a lord of heaven, if you don't care about anything, it's not good, Haotian said.

"Since Dao Zu let me be the master of the Three Realms, I naturally want to do well, but staying in the heavens every day, can I really manage the flood?"

Hongjun said.

"Hugh nonsense, I let you take it, then take it well, don't" chaos ", regenerate right and wrong, so that you can't be the master of the Three Realms."

This time, Haotian, and Yaochi, were shocked.

Hongjun gave him his position, and naturally it would be extremely easy to take it away.

Naturally, Hongjun is a man of choice. Just after teaching Haotian, he still has to give Haotian and Yaochi some benefits.

Then Hong Jun gave Haotian a lot of spirit treasures, as well as strange treasures, countless rare treasures, spirit "medicine", and fairy roots.

The famous one is the Haotian Mirror, and some of the spiritual treasures named after Qiankun and Heaven and Earth are all given by Hongjun Taoist ancestors.

Although these things are somewhat weak, the level is not high.

But with these things, Heavenly Court is no longer unpretentious, and at least has the strength to make friends with people.

And there are so many rare flowers and herbs, spirit "medicine", fairy roots, which are very important things for cultivators. It is a very powerful mount.

After the three emperors, this mount became a confectionery. If a good spirit beast can provide a great battle bonus.

Moreover, not everyone has the ability to conquer, even if they have the ability to conquer, but this spirit beast has also become less.

This is also the reason why many monks did not have mounts during the period of feudalism.

Even Jiang Ziya's mount was given to Jiang Ziya as a last resort after the original Tianzun. This shows how great the tempting power of this spirit beast is.

If these things are regarded as rewards, then there must be a lot of monks willing to devote themselves to heaven.

And Hong Jun gave Yaochi a magic weapon with strong defense.

It is a plain "color" cloud world flag, one of the congenital five "color" flags. This congenital five "color" flag was formed by the five leaves of this chaotic green lotus at the time of heaven and earth. Its defense is extremely strong. It can be called the innate Need for Lingbao.

At the same time, he gave the nine thousand flat peach saplings to Yaochi, so that the latter was a spring eye of innate guishui.

For this flat peach, it must be congenital guishui before it can be nurtured.

The benefits of flat peaches are naturally needless to say, eating can prolong life, which is also a good way to control the fairy in the future.

The things that can prolong life are inherently rare, and ordinary fairies, although long for Shouyuan, still cannot escape the fate of death.

It is different when you eat flat peach, which can prolong your life.

This can control the fairy.

Then, after the Haotian and Yaochi got what Hongjun Taoist rewarded, they could only go back and wait for the news.

If you mess up again, it will definitely make you angry.

Hong Jun's temper is unknown to others, but Hao Tian and Yao Chi, who are Hong Jun's close boy, are very clear.

So Hong Jun's words, both of them obediently obeyed.

Only after returning to the heavenly court, planting nine thousand flat peaches.

Then waiting for the arrangement of Hongjun Taoist. ..

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