My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 434: Sun monkey is a horse

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at night……

Sun Monkey also held a party, and is now very happy inside the Huaguo Shanshuilian Cave. Everyone is singing and dancing there, and those little monkeys are jumping around.

The little black cat is also playing with those little monkeys now. She feels very happy in Huaguo Mountain. She did not expect there is such a fun place between this world and the world.

Sun Wukong was drinking there right now.

"Today, this pig bajie was caught by us, and I am very happy, so today this party, everyone must have fun."

The little monkeys are very happy at the moment, they are sitting there eating.

Nagato watched that the monkey had been drinking, and he understood that Sun Monkey was actually worried.

At this time, Monkey Monkey saw Nagato's very calm look, and also asked Nagato:

"Nagato, don't you worry at all? Today they all encountered embarrassment, and you grouped us together, and now I'm just like this, but you don't say a word?"

Nagato smiled at the moment and still didn't speak. At this time, Sun Monkey finally couldn't hold back.

When Nagato saw him like this, he smiled and said:

"I want to ask if you really don't care about them? If you care about them now, then quickly put the pig bajie, I will go back with you, and save the sand monk and Tang Seng and others. But if you Do n’t worry if you do n’t worry over there. ”

Sun Monkey sighed. He wanted to ask Nagato to persuade himself a few words and give himself a step down, but he did not expect Nagato to have so much more strength and endurance than himself. His little monkey put down the pig bajie.

Pig Bajie is very weak now, and after he was put down, he saw Sun Monkey and opened his mouth to scold Sun Monkey.

Monkey Monkey saw him like that, at this moment, he directly summoned his own gold hoop.

This made Pig Bajie dare not say anything.

"Okay, Pig Bajie, my grandson doesn't want to care about you now. How can we also be a relationship between brothers and sisters? Now I will go back from you to rescue the master and our brother."

Zhu Bajie was very happy after listening to it. He didn't expect this group of monkeys, but he couldn't bear himself after all. Sun Monkey didn't forget to throw a few peaches at Zhu Ba Jie. Pig Ba Jie quickly picked it up and ate it there.

Nagato hugged the little black cat too late, and he waved his hand and went directly to the monkey and pig bajie and him, and the little black cat went directly to the monster's hole.

Pig Bajie was very surprised when he saw it, and he sighed there at the moment, because all the long doors knew.

At this moment, the princess Baihua came out with the monk Sha.

Monk Sha was very surprised to see them at the moment.

"Brother Master, why are you here?"

Monkey Monkey sneered at the moment.

"Of course it was Pig Bajie who came to us and we came back. Now that it is so dangerous, we will give him a face, otherwise he will not kneel even if he asks me to kneel down."

Pig Bajie is very curious, why is it that the monk Sha and the princess Baihua can easily come out like this? "How come the two of you came out so easily?"

The Hundred Flowers Princess shook her head at the moment, and began to tell them, because a few days ago, the yellow robe Taoist turned into a humanoid form, and went to Baoxiang Kingdom, so now there is no one in this monster cave Blocking himself, he released the monk Sha.

And at this moment, Nagato suddenly felt as if he was enchanted, and gradually approached here. At this moment, he said to them:

"There is a demon-like spirit approaching here, so the situation is very critical now. You stay here, Sun Monkey. Didn't you change 72 and become the princess of flowers? We sent the princess of flowers directly to the palace. "

Monkey Monkey nodded and stayed, and the long door and others disappeared in an instant.

Sun Monkey now finally understands why he has to let himself do things when he has something to do. It turned out that it was not because he wanted to use himself as a labor force, but because of this thing, the monks such as Zhu Bajiesha and the monks could n’t do it. There is no such ability at all.

Sun Monkey turned around and turned into a princess of flowers.

The monster really came back, and when he came back, he could not find his wife in action. At this moment, he was very flustered.

"Mrs. Madam, where are you?"

At this moment, the Hundred Flowers Princess came in at the moment, and then said to the monster:

"Lang Jun, I'm here. You don't know, the pig bajie rescued the sand monk and made the chaos in the cave so messy."

Princess Baihua said while crying, her expression at the moment was very pitiful.

The monster comforted her quickly, but he still didn't understand what was going on.

At this moment the monster began to open his mouth again and spit out his elixir.

"Ma'am, don't be afraid, they can't help me with my elixir."

At the moment, Princess Baihua directly watched the elixir staring at it, taking advantage of the monster's inattention, and directly swallowed the elixir in her hand.

This can make the monster nervous.

"What are you doing, Madam? If you eat this elixir, you will become a monster."

As soon as the monster had finished speaking, Sun Wukong returned to its original shape, which surprised the monster and stepped back several times.

"Madam, how did you become like this?"

Sun Wukong no longer concealed at this moment, where he smiled happily.

"Who is the wife? I'm your grandfather monkey."

At this moment, the monster naturally knew that he was in the middle, and at this moment he fought with the two Monkey Kings. Holding his own weapon to fight with Sun Wukong, but now there is no relic in his body, so now he has some advantages.

Sun Wukong hadn't played with these monsters so happily for a long time at this moment, he didn't give up a bit, and took his gold hoop to beat the monster all over again.

This monster really could not hide under a stone table, but because the gold hoop was so powerful, he split the stone table in half.

This monster hides nowhere, and soon escapes outside, Sun Wukong chases closely, but in the next second, the monster turns into a yellow smoke and disappears like that.

Sun Wukong looked very strange. But anyway, he would hurry up to meet with Nagato and others, so he didn't care at all, so he flew directly in the direction of the palace ...

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