My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 435: Come back, Goku!

Sun Wukong flew anxiously into the palace, he saw the long gate and others gathered there above the sky, and then he flew down.

Sun Wukong was particularly curious about what they were looking at, and only then did Wu Wukong see that they were surrounded by a tiger.

When Zhu Bajie saw that Sun Wukong was coming, he said quickly: "I didn't expect your grand monkey to come very quickly. Since you are here, hurry up and save the master."

Sun Wukong was trapped and confused, wasn't Nagato here? Could n’t even Nagato save him?

Nagato sees that Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie each speak their own words, and they will never understand this way.

"I know you didn't take the monster's relic, only that relic can save the Tang monk."

Sun Wukong finally realized that after hearing this, everyone was waiting for him. At this moment, he quickly opened his mouth and spit out the relic, and then handed it to the long door.

I saw Nagato holding a relic and chanting a curse at the moment, and the light of the relic shone "shot" on the tiger's body, and slowly the tiger returned to the appearance of a Tang monk.

At this time, everyone was still immersed in joy, only Sun Wukong turned his head away at this moment. Forgive both Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie, so he immediately left in a flash.

"Goku ... Goku ... I was wrong, you come back."

Tang Seng was the first person to notice that Sun Wukong was gone. At this moment, he was shouting at the sky, but now Sun Wukong has disappeared without a trace.

Tang Seng sat there and sighed. He now knew he was wrong, but now it seems that Sun Wukong has no intention to forgive himself, and he can only shake his head there again and again.

Suddenly he thought of the long door, at this moment he always looked at him in tears.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie was brave.

"You see what I am doing? I have no opinion at all. I am wrong if I am wrong. I don't want to do any more sophistry for myself."

After the long door nodded, an instant and direct disappeared into everyone's sight.

"You guys are here to stay well, take me back to Wukong, and then we will continue to move forward ..."

When Nagato left this sentence, it disappeared without a trace, and then the two monks, Sha and Zhu Bajie, helped Tang Seng up. Tang Seng sighed at the moment, and a few people went to the place that the king had arranged for himself. rest.

In Huaguo Mountain ...

"The great king."

Those little monkeys are very happy to jump around in a jumble there, they did not expect their king to come back so soon!

When Sun Wukong saw himself these little monkeys, he sighed there at that moment. No matter who he encountered or what happened, there were so many little monkeys who supported him. He didn't lose money at all, and this is always his own destination.

Sun Wukong had just returned, and at the moment the long door followed Sun Wukong and landed.

"Goku, don't you plan to go with us?"

Sun Wukong had just returned at the moment, and he didn't want to recall those things before. He just felt very angry when he remembered.

A short walk from Nagato came to Sun Wukong, where he was persuading him with bitterness.

"Tang Seng also knew that he was wrong, and Zhu Bajie was also taught this time. In fact, you are completely not angry with them anymore, so don't make trouble and go back with us. And think about what you have done before So much, do you want your efforts to be in vain? "

After Sun Wukong heard it, he was a little bit tempted. After all, he did work hard before, but he needs to promise him a condition if he wants to go back.

Nagato nodded at the moment, he should probably be able to guess what conditions Sun Wukong allowed himself to promise him?

Sun Wukong thought about it at the moment and said, "My condition is very simple, that is, I won't listen to anyone except you. In the future, Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie should better not break my mouth and do more practical things, otherwise I still don't Will go with them again. "

Nagato nodded, and at this time Sun Wukong finally agreed to go back with Nagato, and the two left in an instant. In fact, on the road, Sun Wukong had always been sorry for his group of little monkeys. But now that this is the case, what else can I do? He can only go back to the West as soon as possible.

On the other side, Tang Sang and they were still discussing there, whether Sun Wukong would come back ...

"I think it's a little dangling, and you don't know the temper of Sun Monkey, so I think the temperament should not come back with his temper."

"Zhu Bajie, I advise you to speak well. Everything the master did is right. Instead, you and the master have been reversing black and white there, even I can't stand it anymore."

"Are we just guessing? Why are you angry now?"

At this time, Tang Seng watched the two of them talking and arguing again, but he shook his head even more helpless, but they did not know whether Sun Wukong would come back.

And just suddenly, Wu Wukong and Nagato arrived directly in front of them.

Tang Seng was delighted to see nature, but what else could he say at this moment?

And Nagato said to them at the moment: "Okay, since we are all assembled, then let's continue our journey, but Pig Bajie you promised me what you can do. There are also things that Tang Seng should not think of seeing it is true."

At the moment, the two were trained by the long gate to dare not say anything, but nodded silently there, and then a few people set off, but in fact the king and queen have always been very grateful to them, especially Princess Baihua.

And after they walked, they walked into the forest, and Zhu Bajie remembered it.

"Oh, Monkey Monkey, what happened to you and that monster at last? It came back so quickly."

Monkey Monkey just forgotten that the monk Tang had forgotten that the monster had escaped?

"I thought about it when you asked about it, and the monster disappeared like yellow smoke without knowing how! I always felt very strange."

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