My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 394: Black bear spirit?

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Those young monks were very surprised to hear Nagato say this. They didn't know why Nagato knew about this matter, but how does this matter relate to what is happening now?

Several young monks nodded, all acquiescing in the matter that Nagato said.

And at this time, the Long Gate said to them: "Where is this black bear spirit's cave?"

The little monk who had made a good relationship with the old abbot at the moment said to the long door: "His residence is not far from here. I can take you there, but the black bear spirit has demon skills, I am afraid Ordinary people are not easy to deal with ... "

The young monk was still a little hesitant when he said that although he saw that these people were also very powerful, the black bear spirit was not vegetarian, so he was also very scared at the moment, and he said that if he took them by then, And if they can't deal with the black bear spirit, they can't take off their responsibilities by then.

When Longmen heard it, he looked at Sun Wukong and said to Sun Wukong: "All these are the things that you provoke. If you didn't insist on taking this cassock out for the old abbot, how could it happen? This series of things, and I have figured it out now, I am afraid that it is the black bear spirit who stole the cassock while we were not prepared. "

"I noticed when we came before that someone actually followed us all the way, I am afraid this is the black bear spirit, now this thing should be in his hole, so you still go with this little monk, see See if you can get this cassock back. "

Sun Wukong had no complaints himself, so he let the young monk lead the way. The two of them went out right now, but Xuanzang stayed here, but he was still very confused at the moment. Refined.

Xuan Zang questioned the Nagato in doubt at the moment: "Nagato, are you talking about the truth? In fact, the black bear spirit took the cassock?"

Nagato nodded and said to Xuan Zang: "You can rest assured that you will not take responsibility for this matter, and Sun Wukong will also help you get it back this time, so you will stay well. Here."

After the long gate, the young monks were retreated, and at this moment he naturally knew that Sun Wukong must be able to succeed before going. After all, there is still a person who has been following them, and this person will definitely help Sun Wukong in secret, At the moment, Nagato smiled and said nothing more.

Xuan Zang was still very anxious there. Although Nagato had already said so, he still didn't believe it. After all, all of these things jumped too much, and he had never seen the black bear spirit at all, and never found anyone following them.

Soon the young monk led Sun Wukong to a place not far from the hole.

"If you continue to move forward here, you will come to the hole, but the black bear is very powerful. If I take you again, I am afraid ..."

The young monk was trembling at the moment. After all, although he was afraid of the black bear spirit, he was also very afraid of the person around him. After all, this person seemed like a monkey spirit.

Sun Wukong didn't take it for granted. Since he already knew the location, what use would he need? At this moment, he waved his hand, and when the young monk saw that Sun Wukong had let himself go at the moment, he ran down the mountain quickly, faster than when he had just brought himself.

At the moment, Sun Wukong flew a crow on his head, but this thing was normal. After all, these are mortals, and mortals are timid people after all. Sun Wukong directly became the appearance of an old abbot. After all, the old abbot is dead. If all this is really a black bear trick, then he will be very scared when he sees himself.

After a sudden change, Sun Wukong turned into an old abbot. He looked at himself and he looked at his arms and feet. He was very proud at the moment, but he walked in proudly ...

After Sun Wukong entered, the black bear spirit naturally noticed him. Hei Xiong Jing was very surprised to see him, even his pupils had been enlarged.

"Old Abbot, are you really?"

Sun Wukong apparently discovered his anomaly but he didn't pierce it, where he smiled proudly.

"What's wrong? Isn't it okay for me to come here as a guest because of our friendship?"

At this moment, Black Bear Spirit was suspicious. He knew that the old abbot had already died, and then he used his power to take away the cassock. But why is the old abbot not dead now?

"Of course, but you didn't have anything before and you wouldn't come to me at all. It's because you came to me suddenly now. I feel a little curious."

Sun Wukong looked at the black bear, he was tall and tall, and he was all dark and faint. But his two eyes were turning round and round, maybe he was thinking of bad things there.

"Yesterday my room was on fire. I seem to have vaguely seen you. I don't know what the **** is."

Black Bear Jing stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly.

"How is it possible? How could you see me when your room is on fire? Besides, although I am very close to you, I can't go to you for no reason. You might be old and dazzled."

Although Sun Wukong can guess that the black bear must say so. Since this is the case, I am afraid that this black bear spirit will only always find an opportunity to shirk, and will not tell the truth at all.

After Sun Wukong turned his eyes, he disdained to talk to him again. He had just inquired that the black bear spirit had indeed got something, and he also planned to open a banquet to invite everyone to watch, so he thought that if he himself Continue to maintain this appearance, I am afraid that will cause him to pay more attention.

It would be better to change to the appearance of visiting people at that time, but he was not at all alert at that time, and then he would **** this cassock over again, I am afraid it would be a breeze.

Although Sun Wukong was not afraid of the sky, but as long as he thought that he had just killed a few thieves, Xuan Zang was already that face. Although he did n’t even bother with Xuan Zang ’s ideas at all, he still had some scruples. .

So he didn't shoot directly, thinking of this roundabout tactic. After thinking of this, he stood up directly.

And the black bear spirit saw the old abbot standing up, and at this moment, he quickly sent the old abbot out with a smile, afraid that the old abbot would continue to stay here and find something ...

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