My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 437: Xunshan encountered a group of monsters

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The monster took a small banner and hummed a song, very happy to take his hand down to patrol the mountain ...

They walked over the top of the mountain. At this moment, they saw a figure underneath, and before he left, his elder brother gave him a portrait of the Tang monk he knew.

At this moment he took the portrait and began to compare it. The person under him took a look at the portrait. At this moment, he was even more certain that the fat man with big ears was Zhu Bajie.

And those who looked at this head picture clearly recognized it, and at this moment they said to their boss:

"Boss, you see this fat man with big ears is the one on this picture."

At this moment, the monster nodded, and he can now confirm it. Afterwards, he quickly led his men down the mountain, directly in front of Zhu Bajie.

Pig Bajie was really serious about cruising the mountain this time. He looked at the rest of everything. In this wild country, he felt that there should be nothing, but suddenly a group of monsters were in front of him.

Pig Bajie immediately counseled. He pretended to be smirking.

"I don't know what your brothers are doing in front of me? If it's okay, then my old pig will leave first."

These little demon heard the pig Bajie say so, all laughed there, not to mention the lead monster again.

"Isn't your fat-headed look like a Tang monk? I didn't expect it to be a counsel."

Those little demon are very disrespectful of pig bajie, but pig bajie disagrees, as long as he can escape now, everything is nothing to him.

"Hee hee, brothers, I think you are probably the wrong person."

Pig Bajie covered his nose with his clothes and planned to leave as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that the monster waved his hand, and a few little monsters blocked himself in front of him again.

Pig Bajie was obviously helpless at this time. After all, I am afraid that he would not be able to escape without taking action.

Pig Bajie no longer talks nonsense, his hand catches in the air, his sledge reaches his hand, at this moment he holds the sledge.

"Huh, you monsters, my grandpa pig wanted to let you go, but you don't know what to do. Now let you try my grandpa's sledge."

Pig Bajie no longer talks nonsense, directly holding his sledge, and then rolls forward, and then wants to let the monster try his strength, but the monster easily avoids, and the next little demon All of them rushed over the pig bajie, and they rushed towards the pig bajie one by one. How powerful that pig bajie was, it couldn't beat so many people at all.

In the end, Zhu Bajie was still arrested by them. The monster now tied the pig bajie with flowers, and his feet were still stepping on the pig bajie.

"Huh, Grandpa Pig, I think you are a little sweet pig."

The monster waved his hand.

"Let's go, the little guys take me back to the cave with Zhu Bajie."

The little demon followed the monster to carry the pig bajie back to the cave, and after returning to the cave, the monster's elder brother saw the pig bajie and shook his head at the moment.

"Second brother, you tied the wrong person. You tied the pig Bajie. Although the pig Bajie is an apprentice of the Tang monk, he doesn't have the ability of the Tang monk at all, and he can live forever only by eating the Tang monk's meat."

But the monster was laughing there.

"Brother, I know, but I think it's good to catch this pig monster back, when our dinner is also good, and now the pig bajie is also in our hands, wouldn't it be easier to catch the Tang monk."

When they said this, the two monsters were laughing there at the moment. If they can really eat the meat of Tang monks, not only will they be able to cultivate themselves, but they will still be immortal when the time comes. This is something everyone is after.

Pig Bajie is very helpless at the moment. He has been listening to these two monsters talking there. Isn't he a transparent person?

"Hey, can you both take care of me? I'm innocent. Besides, I caught me for nothing, and now I'm going to eat it?"

Pig Bajie didn't say anything, the two monsters had forgotten the existence of Pig Bajie, and at the moment the two people finally realized Pig Bajie.

"Second brother, the pig essence you grabbed is really good. Look at his fat body. We may be able to add meals tonight. It is better to put a shelf in a while and eat roast suckling pigs tonight."

When they talked about it, they laughed there again.

"Brother said it rightly, then I will prepare some condiments or something. For his fat body, of course, I need to make more salting."

Pig Bajie was quite helpless at the moment, and did not expect that the two of them finally realized that they were still talking about this kind of thing, shouldn't they be faceless?

"How to say that my old pig is also the Marshal Tianpeng in the sky before, but now you two actually discuss these, when my old pig has no face?"

The two monsters didn't want to take care of him at all. They waved their hands at the moment, and the little monsters lifted up the pig bajie.

"......... you two monsters ......... If you dare to eat my old pig ...... look at my brother and master, they will not smash you corpses ... help ... help ... ''

The two monsters only saw the appearance of Zhu Bajie, and they thought he was extremely stupid, and they were also very funny. He did not expect that the Tang monk even had such an apprentice. It was just a wine bag.

But after the two people finished speaking, the big monster was a little depressed at the moment.

"You don't know the second brother, the Tang monk's apprentice is actually just a waste, but he has a big apprentice, but before the big troubles in the Tiangong Temple, I am afraid he is not easy to deal with. I am afraid that it is still very difficult for us to eat Tang monk meat.

After the monster had finished speaking, both of them were embarrassed, but they also had magic weapons. At the moment, the two younger brothers took the initiative to invite them and planned to take these two magic weapons to rule the Sun Wukong. After all, if Sun Wukong was uniformed, Tang Seng caught it. It is very easy.

On the other side, Zhu Bajie has been up the mountain for a long time, and now it is getting dark. However, Zhu Bajie didn't come back, and then Tang Seng had some concerns.

"What the **** is this? How did Zhu Bajie patrol the mountain for so long and haven't come back. Isn't he falling asleep again, or was there any accident?"

Nagato has been meditating there since Pig Bajie left, holding his breath, not listening to the things outside the window, but he still heard what the Tang Seng said. At this moment he slowly opened his eyes and waved his hand to call Goku By your side.

"Goku, you go up the mountain to find out what the **** is this? If it's already dark today, don't he encounter any danger."

That is, Nagato instructed himself, Sun Wukong thought this way at the moment, but his actions quickly went up the mountain quickly ...

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