My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 252: Antarctic immortality

When Master Wen heard Zhao Gongming say this, he thought that today is the last day of the three-day period, and Jiang Ziya will break tomorrow.

And Wen Taishi saw Zhao Gongming so proud, he wanted to see how Jiang Ziya broke tomorrow. No matter how powerful the rescues he invited, he could not break Zhao Gongming's top ten battles. Because I have already seen the power of these ten unique battles.

And Xiqi on the other side. Jiang Ziya and Antarctic Seng Weng sat in Jiang Ziya's room. The two sat in a chair drinking tea, and Jiang Ziya said to the Antarctic fairy: "Thank you, Brother, for coming to the rescue."

Antarctic Xian Weng, speaking to Jiang Zi, said that he had taken the heavy responsibility of going down the mountain this time and helped him by himself. There was nothing to say. Antarctic Xian Weng also told Jiang Ziya that his future road will become more and more difficult.

Jiang Ziya heard the Antarctic fairy and told himself that the future road will be more difficult. He thought of the long door at the moment. The long door is the only person in his plan to help himself and direct himself.

Jiang Ziya thought that if he didn't think of Nagato, he really wanted to give up, but he was actually mediocre. He couldn't bear the big responsibility at all, but if Nagato discouraged himself and insisted on persevering at that time, he might have given up.

Later, Jiang Ziya thought that today should be the last day of the three-day period, and tomorrow he will break the tenth battle. At this moment he said to his fellow Antarctic fairy Weng:

"Senior brother, you know those ten great battles, and tomorrow I will go to break those ten great battles, but now I don't have any ideas in my mind, and I still ask my brother to help me."

Antarctic fairy, smiled and said to Jiang Ziya: "Then I will stay here first to help you. Go with you tomorrow to see his ten stupid battle."

Jiang Ziya heard the Antarctic Xian Weng saying this, and was overjoyed. This time, his brother will help him, and it will be more smooth. After that, Jiang Ziya and Antarctic Seng Weng continued to drink tea.

Nazha and Yang Jian, who learned that Jiang Ziya was ready, also came quickly to visit Jiang Ziya. And they were overwhelmed when they saw that Jiang Ziya was fine.

The next day

Wen Taishi has taken heavy soldiers outside Xiqi City at the moment. Zhao Gongming was with Wen Taishi. Because today is the time for this appointment, and it is time for Jiang Ziya to come out and break the battle.

At this moment, Wen Taishi and Zhao Gongming were very confident. Wen Taishi self-confident had seen the power of these ten extraordinary battles, so he did not believe that anyone from Xiqi could break the ten extraordinary battles.

Jiang Ziya also knew that today was the day to break the battle, and at this moment he already had his fellow Antarctic fairy Weng to help him, he was not afraid at this moment.

Soon, Jiang Ziya and the generals went outside the city. The Antarctic Immortal Weng also came out, and Zhao Gongming saw him at a glance. Zhao Gongming shouted to him at the moment: "So you are the Antarctic Immortal Weng. I'm afraid that Jiang Ziya's soul was recovered by you."

Antarctic fairy Weng just looked at the opposite Zhao Gongming still did not speak, then Zhao Gongming was anxiously corrupted, and continued to say to the Antarctic fairy Weng: "Even if you have the ability to take back the soul of Jiang Ziya, but I am in the top ten Unbreakable. "

And Jiang Ziya looked very tense and very dangerous. But Nagato has been watching there all the time. Nagato also knew that these ten extreme battles were dangerous, but if he did not break this battle, he would obstruct Xiqi and march on the road, and it would be more difficult to seal the gods.

Antarctic Xian Weng also looked at the long door and it was not easy. He said directly to Jiang Ziya: "Brother, you can rest assured, I will go to explore the truth and reality first."

And just after the Antarctic fairy Weng said that, he pointed at the long door and said to Jiang Ziya: "It is better to let him have Nezha and Yang Jian, follow me."

Jiang Ziya knew the strength of the elders. At this moment he looked at the long door. He knew the temper of the long door, so of course he had to obtain the consent of the long door.

And Nagato agreed. Because he wanted to break through the ten finals quickly, he didn't want to delay the plan to protect God. He only felt that now, this plan of God was delayed too long. Can't drag on any longer.

The Antarctic Xian Weng, seeing the Nagato agree, took the Nagato and Nezha Yang Jian and entered the ten finals. At the moment, Zhao Gongming is also trying his best to urge the ten staunch battles.

Antarctic Xian Weng, with Longmen Nezha, Yang Jian and others, entered these ten extraordinary battlefields. I saw that in the ten extraordinary battlefields, "Mission" was foggy. Unable to see the direction, the Antarctic fairy led the way ahead. Longmen Nezha Yang Jian and three others followed.

I saw Nezha Yang Jian Changmen and Antarctic Immortals. After entering the formation, they were trapped in 4 different small formations with little attention. And Nezha Yang Jian and the two furiously resisted, and they lost the power of the battle and directly retreated from the battle.

But the two came out and saw that Nagato and Antarctic Seng Weng did not come out. The two of them panicked at the moment. I do n’t know what happened to them.

Antarctic Xian Weng, the formation at the moment is also extremely dangerous. At this moment, he has formed a protective cover around his own to protect himself. But he still did not understand the principles of this array.

The long gate on the other side is also very dangerous, and the situation is no worse than that of the Antarctic Xian Weng, and what other Yang Yang. But the power of Nagato is strong, and he is not afraid of the dangers in this battle.

However, Nagato has never encountered this method, so I do n’t know how to crack this array. Although he can crack the small array, but in this small array, the large array formed by the interlocking links, he simply ca n’t see through, at this moment he also He retreated.

And Nezha Yang Jian felt that Nagato and Antarctic Immortal Weng hadn't come out. At the moment, the two of them entered the battle again, but unexpectedly, they went to the most powerful Soul Fallout. The Antarctic fairy wandered back and forth in these small formations, trying to find a way to crack these ten unique formations, and at this moment he also came to the Soul Formation.

But just after entering Soul Fallen, Yang Jian could not afford to fall to the ground. Nezha was very panicked at this moment. At this time, Antarctic fairy was coming. When Nezha saw the Antarctic fairy, he said to the Antarctic fairy, "Xianweng, look Watching Yang Jian suddenly fell to the ground. "

Antarctic Xian Weng saw Hunyuan Jindou in this formation, he quickly said to Nazha: "Go away." After that, Antarctic Xianweng took Nazha and Yang Jian out of the falling soul formation. Retired.

At the moment, they haven't found a way to crack the ten-strong battle. The most happy people at the moment are Zhao Gongming and Wen Taishi.

At this moment Shen Gongbao also came. Now that they are drinking together, Shen Gongbao also said to Zhao Gongming: "Brother Gongming's method is really powerful. I think not only my brother can't crack it, even my master may not be able to crack it ..."

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