My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 385: The Third Prince of Xihailong

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Sun Wukong was chanting a spell at this moment, and his doujinyun appeared again, so he thought of hurrying and fled as soon as the Nagato did not pay attention.

While Nagato and Xuan Zang continued to move forward, he didn't even look back, just when Sun Wukong was about to return to his Shuiliandong with a near path, his mana was no longer effective.

But he glanced far away at the Nagato, Nagato still riding a horse and Xuan Zang together, but Sun Wukong was in a critical situation now, and he shouted again.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never run away, save me."

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, there was a gust of wind that directly blew Sun Wukong to Changmenhe Xuanzang, and then Longmen only said to Sun Wukong leisurely:

"This is the last time. If you have the next time, then I will never be so kind and kind to spare you."

Sun Wukong was silent after hearing this. It seemed that this person was indeed very powerful. No matter how he escaped, he might not be able to escape such a fate, so follow them directly ...

Nagato was still riding a horse in front of him at the moment, and at this time he said to Sun Wukong: "I don't dare to escape if I measure you, but I don't know what dangerous things are ahead. I also see your ability. In your eyes, so you go ahead and find your way from time to time. "

How dare Sun Wukong continue to refute, so after listening to what Nagato said, he wasn't refuting, so he walked in front of Nagato and Xuan Zang, from time to time to explore the way.

At night, they can only sleep in this mountain forest. At this moment, everyone is resting there. The long gate, Xuan Zang, and Sun Wukong. They are all sleeping, and their horses are also tied there. .

And that night when the black wind was high. Instead, there was a gust of evil wind, and at this moment someone seemed to be here.

His goal is Sun Wukong, but he looks at Sun Wukong's skill is very strong, although he is not bad, but compared with Sun Wukong, he really can not withstand Sun Wukong's strength, after all, he dares to make trouble in heaven, this strength is far from his own Far behind.

But he couldn't bear this bad breath. After investigation by his aquarium, he learned that Sun Wukong was rescued somehow, and now he is in this place, so he came here.

He watched Sun Wukong fall asleep, but at this moment he wanted to attack him, but he knew that Sun Wukong was an indestructible body of King Kong, so after hesitating for a moment, he still felt that he should not take this risk anymore, but he did n’t teach him anything It was really unbearable. He happened to see two horses next to him, and he immediately ate them.

At this moment he finally felt that after the qi in his heart was soothing, he planned to leave ...

And when he was about to leave in person, a person was standing in front of him, and Sun Wukong was already awake at this time. In fact, the long door was just installed there. The long door wanted to take a look at this person. What are you going to do.

This man saw that the two who had just fallen asleep were awake now, but he was not afraid of anything at all. Since he was found, he would fight with the two of them, and his strength might not be underestimated by others.

At this moment, he directly sacrificed his mana, and Nagato naturally did not need to shoot. After all, he knew that Sun Wukong alone can deal with him.

And tonight all of this can be calculated by Nagato, so he now watched Sun Wukong fight with the two.

Obviously, this person is not invincible to Sun Wukong, but now he is captured by Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong asks Changmen: "Hey, now he has caught him, what should he do?"

Nagato said to him, "I'm afraid you are the Prince of Dragon King 3, are you here to eat our two horses?"

No wonder Sun Wukong knew him well. At the moment, it looked really like the third Prince of Dragon King.

Although the Third Prince of Dragon King has been arrested, its momentum has not diminished.

"Yes, I am the third prince of the Dragon King. I was caught by you at this moment. If you want to kill or suffocate, you can do it, but my father is not a vegetarian. I am afraid that you will not let me say it now. My father will then Will fight against you. "

After Nagato smiled at the moment, he said to him: "I'm very curious. What are you doing here today? I know you are the third prince, but you might be the third prince of the Xihai Dragon King, we No one has ever provokes you. Why are you here now? "

The Prince of Dragon King 3 sneered at the moment, and then said to them: "Oh, the Dinghai God Needle is the treasure of our Dragon Clan. I have always been resentful. Now the East Sea Dragon King is afraid of you, and I am not afraid. Although I am from the West Sea, this is involved My dragon family is majestic, so I have to come out to stop and give you a lesson, but today I am indeed inferior to people, so I will not say much. "

Nagato and Sun Wukong learned what he said, and Nagato smiled and said to Sun Wukong: "It seems that it's all because of you. If it weren't for you who took the Dinghaishen Needle from others, how could someone come to find it? Your revenge. "

Sun Wukong is very helpless at the moment, but among them, he has never been afraid of anyone except the long gate.

"What about that? Isn't he just beating me? Now he is still my defeater, no matter what I want to do."

Nagato didn't take it for granted, he had already calculated that the White Dragon had such a disaster, and now he is here to be destined.

"I can blame you on this matter today. After all, all this is your resentment, and those things were indeed his fault, but today you ate our two white horses, and I want this matter Calculate well with you. "

In fact, all of this is in the eyes of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Guanyin Bodhisattva looks at the situation in it, which is exactly the same as in his plan, but there seems to be some deviation in this, but fortunately, all of them are Like his own plan, he wanted to see what they would do next.

And he only looked at the little white dragon below, and continued to say to the long door: "You just say how do you deal with me, and now you are talking to me that nonsense is useless."

All of Xuanzang looked in his eyes. He did not expect that so many things had happened just a few days after he came out with Nagato, and now he is very afraid of trembling. ..

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