My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 393: Investigation facts

At this time, Sun Wukong was late. He saw that there was no wave in his mind. After all, the fire had been extinguished. What else did he want to leave at this moment?

"Wait ~"

Xuan Zang finally couldn't help it, and he said to Sun Wukong at the moment: "You see it is all you can do, what can you do now? What's wrong with this?"

Sun Wukong, who was planning to leave, heard Xuan Zang say this, but at this moment he looked back at Xuan Zang and said to Xuan Zang: "The fire is all gone, you just go to the old abbot and get back the robe. , He ca n’t be buried in it because of this little fire. "

And after he said this, he looked at Xuan Zang and a few people beside him crying. Sun Wukong realized at the moment that it turned out to be what he said.

Sun Wukong didn't know what to say at the moment, but he looked at Nagato.

"I don't think this is the way it is. Although the old abbot is now buried in it, let's go in and take a look. The cassocks are all diamonds, can't they all be burned to ashes?"

Xuan Zang rushed in quickly, and he was looking for it there at the moment, just like the long door said that his cassock was given by Guanyin Bodhisattva, and all of them were diamonds. How could it be easily burned to ashes.

However, several of them did not find it for a long time, but they found the body of the old abbot. Sun Wukong said to them at the moment: "It seems that there is something hidden about this matter, and it is absolutely impossible for the cassock. , But now the cassocks have disappeared out of thin air, and even a little bit of ashes in this house cannot be found. This is absolutely impossible. "

"Don't you just want to get rid of it? At the beginning, this thing was what you asked to say. And now it has caused this consequence, you don't want to take responsibility."

Sun Wukong was very angry at the moment.

"What do you say? I don't want to be responsible. Obviously there is something strange here. What if I just say it?"

Xuan Zang shook his head at the moment.

"Do you know that it is the sacred bodhisattva given by Guanyin Bodhisattva? If you lose it easily, what can you do if Guanyin Bodhisattva blames?"

Sun Wukong was very disdainful when he heard it. He also disdain the ongoing quarrel with the Tang monk. After all, they continued the quarrel, and it can only be the result of losing both sides.

The two people kept arguing because it made the long door a headache.

"Okay, have the two of you finished?"

Nagato yelled out all the dissatisfaction in his heart.

"What's the use of arguing between you two? It has become like this now. The two of you continue to quarrel like this, after all, it doesn't help, and this thing is indeed very strange as Sun Wukong said, so we are still good. 'S investigation is just right. "

The two were shocked when they heard Longmen's scolding. Then they heard Longmen say this, Sun Wukong was very proud, but Xuan Zang on the other side was suffocating at the moment. But all this is obviously not to blame myself, and the cassocks are also what Sun Wukong said to lend to this old host. At that time, he was adhering to the principle that one thing is not as good as one, But Sun Wukong has been helping.

Nagato found all the other young monks in this temple, and at the moment they were standing in a row below.

Nagato said to them, "Do you still tell the truth now? If you don't tell the truth, don't blame us for using force."

The little monks shuddered below, but they still said nothing.

Nagato gestured to Sun Wukong with his eyes, and Sun Wukong was clever. He naturally knew what Nagato meant, and he took something directly out of his ear, and when he held it in his hand, he blew it all the time. It's getting bigger and bigger, this is his weapon gold hoop.

The monks saw that the gold hoop gradually grew bigger and bigger. They were trembling there, but this time they were really scared.

A few monks saw that the gold hoop is really scary, and it can stretch freely, they are really scared. He quickly knelt down directly to them.

"We said, we said. Just forgive us our lives."

Sun Wukong saw them like this and then took back his golden hoop.

But because the young monks wanted to save their lives, a few of them were scrambling to speak there, but at this moment they were noisy, but they could not hear anything.

Nagato shook his head and was very helpless. At this moment, he signaled Sun Wukong again. At this moment, Sun Wukong took his gold hoop and shook it all at once, so as to frighten the little monks.

At this moment, Nagato slowly said, "Whoever speaks one by one, whoever can speak all these things completely, will speak first."

At that moment, the old abbot's celebrity young monk slowly said:

"Actually, this thing was the old abbot. The old abbot wanted to get your cassock, so the fire was set on at night, but I didn't expect that I didn't know what happened. The fire went outside the old abbot's room. I do n’t know what happened, so I was buried in it with the cassock. "

"But we were clearly in the room with the old abbot, but then we all went out to fight the fire. I don't know why the old abbot didn't come out but was buried in the sea of ​​fire."

Nagato heard what the little monk said, but now he snorted again.

The monks were all kneeling down and they shuddered and said: "Just what he said is true, we really have nothing to hide."

Nagato heard what they said was nodding there. It seems that they really did not hide everything, but now this matter is always a bit strange, why the old abbot was in the room with them, and everyone Having escaped, why did the old abbot not come out?

But there was nothing in the room, so where did the cassock go? This is another mystery.

Xuan Zang was very anxious at the moment. After all, he asked for so long now that he didn't understand anything, and if he had really lost his cassock, how would he explain it to Guanyin Bodhisattva? At this moment, I think there is nothing to do.

Nagato recalled carefully at this moment, and then used his skills to look around, he knew the reason, and then he continued to ask the young monks: "Does your abbot have a good relationship with a black bear?" ? And the residence of this black bear spirit is not far from here? "

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