My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 399: Ins and outs

A group of them followed the little fellow and continued to move forward. They walked to a family within half an hour, and the little fellow smiled and said to them:

"We're here, let's go in."

At this moment, the little servant knocked directly on the door, and the doorman saw that the little servant was back. At the moment, he greeted the little servant. The little servant asked him to stop the long door. Also invited in, but when he saw that Sun Wukong was terrified.

There is already a monster in their house, but now there is another monster. At that moment he sighed again and again. What the **** did he do? I am just a janitor.

Instead, the little fellow said to the gatekeeper: "I know what you are worried about, but they are the wizards I invited, so you don't have to be afraid at all."

The man doubted the letter and it was then that Naomen and others had already entered with the little fellow, and when they entered, they surprised the Gao and Mrs. Gao.

"What are you doing? We asked you to ask the mage. Why did you bring these servants, aren't you enough monsters in our house?"

Lord Gao now screams loudly. After all, there are already enough troubles. Now he has invited another monster. What is he going to do?

At this moment, the little man shook his head, and made a slap to Mrs. Gao.

"My dear, you should listen to me slowly, how can I go out and invite a monster back, in fact, don't look at it as scary, but they also help us catch monsters."

When Mrs. Gao listened to the shifting attitude immediately, she did n’t expect that they were here to help her catch the demon, but now there is no way. If you want to save your daughter, what kind of person are they, as long as they can Your daughter can do anything.

"Madam, hurry and show me the best tea."

Mr. Gao greeted him with a smile, and Mrs. Gao was now companion.

"Then please everyone, hurry up and sit down, we can only rely on you now."

Long Gate looked at Master Gao and Mrs Gao, and he naturally knew what was going on. However, he sat there without saying much, and this matter made Sun Wukong very curious.

"Then what will happen to you in the end, then we can help you solve it after you say it?"

Mrs. Gao shook her head at the moment, then thought back to the past ...

This matter is a long story. I remember that we thought he was our benefactor to save our family, but I didn't expect him to be such a monster. Our place is called Gao Laozhuang, and we have a landlord who has hit my daughter, first grabbed my daughter, but our husband "women" two, How can this baby girl give up?

The land security was not a good person, but halfway down there was a heroic brave man who rescued our daughter and ran away the people of the land security. We were very grateful to him at that time.

After we went back, we just gave him a courtesy, and left him to stay for a few more days, he agreed, and these days he also helped our family to do a lot of good things, all the dirty work of our family, he worked If one person is all inclusive, even the servants of our family can't compare with him.

In fact, since he saved my daughter, our husband, "Wife", has been there to investigate him, and wants to stay him for a few days, but also wants to see what his ability is, and whether he is worth it. It is worth being a very good son-in-law, but after a few days of inspection we found that everything is really good except for one place.

"That's how he can eat it."

His ability to eat was stunned us. At that time, his work on the first day really did all the work of many people. But when he was eating, we were stunned. He just ate all the buns that were so full of mountains.

Whoever can eat it? We were terrified at the time, but he did a lot of work, so we did n’t say much, and he also stayed in our house for some time, and we have become accustomed to it.

Our two old people are common in this life, so naturally we also want to find an ordinary son-in-law. We look at his honest duty, although he can eat a little, but the work is not bad. Marry him, although his appearance is very ordinary, but we are in his talents.

Sun Wukong heard this very helpless.

"Since you have always praised him this way, why are you still looking for a mage? Isn't all this good?"

Although Nagato knew everything about it, he also wanted to hear these people repeat it again, and Xuan Zang was particularly curious at this time, all of which clearly said the merits of that person, and it seemed that everything Very normal.

Mrs. Gao sighed, and then continued ...

Yes, everything is very normal, and we have long regarded it as the most satisfied son-in-law in our hearts, and we really helped them to hold the wedding, but all this is to start from the wedding.

On the wedding day, we prepared a very festive banquet for them and invited all our relatives and friends from Gao Laozhuang to come. It was really lively at that time.

But what I did not expect was that, after the two of them were married, Naboo sent someone to rob my daughter. But he was still running away.

But this happened at this time, we are very fortunate to have him, we finally decided that he is our son-in-law, only he can protect our daughter, we drink more, he suddenly from An ordinary human has become a fat monster, and we almost didn't faint after watching it.

According to anyone, we ca n’t marry our daughter to such a fat monster, so we want to save our daughter, but the monster has already caught our daughter. agree.

So much so that we later locked our daughter in the attic of my house. Although my daughter was desperately unable to obey, he often went outside the attic and asked my daughter to give him a chance.

The door below this building was also locked to death. We and our daughter could only meet through the window. Masters, what do you say is this ...

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