My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 398: Ask the mage?

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After a while everyone was sitting there, and the three of you looked at me and I looked at you.

Just as Nagato had told him about it, he was finally not afraid, but as soon as he saw Sun Wukong, he was still very scared, so he is now sitting between this Nagato and Xuan Zang.

"By the way, how did you sleep directly in the middle of the road? And this is in the forest, you are not afraid that after you sleep at night, some beasts come to take you away."

Sun Wukong asked quizzically, after all, he thought this person's timidness was actually quite fun.

This person is trembling at the moment.

"Is n’t it a time for me to snooze at this time? And this forest is relatively shallow, so I do n’t know the monsters you said, and I ’m not far away is my home, I ’m here It ’s been a long time, so I ’m naturally used to it. ”

Nagato was very pleased to hear that if they said so, they should have a place to stay today. He thought he would be in the forest for a night.

"You saw us too. We came here today. We are unfamiliar with this place. I don't know if you can take my door to your house and stay overnight."

After he heard this, he was very hesitant, and he sighed again and again ...

When Sun Wukong saw him like this, he naturally understood that he was unwilling, so he sneered at the moment.

"Looking at him like this, it's clear that he doesn't want to take us, but he didn't expect this man to be so mean."

When Nagato saw that this person was the case, he didn't want to have any extravagance on this person anymore, and then said to him:

"Since you don't want to, we don't have to make more demands, so you are leaving."

At this moment, the man heard that the long door was going to let him go. He had to stand up quickly, then bowed to them, and then planned to run. After all, these people, he still didn't know what was going on. Son, it's terrible to see the monkey essence.

This man ran away without a trace ...

At the moment, only Sun Wukong, Xuan Zang, and the three longmen sat there sighing one after another.

Sun Wukong said to them:

"He is so stingy that even taking us to his house for one night will not be allowed. If I had the temper I had before, I really wished he could be killed with a stick."

Nagato shook his head, but he knew that this person would definitely take them away today, after all, they were about to experience the second incident soon.

Xuan Zang also sighed there at the moment. Although he has always been in the Buddha Hall, he never said that he had been sleeping in the mountains and forests, so he also felt that such a day is really very bitter. How could the long door force him to come.

"I also think you are too reckless at Nagato. Although he disagreed just now, but if we persuade others to speak well, he should also agree. Now we should sleep in the mountains. what?" Nagato is meditating there at the moment, without saying a word, at this time, Sun Wukong and Xuan Zang both felt sorry for each other ...

After Nagato meditated there for a while, he smiled suddenly with his eyes closed. Xuan Zang and Sun Wukong were very surprised when they saw it. They even rubbed their eyes to see if they were wrong.

"Several masters, several masters, I am back ..."

The man just ran back quickly, which surprised both Xuanzang and Sun Wukong. After all, didn't he just run faster than anyone else?

"What are you doing again?"

The man had just run too fast, and at this moment he was leaning on his knees with both hands, where he panted continuously.

"Actually, I really can't tell the bitterness. Although our place was very peaceful before, but something is happening now, so I'm not afraid of hurting you? But I also thought about it on the way back, I believe this The monkey-like masters should also be very powerful, and now you may not be able to help us when you go, so this is ... "

The man smiled there after he finished speaking, and then scratched his head.

This is what they understood. He just sighed and shook his head just now. It turned out that because he was afraid of involving them, Xuan Zang and Sun Wukong felt better after hearing this.

"Then you came back really right, you grandpa monkey I am the most powerful, if there is any danger, as long as you find me, everything can be solved."

This person heard Sun Wukong say this, and his eyes were shining at the moment. He was just very afraid of this monkey spirit, so he ran fast, but he turned to think about it, this monkey essence should also have its magic power, should not It must be able to fight against the monster at that time.

The long door slowly opened his eyes.

"What are you talking about? You can tell what you know and we can help you."

The man said to them:

In fact, the ins and outs of this matter are very long. I ’m afraid I ca n’t say anything to you in a while, but it ’s already night, and it ’s not good for you to sleep here. It ’s better to go back with me. I ’m high in front. Lao Zhuang is a servant of a family, and I just came out to help my master find a mage.

After all, something happened to my lady now, so I can only let me come to find the mage, but we are very remote here, so there are not many people who come and go, I am here to stay and wait for rabbits, but now I have met you three. Man, I was just too reckless just now, and now that I have finally relieved myself, I came to ask you to come and help.

If my grandfather saw the three of you, and this monkey grandfather is so tall, he will be very happy, and he will definitely keep you here for a few more days.

Nagato stood up and flew directly on the horse.

This made Xuan Zang and Sun Wukong look dumbfounded. Their heads could not bear a bunch of question marks.

When Nagato cleared his throat, he said to them, "What are you doing there? Didn't you listen to this person? He wants to put us in for a night today, so let's go with him, you are not real Do you want to live in this wilderness? "

Xuan Zang heard that he was directly mounted at a speed that was too fast to cover his ears, and Sun Wukong also stood up directly at the moment and said to the man, "Little brother leads the way."

This person heard that they promised that they were very happy. At this moment, he led them back happily. He knew that if his grandfather saw these people, he would be very happy. After all, his lady ’s affairs are very critical now ... .

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