My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 439: Kill a group of monsters halfway

Sun Monkey just took them halfway, and then a group of monsters suddenly appeared. At that moment, the group of monsters were all looking at the people such as Nagato, who might be blocking their way.

Especially Tang Seng, he saw so many strange and terrible monsters that he was already terrified. At the moment, he was hiding behind the long door and he could n’t even look at it.

Nagato knew they were monsters, but he didn't want to kill innocents indiscriminately.

"What are you doing in front of us?"

Those monsters were there laughing and laughing ...

"What are we going to do? This Tang monk eats meat but can live forever. We have heard of this matter long ago. Of course, I came here to take Tang monk's life."

Nagato was very helpless at this moment, and Tang Seng was even more afraid when he heard that they were here to take his own "life". At this moment, even his body was trembling there.

And at this time, Nagato said to them: "I miss you little monsters who are young and ignorant, so I don't want to care about you, and now you give us away, we won't do anything to you, but if you If you continue to hold on to "Mi", you will blame me for being rude. "

Of these little demon, there is naturally a king who is leading them at the moment, and now when he hears the saying of Nagato, he is very disdainful and then waves his hand. He has never heard of it, which one is called a Nagato. Awesome.

"The boys all give me this. If Tang Seng can really be caught today, then we can open up tonight."

The little demon were even more excited when they heard it. At this moment, all of them rushed forward. Sand Monks, Wu Wukong, and Nagato fought against them.

Nagato looked at the situation now, and it was not good for them. After all, in this situation, Zhu Bajie was about to be eaten. At this moment, Nagato signaled Sun Wukong to let him take Tang Seng first, and he and Sha Monk came to deal with it. Now things.

Sun Monkey naturally understands what they mean. In any case, even if the pig Bajie is very flattering, but now he is really in danger, how can they be correct.

At the critical moment, Sun Wukong plucked the three "hairs" behind his head and put it on his hand. His monkey monkey grandson seemed to have reached all his side, and then the monkeys also fought with the little demon ... …

Taking advantage of such panic and chaos, Sun Monkey ran directly to Tang Seng. Tang Sang was still very scared at this moment. He was now crouching on the ground, praying with his eyes closed, hoping that those people would not hurt themselves by mistake.

Suddenly he seemed to be dragged directly by some external force, and at first glance he was a grand monkey.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Monkey Monkey didn't take it for granted. Now he came to save him. Instead, he said it as if he were questioning himself here.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Sun Monkey dragged the Tang monk in this way, and at this moment a somersault turned over somewhere else. After that, he was getting closer and closer to the cave, but he said to Tang Seng.

"It's not that the long door is afraid that you are in danger, but it is to signal me to rescue you first, otherwise you think I want to take care of you."

When Tang Seng heard Sun Wukong say this, he wanted to look at the surrounding environment. It was indeed very different from the one he just had. He was finally relieved at the moment. And this grand monkey thinks that it is really not safe to put Tang Seng alone here, but he still has to go to rescue the pig, and it is always a burden to bring Tang Seng on. Those monsters originally wanted to eat Tang monk's meat, and it was too weird to send the Tang monk to the door by himself.

Sun Wukong actually has no solution, and he is very distressed. What should he do?

Sun Wukong rolled his eyes and spread his hands at this moment, the gold hoop returned to his hands. They appeared in a circle in one go.

"You were warned last time, and you should be very familiar with this circle. Now you are in this circle. Wait for me to come back."

Tang Seng naturally knew that all the last time was his misunderstanding, and this time he finally understood the good intentions of Sun Wukong. At this moment, he understood that he should not act lightly.

This time Sun Wukong didn't say much, but Tang Seng quickly hurried into the circle directly, and was squatting there at the moment, it was simply very clever.

"Oh, has your monk finally become enlightened?"

Sun Wukong was watching at this time. I'm afraid he wouldn't go too late now. Pig Bajie is very critical, but at this time an old man's cry came out.

"Ah ... it hurts ... ah ..."

At the moment, Sun Wukong felt very strange. Why is there someone in this deep mountain and old forest, still crying there, is it a monster? Despite the crisis of the pig's Bajie, if there are really monsters now, the Tang monk is easily deceived, and he is also in vain.

At this time, Tang Seng also heard this voice, he saw that Sun Wukong had not left, and quickly stopped Sun Wukong.

"Goku Goku, don't go first, you have heard it. Someone seems to be in danger, so please go and have a look."

Sun Wukong was very helpless at the moment. He knew that the Tang monk was very timid, but he did not expect that he was not only timid but also really busy.

The Tang monk had already ran out. At this moment, he slowly followed Sun Wukong to the voice, and they saw an old man's leg break at the moment.

Tang Seng saw that this man was so pitiful at this moment, he quickly stepped forward and wanted to help the old man up.

"Old man, why are you alone in this deep mountain?"

After the old man sighed, he said to Tang Seng and others: "I also want to go up the mountain to cut wood, but now I have broken my leg. I can't move at all, no matter how.

Tang Seng was so helpless when he saw this, and now he didn't even know what to do.

"Old man, since you can't go anymore, let me carry you."

The old man seemed to have succeeded in deceit. At this moment, when he heard this from Tang Seng, he nodded and agreed. In fact, he smiled there.

Although he turned his head and chuckled there, it was discovered by Sun Wukong.

"The old man might as well let me carry you."

Sun Wukong didn't believe it anymore. Instead, he wanted to see what trick the monster could play. At this moment, he went straight ahead and carried the old man on his back ...

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