My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 400: Promise to catch the demon

Sun Wukong and Nagato finally understood the ins and outs, and then Mrs. Gao and Mr. Gao remembered the sad thing, but they were there again, crying with a snot and tears.

At this moment, Mrs. Gao wiped her nose with a handkerchief and wiped two more tears.

"Masters, you must help us. We really have no choice, and we also hired a lot of mages, but we couldn't beat the monster at all. Now we are separated from our daughter."

Nagato looked at this Mrs. Gao, and really shook her head at the moment.

Sun Wukong naturally likes to take care of these things, he is very proud of patting his chest at the moment!

"On this matter, it is not easy. If he comes tonight, then I will help you run him away."

He was the one who dared to make trouble in the Tiangong Temple, so there was nothing terrible about him. Sun Wukong was naturally fearless.

Xuan Zang had some fears at the moment. While Sun Wukong was chatting with Mrs. Gao Gao, Xuan Zang secretly said to the long door:

"There are monsters here, let's leave as soon as possible. After all, we just want to go to the West. It is not good to mix these unnecessary things."

Nagato shook his head.

"Why are you so afraid, Sun Wukong has not said all this? He can completely solve this matter, we are just sitting here drinking tea quietly and it is already so late tonight, where are you going to go? ? "

Nagato felt more and more that he had lost patience with this Xuanzang, because he had been tormenting there, and he was very timid. Now, if he doesn't exercise and train him, he will never do anything like this.

A gust of wind blew past. The trees outside began to sway and made a sparse sound.

Mrs. Gao and Mrs. Gao were trembling at the moment.

"Masters, every time the monster comes out, it will make such a sound. Maybe this monster will be here soon. Pity my daughter is so beautiful. Why did you put on such a ghost monster?"

Nagato sighed deeply at the moment.

"You can rest assured, we will help you to run this monster, and this Monkey King, although you don't look at his scary appearance, but his strength is obvious to all, you can rest assured about this matter."

Nagato asked the old lady Gao to have tea with Xuanzang, and then he and Sun Wukong went to the attic together.

Miss Gao is resting. At this moment she suddenly saw a man and a demon. She was so scared that she thought it was the monster's associate.

"Ah, who are you again? I beg you, don't come to torment me again."

Miss Gao was crying with pear flowers and rain, but her hands were very distressed. She was terrified.

Sun Wukong wanted to step forward to explain, but Nagato stopped his movements, but stepped forward to persuade him. "Miss, you must not be afraid of us, we are here to help you. And we are also invited by your parents to help you run the monster, so you do n’t have to be afraid at all our."

After hearing this, Miss Gao still didn't believe it. The long door directly hugged Miss Gao and flew off the attic at the moment, sending her into the room they had just entered.

Mrs. Gao and Mrs. Gao used to see their daughters through the attic window and looked at each other far away, but they could n’t touch each other. The two were very sad, but now they see their daughter in front of them. The two hurried towards their daughter at this moment, and the family embraced like this.

"Father and mother, I didn't expect my daughter to be able to hug you like this again in her lifetime."

Gao Cuilan hugged him tightly with her parents at this moment, only this time to believe what Nagato just said.

And after she finally let go, she wanted to go back and say thank you to the man just now, but she turned around and found that the man was gone again.

Nagato used his mana to return to the attic.

"You actually came back. I thought you would not come back after holding the beauty down. I didn't expect you to remember what we were going to do to run the monster."

Sun Wukong said this to Nagato with some complaints at the moment.

Nagato didn't want to take care of him anymore, and said these meaningless explanations. After all, the woman didn't believe them just now. If you stay for a while, I'm afraid the monster will already be here.

"I do n’t have time to say anything else now. I just want to tell you that when the monster comes, you become that high Cuilan. But I advise you not to do anything meaningless if you dare not to listen to the instructions anymore , By the time you know my abilities. "

Sun Wukong disagreed, since Nagato had said so, what more could he do?

"Is it okay to obey your arrangement? What about you? What role do you play in a while?"

Nagato smiled and said to Sun Wukong: "This room is only one of Gao Cuilan, so it's okay only if you become Gao Cuilan, but then I will tell you everything about everything next. My command is absolutely correct. But if you want me to know that you are playing tricks in it, then I do n’t need to say more. ”

Sun Wukong sat there at the moment and said nothing, very helpless.

Nagato finished his next jump, and left directly, but he did not go back, but spied on everything in a very secret place.

At this moment, an evil wind blew past, and the sparse outside sound was louder. At this moment, the wind saw a monster with a huge body, and then reached the attic.

The monster is knocking there at the moment.

"Cui Lan, are you there? I'm here. I don't know if I can let me in. Today, although I look a little scary, my heart is true to you."

Sun Wukong has already changed into the appearance of Gao Cuilan. At this moment, he uses Gao Cuilan's voice to let the goblin come in.

After the goblin came in, Sun Wukong saw his fat-headed appearance, no wonder people were very satisfied with him, but later regretted his marriage, no matter how no one could marry his daughter to such a monster.

But the pig Bajie was very excited to hear Gao Cuilan make him come in. At the moment he saw this Cuilan's appearance, he caught Gao Cuilan, and now he can really think of everything, and he is naturally very happy.

He sat directly next to Gao Cuilan. Cuilan did not tweak like usual, which surprised him very much. Although he did not know what was going on, he was still very satisfied with the progress. ..

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