My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 395: Avalokitesvara is also involved?

Sun Wukong was immediately sent out by the black bear spirit, and after he was just sent out, he walked back. At the moment, he walked along the road and thought about how to use the roundabout tactics. I am afraid that this matter will go back and grow. Discuss with the door.

Just then one person blocked his way again, and Sun Wukong was very helpless when he saw him.

"Just tell the truth, are you always following us, otherwise how would you do wherever we go and you will be out of date."

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled at the moment.

"Look at your big temper, is it something that hasn't succeeded? I just want to come to help you, why don't you have such an attitude towards me."

Sun Wukong heard Guanyin Bodhisattva saying that his eyes turned at the moment, and he felt that this was actually the case. After all, he had to consult with Nagato if he went back, and now if he helps himself to take the cassock directly back, this is actually a saving. A lot of effort.

"Why don't I believe you have been following us like this? Is it just to help me?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled awkwardly at the moment and said to Sun Wukong there:

"In conclusion, would n’t it be better for me to help you now? And I also know that you have a way, do n’t you just want Yi Rongcheng to come here for the banquet? That ’s not as good as all of you and I directly. Those who come to the banquet will be able to help you. "

Sun Wukong shook his head at the moment, he carefully considered it, although he had just thought that way, but now he always feels that the relationship with Guanyin Bodhisattva is always bad, and he has already thought of this method, so there are not many of him. .

Sun Wukong still intends to go back and discuss this matter with Nagato. After all, he also knows that the last thing Xuan Zang has always been cherished. Although it is also a black bear spirit, Sun Wukong does not know whether Xuan Zang will be there again. Say what?

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled and stopped Sun Wukong at this moment. After all, this thing has happened now. He naturally wants to help them, otherwise how can they go to the West smoothly.

Sun Wukong looked at the Guanyin Bodhisattva, and it was not a way to haunt him.

At this moment, on the side road, there was a sparse voice. At this moment, Sun Wukong made a mute gesture to the Bodhisattva, and the two went quietly to see it.

It is clearly a snake essence. After turning into a human form at this moment, he takes a servant and holds something he does not know. I am afraid he is going to celebrate this black bear essence.

At this moment, Sun Wukong jumped out directly and killed the snake spirit and his attendant with a stick. Guanyin Bodhisattva slowly came out, at this moment he shook his head.

"Do you know that you should be compassionate, and now you are really too impulsive to do these things."

Sun Wukong didn't like him to follow himself, but now he said something like the Tang monk again, and then he felt that this Guanyin Bodhisattva was just as nagging as the Tang monk. The shadow of him, he could only avoid it.

"If you want to go with me, then you can leave, and I advise you not to follow me in the future." Guanyin Bodhisattva listened to this tone and knew that Sun Wukong was angry, at this moment he dared not say anything more. And he didn't know why. He used to be like this. He was very tough, but since the long door changed some things, everything was different.

Some things are the same, and some things are not in the same direction as you think, but fortunately, they are generally the same now.

"Why do you have such a bad temper? I have been here to help you all the way, but you have always been angry with me here."

Sun Wukong now refers to the snake on the ground.

"You just saw his appearance, you become his appearance, I become your servant, and then the two of us can be mixed into the cave of the black bear spirit."

After Sun Wukong finished talking, he picked up the box on the ground again. He just thought it was very strange what the two men were holding, but I am afraid that they gave the gift to the black bear spirit. Two pills "medicine".

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled at the moment, and directly changed the two ammunition "drugs", and the person who took the "Drug" would probably have a headache and would not be able to use any skill.

When Sun Wukong saw the Guanyin Bodhisattva at this moment, he felt that the Guanyin Bodhisattva finally had some use, but after smiling, he became the serpent servant just now, and then he and the Guanyin Bodhisattva slowly went one after the other. Walked into this black bear cave.

This time Black Bear invited a lot of monsters to visit his cassock, but he had just deceived the old abbot, so now he is simply unscrupulous and not afraid at all.

But now he is waiting for his best brother, the snake spirit black bear spirit transformed by Guanyin Bodhisattva and Sun Wukong. After seeing it, he quickly invited him in.

At this moment, the snake essence smiled and took his present, and then paid a gift to the black bear.

"Congratulations, congratulations, brother, I heard that you recently got a baby, so this banquet was held, and we are invited to come and watch, I have the Dan medicine I gave you this time. After that, it will greatly increase the skill. This is what your brother and I practiced for seven, seventy-nine days. "

After listening, the black bear essence is naturally very happy. At this moment, he is even more proud. This snake essence is his good brother, so he naturally believes very much.

"Okay, okay, let me take you first to take a look at my new baby, this baby will love you when you see it, and then you, my two brothers and mine are yours."

Hei Xiong Jing didn't forget to laugh there when he finished speaking.

The snake spirit took his attendants to watch together, and they saw that the black bear spirit really brought out the cassock, and the diamond on the cassock sparkled, just like the first time Wu Wu saw him.

Other people who attended the banquet also saw the cassock at the moment, and everyone praised it.

"I have never seen such a beautiful cassock, and there are so many diamonds on this cassock, and so many shining, this time Brother Black Bear really got a baby this time."

"Yeah, yeah, this cassock looks great too."

Those people are now moving forward to watch carefully, including the snake spirit and his attendants. ..

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