My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 253: Long door trick

Wen Taishi was particularly happy at the moment. He saw that these ten great battles were really powerful, and the people of Xiqi had no way to break the battle. At this moment, Master Wen Tai lamented: "Zhao Daochang is really powerful. Zhao Daochang is really good for me. . He will definitely help us redress Xiqi ’s rebellion. "

At this time Shen Gongbao also said: "Yes, I think he Xiqi is naturally unable to break the battlefield, they cannot break the battlefield, they can only be trapped in the battlefield."

Wen Taishi heard Shen Gongbao say so. At the moment, he laughed, and the three felt very happy, and they all felt that victory was in sight. The three of them toasted, and felt that it would be just around the corner to capture Xiqi.

On the other side, Xiqi is not like this at all. They are all very sad and angry. This time, the Antarctic Xian Weng led the three people such as Nezha and the generals into it. In the battle, but all the soldiers also died in the battle.

The most tragic thing is that Yang Jian's soul was also sucked in. At this moment, Yang Jian they brought out was like Jiang Ziya who lost his soul.

At the moment, Jiang Ziya was very sad and angry. He didn't know how to sigh at this moment: "This is such a powerful battle. How can this be solved?"

Antarctic Xian Weng said to Jiang Ziya: "If it weren't for the Hunyuan Jindou who had already received Yang Jian's soul, I'm afraid I would have to suffer too. But Nezha is the incarnation of the lotus, so nothing happens."

Nezha was particularly angry at the moment, he said to everyone: "But Yang Jian, the soul has been taken away, and our soldiers can not be killed in vain, I must revenge for them."

At the moment, Jiang Ziya stopped Nazha and said to Nazha: "And don't worry, let's discuss and discuss how to break the battle."

Nezha has quieted down, but everyone still doesn't know how to break the ten finals. Although the ten finals seem to be simple, but the ten finals are like a series of traps, if you break one, there will be another one waiting for you. , So it makes it difficult for everyone.

Jiang Ziya is very distressed at the moment, he feels very powerless at this moment, and at this time Nagato also came, and Nagato joined everyone to discuss how to break the battle.

And Nagato entered the ten unique battles, and the Antarctic Immortal, who also appreciated the long gate, said to the longmen: "The ten unique battles are full of hidden mana. You can escape even if you can escape. "

In fact, Antarctic Seng Weng did not know the powerful energy in Nagato, but Jiang Ziya looked at Nagato at the moment, and he didn't want Nagato's ability to be known by Antarctic Seng Weng.

Jiang Ziya feels that they are the only ones who can help themselves, and finally complete the plan to seal the gods, and promote their own powerful energy, and this matter must only be known to him.

When Nagato heard the Antarctic fairy, he said to the Antarctic fairy: "Dare not dare, I just saw that the ten extraordinary formations contained endless energy, and I couldn't break through at all, so I retreated early. "

But at this moment, everyone still does not know, how to crack those ten extinction battles? Both Antarctic Xian Weng and Jiang Ziya felt helpless. And Nezha just wanted revenge at the moment, so he had no plan.

And at such a quiet moment, the long door suddenly said: "When I entered the battle today, I also saw that Nezha was not bothered by that battle because Nezha was the incarnation of lotus."

They heard the long door say this, and all nodded, but everyone knows what the long door said, and there is nothing After the new one, everyone dropped their heads again.

But Nagato continued to say: "I have a way to try it out, maybe you can crack these ten unique battles."

The Antarctic Xian Weng heard the Long Gate say this. At this moment, the Antarctic Xian Weng and Jiang Ziya looked up at the Naga Gate one after another, and even at the moment they were thinking about how to get revenge.

Antarctica Xian Weng said to the Nagato at the moment: "What is your method of breaking the formation, it is better to just say it."

After Nagato heard the Antarctic fairy, he continued to say: "My plan, Antarctic fairy, I am afraid you know it. That is, we attacked the center from four directions: east, west, south, and north. The ten-strike team is broken. "

Antarctic Sin Weng, he heard this when Nagato said that they were talking about this method. He knew that there was a way to break the line, but he was still in a hurry just now and did n’t think of this method.

As soon as Nagato said, he was suddenly cheerful, and Antarctic Xian Weng said to Nagato at the moment: "You are a good method, we can try it, and this requires four talents to attack from east, west, south and north."

And Nezha was listening all the time. At the moment, he heard the clouds and fog. He knew that there were four people who could attack from different directions, but Yang Jian's soul had been taken away, and he still lacked one person.

Nezha said to everyone at this moment: "But Yang Jian's soul was taken away. How can we break one out of one."

Antarctic fairy Weng smiled and said, "I look good at the long gate. He can go with us."

Nagato is the sacrificial person of this method. He naturally agreed to break the battle with everyone. He really did not want this **** plan to slow down anymore. If it slows down again, what year and month will it be possible to complete the plan to seal the gods?

So Nagato said directly: "I am willing to break the battle with everyone."

After that, Antarctic Xian Weng said: "Well, then tomorrow I will attack the east gate. The long gate will attack the west gate, Jiang Ziya will attack the south gate. And Nezha will attack the north gate. Then we will gather in the center and break through."

Everyone heard that the Antarctic Seng Weng was so full of momentum, and everyone had no problem with the arrangement of the Antarctic Seng Weng, and they waited to break the ten-strong battle tomorrow.

And Nezha was full of confidence. He thought that he must break these ten unique battles tomorrow, and give an explanation to his brothers who broke the battle together today, and return the soul of Yang Jian.

At this moment they quickly found Jifa and told Jifa about their plans. Jifa agreed very much. Then he said to Jiang Ziya and others: "There are prime ministers and immortals."

And in the end, Antarctic Sin Wong told them again, how they should act at that time, everyone already understood. Just wait until tomorrow, hurry up to break through early in the morning, and get Yang Jian's soul out. Also give Na Tai teacher a lesson.

And Wen Taishi was very happy on their side. They didn't worry about Xiqi. They came to break the line because of their ability to break the ten-headed array, and the most powerful soul-falling array in the ten-headed array was difficult to break even when the **** came.

Soon it was the second day. What Master Wen Tai didn't expect was that Antarctic Xian Weng, who led Nezha and others, came early to break through. ..

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