My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 386: White dragon horse

Nagato does n’t bother to talk nonsense with them anymore, he just said directly to him: "You have this robbery anyway today, since you have done this wrong now, and we have lost two white horses. , You might as well be a white horse and you will be paid a horse. "

How can Xiao Bailong agree when he hears this? This is definitely an insult. After all, he is the third prince of the Xihai Dragon King. How honorable is his status and how can he succumb to others and let others ride himself every day.

"Even if you kill me, I can't agree to your request at all. How honorable I am and how insulting you can be."

When Nagato sees him like this, he should not promise himself anyway. But he clearly thought of a way, he said to the little white dragon: "Yes, since you don't want to promise us, then we can kill you, but I will tell you one thing at last."

After the long door pointed to Sun Wukong next to him, he continued to say to this little white dragon:

"You also saw him, and you know his strength, you came here today to provoke us, and you can die as soon as you die, but his strength can completely kill all four sea dragon kings, and then your dragon family All his heirs are gone. It ’s all because of you. You think you are ashamed of your dragon family. "

Xiao Bailong heard what Nagato said, but now he sighed, and then willingly turned into a white horse. Then you heard a voice ...

"Since that is the case, then I am willing to use it for you."

Nagato was very proud at the moment. All this was obviously seen by the Guanyin Bodhisattva who was silently watching their actions next to the Nagato. The Bodhisattva Guanyin was thinking of letting the little white dragon help them to go to the West Everything made Nagato lead.

And this monkey monkey was also rescued by the long door. At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva is very helpless, but fortunately all things are going according to his established plan, so he did not impose his shot anymore. Door opponent.

At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva shook his head and directly used his mana to leave, but he still had to continue to follow the long door and they would take a look at their next plan. , Even if he tried his best, he would come out to stop it.

At this time, the long door looked at Xuan Zang, but Xuan Zang was still trembling beside him, and he said to Xuan Zang: "Did you see this white horse? He will be your mount in the future."

Xuan Zang was very scared when he heard it, and he said to the long door: "Ah, you dare not let him be my mount."

In the last few scenes, Xuan Zang looked at him. He clearly knew that now that he had become a white horse, this clearly was the 3rd prince of the Dragon King. How could he sit on him, no matter how he was Never dare.

When Nagato saw him, he said to him bitterly, "We went to the West this time to benefit the world, and this thing is a good thing. You are also the one I chose. Delegates, you look a little bit scared now. "

But no matter what Nagato said, Xuanzang didn't dare. He was afraid that he hadn't sat on the white horse yet. Instead, he would be eaten by the white horse.

Nagato was obviously helpless now. He only knew that Xuanzang was a hypocrite, but he didn't expect him to be so timid. How to say he is also a person, afraid of these things should also be, so Nagato can only shake his head and then looked at the white horse.

And this is the appearance of the white horse, but he also slowly said: "Since he has already said so, then I will be your mount from now on, so you can ride it boldly."

Xuan Zang nodded silently after he heard this. Today, there is nothing else, and everyone continues to sleep there.

However, after seeing this scene, Sun Wukong was obviously dissatisfied. Why did Xuan Zang take up the many benefits? This Xuan Zang was a terrifying and particularly timid human being. He really could not understand the long door Why help him so much.

But even now he is just sending someone under the fence, so what more can he say.

On the second day they went on the road as usual, Nagamon walked on foot because his horse was eaten by the white dragon, and Xuanzang saw him riding on a horse alone, and he was still riding on the third dragon prince, he always There are some fears, and now even the long gate is walking underground.

"Nagato, now your horse has also been eaten by him. It might as well be your horse. In fact, I can walk by myself."

Nagato shook his head at the moment, but he still smiled proudly there, knowing that he was coming on horseback.

But he kept holding the little black cat there and went on. Since he continued to walk forward, he would soon get out of the forest, and at this moment, a tiger came suddenly to block them.

This time when he saw the tiger, even Xuanzang was not afraid. After all, he knew that the ability of the long door was unpredictable, but now it is just a little tiger, but what can he do with the long door?

Nagato smiled at the moment, not expecting his mount to come so soon. When Sun Wukong saw the tiger blocking their way, he actually wanted to hurry up and kill him directly with a gold hoop.

He was stopped by the long door as soon as he stepped forward, and then the long door sacrificed mana and the tiger slowly came to the long door, and the willing front paw fell, and the long door came on the tiger.

"Okay, now there is nothing left. Let's continue to go. If we go forward, we will be out of this mountain forest. After the mountain forest, everyone will be justified in what they do, especially you. "

Nagato said that he pointed to Sun Wukong. After all, he knew that although Sun Wukong had a "sex" good heart, he was really able to make troubles and he could do some impulsive things. If something exciting is done then, it will be bad.

And then going out is the world. After arriving in the world, how can Sun Wukong behave like he did before, so Nagato warned her twice before going out.

Sun Wukong nodded. After all, he is now tightly controlled by the long door. He can't beat the long door at all, so he can only obey ...

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