My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 225: Nezha vs. Zhang Guifang

Under the arrangement of Nagato, Jiang Ziya is already a puppet in Nagato's hands. You don't need to worry at all. Jiang Ziya will tell the original Tianzun.

Jiang Ziya is also a wise man. If discovered by Yuan Shi Tianzun, Jiang Ziya's identity as the host of God's Sealing Action will be dismantled sooner or later, because if such a thing is told to the original Tianzun, he will definitely receive Yuanshi Tianzun Was hurt because of this kind of thing, if the original Tianzun was punished, then the original Tianzun will definitely receive a shot against Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya is also very interested in the generous return from the long door. If he can sit on par with the saint on the same day and day, then who will work part-time?

Jiang Ziya said that all of this was in accordance with the instructions of Nagato. Nagato naturally knew when and what kind of things it should do, Nagato said.

"Jiang Ziya, this Chonghei Tiger is not Zhang Guifang's opponent. Then send someone to fight it, and then let Nezha play. Only then does it appear to be powerful, and it also solidifies your position in Xiqi."

Sure enough, Jiang Ziya dispatched Xiqi's local military commander, Tai Dian. This battle was divided into 30 times, but the name of the family was lost, Zhang Guifang still captured Tai Dian.

This made the generals a little frightened, and dared not to fight Zhang Guifang.

At this time, Nezha also took the initiative to fight.

"Uncle Master, let me go to meet Zhang Guifang."

Jiang Ziya said.

"Okay, Nezha, then act carefully."

Nezha then stepped on the Hot Wheels and played Zhang Guifang. Zhang Guifang also shot immediately before, playing with Nezha.

Zhang Guifang's martial arts are high-strength, but what he met was Nezha. The original martial arts were very strong. However, after reincarnation, this ability declined a lot. Even now, although it has been transformed by Taiyi, Wuyi Da Rose, but still not as powerful as before.

After the transformation of Nezha, Zhang Guifang felt that his strength was not enough.

Zhang Guifang has his own secret technique.

Zhang Guifang yelled.

"Nezha, it's not going to be a hot wheel at this time, but when to wait."

Zhang Guifang saw that the first yelling had no effect, so Zhang Guifang called several times in succession, but after several times, there was no progress.

This made Zhang Guifang doubt whether his secret technique was malfunctioning.

Nezha laughed aloud at this time, and took out the Qiankun circle to hit Zhang Guifang.

Zhang Guifang flashed, but was still hit by the Qiankun circle in the shoulder. Nezha had a pain, so Zhang Guifang retired.

This made Zhang Guifang very sad, because this kind of thing was called very much, so Zhang Guifang was very angry.

After returning to the camp, Zhang Guifang, after being frustrated, closed his door and did not fight.

This made Xiqi no better way.

At this time, Nagato said to Jiang Ziya.

"Jiang Ziya, this Gui Fang is now a new defeat. There should be no more actions. You can go to Kunlun Mountain and ask your teacher to get a baby or two. Your teacher's original Tianzun is really too stingy. Look at others. Master Taiyi, a real person, when Nezha came down the mountain, he gave away Nezha Hot Wheels, Qiankun Circle, Fire Point Gun, and gold bricks, etc. These are powerful magic weapons, but your Master Tianzun did n’t give you anything. Things, how to punish Xiqi in the future.

Even if you can't get this, maybe you can get the God List, and with the God List, then you are not far away from the Lord of the Three Realms. "

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed after hearing it, so Jiang Ziya said to Ji Chang.

"Houye, now I'm on a trip to Kunlun Mountain. Here, I can entrust the longmen Daoyou to take care of me, and I will be back soon."

Today's Xiqi, relying on Jiang Ziya's strength, is more.

There are not many military commanders in Xiqi, and the only generals who can break Zhang Guifang are only those who do n’t come. This will not necessarily be able to break Zhang Guifang ’s secret technique. Ji Chang is very worried. So Ji Chang said.

"Senior Prime Minister, you can't stay in Kunlun Mountain all the time. Now that the soldiers are under the city, let's try to break the enemy as soon as possible."

Jiang Ziya said,

"Hou Ye don't have to worry, now Zhang Guifang, after losing the battle, is already afraid to fight us, as long as we wait with peace of mind. Just wait for me to ask the teacher to order some baby, if you lose Zhang Guifang in one fell swoop, If you do, Chaoge will send other people to fight, we will be very dangerous. "

Ji Chang knew that Jiang Ziya said nothing. If Jiang Ziya decided on something, even if it was Ji Chang, it could not be changed. Ji Chang could only hope that Jiang Ziya had come down early.

So Jiang Ziya quickly arrived at Kunlun Mountain.

After Jiang Ziya arrived at Kunlun Mountain, Yuan Shi Tianzun was very shocked.

Original Tianzun said.

"Ziya, you are not in Xiqi, how come you came to me."

Jiang Ziya is not good to say that he wants weapons, baby.

Jiang Ziya said.

"Master, when we are outside Xiqi City, when we meet Lai Zhang Guifang, this person will be able to lose his name. We ca n’t help it. We can also ask the teacher to help me. The disciples are weak and there is no good magic weapon. What should I do? Is good."

After hearing the original Tianzun, he was straight-faced.

Original Tianzun said.

"You are now a prime minister in the world, enjoying the wealth of the world, I can't help you anymore, I still have one thing here to give to you, you build a sealed **** station near Qishan, so that we will seal the gods in the future It will be used again. "

Then Jiang Ziya said.

"Feng Shentai?"

Jiang Ziya smiled bitterly, wondering what the purpose of this divine platform was.

Then the original Tianzun said again.

"I still have a list of Fengshen here, and wait for you to build the Fengshentai, then give it to you. Don't worry about other things. If you need help, I will let people go down the mountain to help you."

Then Jiang Ziya was ready to return again.

As for Chaoge, Wen Taishi was very unhappy because he knew Zhang Guifang had lost the battle.

Since Master Wen knew that the interpretation of education had already sent a gas refining officer to help, she said that Master Wen was also ready to find someone to help.

Master Wen Tai's cultivation is high and deep, and it is already a testimony to Da Luo. Master Wen's cultivation is not as simple as the initial stage of Daluo Jinxian, and Wen Taishi's cultivation is already achieved after Daluo Jinxian.

Wen Taishi ’s talent is very good, and Master Jinling ’s Madonna is also in the process of cutting off the teaching. Very powerful figures, Jintai ’s apprentice Wentai Shi and Yu Yuan, both of them are Dalu Jinxian Xiu Xiu. Great.

The priest has been cultivating under the Golden Spirit Virgin Mary for many years, so it is said that many people under the teaching cut-off gate are familiar with it. ..

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