My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 436: Taoist conspiracy

Sun Monkey said this, everyone was very surprised. They thought that Sun Monkey had already killed the monster, but they didn't expect the monster to escape.

Especially Tang Seng, at this moment was very surprised and said: "Ah, if the monster runs away, won't it be like us to seek revenge?"

Pig Bajie sneered at that moment.

"I didn't expect that there was something that Master Brother couldn't do, and Master Master was so powerful that he could make the monster run away."

Sun Wukong was helpless now that the two of them still look like this.

"What's the hurry between you two? Both Nagato and I have returned, what else is terrible?"

The monk Sha was also helping Sun Wukong to speak, which created a polarizing situation at the moment, but they were staring at Sun Wukong, Tang Sang and Zhu Bajie were afraid to say anything, they continued to move forward, but just after passing there Came to a mountain again.

"Bajie, I think you are very comfortable every day. It is better to let you come up on this mountain today, to see if there are monsters on this mountain, and to explore the way for us."

Pig Bajie was naturally reluctant, so now he didn't want to move at all, and this was Sun Wukong's glaring, and even Tang Seng quickly let him go.

Pig Bajie is helpless, but what can he do? At this moment, he was lazily walking forward carrying his sledge ...

When it was Nagato, they sat and rested, and by the way let the pig Bajie taste the sufferings that Sun Wukong had experienced before.

Zhu Bajie walked forward and encountered a good place, and he looked at this place just for a nap. Now is the time when the sun is at its greatest, and at this moment when I go up the mountain at this time, I am afraid that he will be baked in a roast It ’s a pig, so he lay down in this place and planned to take a nap.

Just after Zhu Bajie walked for a while, Sun Wukong also left for some reason, but what they did n’t know was that Sun Wukong wanted to see if Zhu Bajie honestly went to the mountains. As expected, he found Zhu Bajie Sleeping there lazy, he shook his head there at the moment, this pig bajie really can't help the wall!

Pig Bajie was sleeping there very sweetly. This was when Sun Wukong rolled his eyes. After that, he threw a stone and fell on this pig Bajie.

"Where is the monster? Look at my old pig ..."

Pig Bajie was startled and suddenly woke up. But he is watching now on Monday, and there is nothing at all. He is even more puzzled at this moment, and he sees a bird on his head. At this moment, he shook his head and lay down.

But now, he has been asleep for a long time, and he is thinking there at the moment. If they ask themselves, they say it is a stone mountain, a stone cave. Everything is stone. The excuse that Zhu Bajie wanted was to fall asleep there again.

Soon after he closed his eyes, a bird of excrement fell on his face again, and Pig Bajie opened his eyes impatiently, and felt a little annoyed with his hand.

At this moment, he saw the bird on his head again, and took a stone to hit him. The bird flew far away and left ... After a few hours, Zhu Bajie finally returned, and at this moment Nagato, Tang Seng and others saw him without any expression.

At this time, Sun Monkey was there, hehe smiled.

"Bajie, you came back very quickly. I don't know if you have understood all the details of this mountain. What mountain is this?"

Pig Bajie has thought about the countermeasures, so he is proud to say there at the moment: "Of course, I can't do anything if I get out of the horse. I have investigated it clearly. This is Stone Mountain. There is a stone hole. "

After hearing it, Nagato and Tang Seng shook their heads there. He did n’t expect that the pig Bajie was still taught repeatedly. Sun Wukong now changed his expression to a hoarse grin. When he opened his palm, the gold hoop stick It's in his own hands again.

Sun Wukong took the gold hoop and chased the pig bajie, and this pig bajie was also very surprised. But if he was hit with this stick, it would have been enough for several days, so he was running quickly.

"What are you doing, Monkey Monkey? I've clearly patrolled the mountains and told you what you know, but you are so good to me."

Sun Monkey told him that he was following him. Zhu Bajie was justified. He was hiding behind the long door at the moment, and the long door moved to another place. Zhu Bajie had no choice but to hide again. Behind the Tang monk, the Tang monk shook his head at the moment, and he also exposed the pig Bajie.

At this time, Zhu Bajie really had no choice, but he was begging for mercy there.

"I'm sorry, I admit I was lazy this time, but will I always be given a chance to make up for it?"

Monkey Monkey still does not spare.

"Your stinky pig is lazy to make every day, what chance do you want? See my old grandson take the gold hoop and tidy up you today."

Nagato shook his head helplessly at the moment.

"Okay, don't stop Goku from going on with him anymore. Now, give him a chance to continue to explore the mountain, but if this time is the same as last time, then it should really be punished. Now. "

Zhu Bajie heard that Nagato had spoken for himself. At the moment, he slapped his buttocks and went up the mountain again. This was his chance. He must not miss it.

It seems that Sun Monkey sees him like that, but he thinks he should not bring any good results this time ...

On the other side, because the Taoist people always wanted to hinder the Tang monks from going to the West, they set up a lot of difficulties, and now they are even more rumored, if they eat the Tang monk meat, they can live forever, even After listening to those monsters, they were very emotional, so now Tang Seng became a celebrity!

No matter where he goes, those monsters ca n’t wait to catch him quickly and eat his meat so that they can live forever, so they also spent a lot of thoughts.

Now there is a pair of monster brothers on this mountain. The two heard that Tang Seng was coming soon. The two were very happy.

And the monster said to his second brother at the moment: "Second brother, the Tang monk I told you before is coming, you will take your men down the mountain to find, if there are any clues, please come back and tell Me, our brother and I will find a solution together. "

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