My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 224: Zhang Guifang's Expedition

Chongheihu originally wanted to be the location of Beibohou. Now Jiang Ziya and Jichang both promised to win the north side, then Chongheihu is this Beibohou. Such a rich condition, this Chongheihu, is naturally difficult. Rejected.

Then Chongheihu formally joined Xiqi.

Chongheihu doesn't have much affection for Chonghouhu. After all, there are interests intertwined. Because of Chonghouhu, Chonghei's interests become very few. Chongheihu naturally doesn't like someone to fight Own rights.

In terms of Chaoge, Wen Taishi was furious because of the annihilation of Chonghou Tiger and Chonghei Tiger.

King Wang did not react.

King Wang has been intoxicated with beauty all day long, and Fei Zhong and You Hun are still effective, collecting a lot of beauties for King Wang.

This is why King Wang indulged in beauty and eroticism, big things and small things. Now that Master Tai is back, naturally Master Tai is "fucking".

I heard that Xiqi broke Chonghouhu. Master Wen Tai did n’t panic, it seemed that she was all expected by Master Wen, and then Master Wen asked her apprentice, Ji Li and Yu Qing.

"Who should let the Xiqi rebel" chaos "go?

Geely said.

"Qinglongguan Commander Zhang Guifang can break Xiqi."

So Wen Taishi dispatched Qinglongguan Commander Zhang Guifang to lead a hundred thousand troops against Xiqi.

Now Xiqi's army is only 200,000, and the combat effectiveness is not strong. If they really fight, it is impossible to say who wins and who loses.

This Qinglong Pass was originally an important pass, an important barrier for the North to resist Soviet protection, so Wen Taishi also dispatched Fang Yin to guard the Qinglong Pass.

Fang Yin was originally a thousand-year-old cricket, and Fang Yin has a magic weapon that can attack the soul. As long as a person sees Fang Yin's orb, then the soul will be attacked and immediately fall to the ground.

But said that this Gui Fang, after receiving his life, immediately prepared to fight against Xi Qi.

Qinglongguan is not far from Xiqi, and soon went outside Xiqi City.

Zhang Guifang can be said to be the most loyal soldier to the Yin merchants. The fighting power exploded. If these people didn't shamelessly siege Zhang Guifang, then this Guifang's retreat was not a problem. After Zhang Guifang was under the siege of everyone, he did not die. It was his own death. Before his death, Zhang Guifang was still thinking about King Wang, so it is not an exaggeration to say that this Guifang is the most loyal person.

When Xi Qi saw Zhang Guifang leading a hundred thousand troops to fight against it, he also panicked.

Ji Chang was also panicked. This **** plan was advanced. The current protagonist is Ji Chang, not Ji Fa, but this is not a problem. Everyone is the same.

Ji Chang said.

"Jiang Chengxiang, how should this be handled?"

Jiang Ziya naturally did not know.

The person against Zhang Guifang was Nezha, because after being transformed by Taiyi, it was a lotus incarnation, not the ordinary soul of the three souls and souls.

At this time, Taiyi Zhenren, because Nezha at this time is still very small, but was just born, Taiyi Zhenren directly promoted the seedlings, and directly catalyzed the growth of Nezha.

Then the big troubled dragon palace was not played anymore. Taiyi real person directly found Li Jing and said to Li Jing.

"I am a real person from Jinguang Cave in Qianyuan Mountain, Taiyi is also true. I think your son is destined to me. I will take him to teach him now."

After talking about Taiyi, he took away Nezha directly.

Nezha was originally an apprentice of Taiyizhenren because he wanted to get in touch with Li Jing, so Taiyizhenren let Nezha be born into Lijing's family.

Originally, according to the normal script, Nezha also had to make trouble in the Dragon Palace, and then Nezha "suicide" died. In this way, the effect of transforming Nezha can be achieved. Now I can't wait, it can only be recalled quickly. . When Nezha was originally born, he took the magic weapon of the real person of Taiyi. He had a mixed world and a circle of heaven and earth, which could protect Nezha.

But now Taiyi Zhenren has to go directly to Nezha, but also undergoes this transformation.

But Tai Yizheng's transformation of Nezha was obviously unsuccessful.

Tai Yizheng used the technique to replace part of Nezha's body; lotus, but because this time is too late, there are still many places that have not been replaced by lotus.

This then fixed the soul of Nezha with Jindan. This transformation made Nezha look uglier.

It's not as cute as before, because Zhang Guifang was already in the city, so Taiyi was also ordered to send Nezha down the mountain.

This is a pioneering work of Taiyi real people on human body transformation.

This time Yun neutron was replaced by a long-door person. Yun neutron is also training disciples.

After going into the operation of Nagato, Yun Yunzi's current apprentice was reborn into Jichang's mansion.

Ji Chang is very happy because he has these 99 sons, and now he has one more son, but now Zhang Guifang ’s army is under the city and he has no time to take care of it.

Yun neutron then arrived in Xiqi city.

Ji Chang saw the fairy appear and hurriedly bowed down.

Yun neutron said.

"Ji Chang, your son, I will help you discipline."

Ji Chang did not dare to refuse, and there was a long door to persuade.

"It is really the blessing of Xi Qi to have the son of Hou Ye taught by the fairy!"

Ji Chang had no choice. Yun Yunzi also took away Ji Chang's 100 sons. This son, who was originally Yun Neutron's apprentice, also passed the relationship and was born into Ji Chang's mansion to become Ji Chang's son.

Jiang Ziya is worrying, at this time, a person came from outside.

I saw a real person stepping on a hot wheel, holding a fire-pointed gun in his hand, a circle of Qiankun around his neck, and a mixed sky in his hand.

This person is no one else, it is Nezha.

Nezha said.

Uncle Master, I'm here to help you by the order of Master Tai Yi.

Jiang Ziya also recognized this person, which is exactly what he said.

Jiang Ziya said.

"Nezha, the nephew came just right, and I have no licenses."

But on the second day, it wasn't Nezha who took the lead. Jiang Ziya was still a wise man. If Hezha was sent directly, then it would not be easy to compare.

The next day, Jiang Ziya sent the Chong Black Tiger first. The Chong Black Tiger still rode the fire-eye gold-eye beast to fight Zhang Guifang. After 20 rounds of the two men fighting, Chong Black Tiger wanted to sacrifice the iron-billed condor, but Zhang Guifang Spells are a special kind of magical power. As long as the name of the other party is spoken, the person called is dizzy and dizzy.

Sure enough, Zhang Guifang called.

"When Chongheihu does not dismount at this time, when will he stay longer?"

Zhang Guifang had just handed over, and Chonghei Tiger fell black before his eyes.

Zhang Guifang had already ordered his soldiers to capture Chong Heihu and returned to the camp. ..

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