My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 440: Tang Seng was arrested

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The old man just wanted to refuse, but he remembered that he was not injured in the leg. At this moment, he sighed helplessly.

Sun Wukong thought that the old man was very strange, but now he saw that the monster was very impatient and wanted to tease the monster.

"Elderly, I am more energetic than my master. Now I feel more comfortable carrying you back. Why are you still sighing there?"

At the moment, the old man smiled awkwardly, but he expressed his gratitude to Sun Wukong.

Instead, Tang Seng was talking to Sun Wukong at the moment, so that he shouldn't talk about the old man there anymore. They are an old man and have broken their legs. How pitiful they are now.

However, Sun Wukong just took a few more steps, and suddenly he felt that the old man was carrying him more and more and heavier and heavier, and at the moment Sun Wukong was very difficult to walk ...

Suddenly, the old man disappeared out of thin air, and Sun Wukong was carrying a whole mountain, and he could not even breathe at the moment.

A gust of wind drifts ...

"Ah, Wukong save me ... Wukong."

With this voice, Tang Seng disappeared again, and Sun Wukong couldn't manage him at all. After all, he was already being crushed by this mountain.

And in the monster hole at the moment ...

"Hahahahahaha, I did n’t expect that the monkey monkey was so mentally handicapped, and now he was teased by a little trick like me, and now he is impossible to come here to grab the Tang monk by this whole mountain. It seems that we can eat Tang monk meat and pork together tonight. "

At this moment, Tang Seng was tied to the pig bajie. Although they said they would eat the meat of the pig bajie tonight, they wanted to take the pig bajie as bait.

In any case, they knew that Zhu Bajie was with them. They would come to rescue them, but now they did not expect that the Tang monk who was on their way to save them was easily caught by them.

Tang Seng saw the pig bajie beside him now.

"Bajie, the master just asked you to patrol the mountains. Why did you find the monster hole? That's how a good master is here to accompany you now."

After all, Tang Seng is a mantra, so he speaks very tactfully, but it ’s not hard to see that he is complaining about the pig bajie both inside and outside his words. If it was not because the pig bajie was caught, how could he be suddenly Caught, everything was still caused by the urgency to rescue him.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie didn't listen to Tang Seng saying this. Before that, Tang Seng was his master. Although it was not his original wish, since the gate was so powerful, he could only listen to it, and now both of them have been arrested. At this moment, Zhu Bajie just snorted.

"You thought I thought, my old pig wasn't the material to patrol the mountains at all. Normally this kind of thing was done by Sun Monkey. It's not uncomfortable to ask me to be my old pig today. How can I think of my patrol? Shan also found such a group of goblins, and at this moment caught me. Do you know that they have been discussing how to eat me? "

At this moment, Zhu Bajie was full of grievances, and after he said this at the moment, he looked at the Tang monk, who was already crying.

"It seems that our two masters and apprentices are really suffering. I only hope that Nagato will hurry to save us."

When Zhu Bajie heard this, he suddenly realized that he was right. Longmen and them. It seems that Tang Seng had Longmen and Sun Wukong beside him. It is reasonable to say that he should not be caught. But what is the situation now?

Besides, with the ability of Nagato, how could this Tang monk be caught.

"How do you get caught? With their abilities, you can't be caught by monsters. Right, let's talk about Longmen, I'm still waiting for Longmen to save me."

Tang Seng sighed helplessly.

This thing can be said for a long time. At this moment, Tang Seng started talking about Zhu Bajie from the beginning, and he was talking a lot of gossip at the moment, but he didn't say anything about it. In the clouds and fog, he was already falling asleep ...

At this moment, Zhu Bajie was hung there, at this moment he was drowsy there.

When Tang Seng saw the appearance of Zhu Bajie, he was very helpless at the moment. He hadn't said the key point yet.

"Bai Jie Ba Jie, you think about it, I haven't talked about the key places, why did you fall asleep?"

Pig Bajie was also very helpless. It wasn't that he had talked a lot of nonsense before, and he even hypnotized himself at the moment.

"I beg you if you don't want to talk so much nonsense, you start at the crucial moment, as if you were caught by them."

Tang Seng heard Zhu Bajie saying this, and at that moment he smiled there, and then he began to talk about how he was caught.

Zhu Bajie heard Tang Seng say this, and at this moment he finally understood that it was the same thing, but listening to Tang Seng said that it proved that the two teams of demon should not be together.

However, at this moment, Zhu Bajie's focus was different from ordinary people's, and he laughed there again.

He smiled and attracted the two monsters, and the two monsters saw Zhu Bajie like this. A bunch of question marks on the heads of two people, what's wrong with this pig? Are you stupid?

"Brother, look at this stupid pig that is about to be eaten now, and still laugh there."

At this moment, the monster brother saw the pig bajie and laughed.

"That's it, second brother, maybe the monster has a missing string in his natural brain. Tiantian still claims to be Marshal Tianpeng. Marshal Tianpeng will be like him, and he will be finished.

The two always went back to drink there after shaking their hands while talking. After all, the Tang monk had been caught. As long as the two waited for these little demon to clean up the two of them, they could eat pork and Tang monk tonight Meat.

At this moment, Tang Seng looked at Zhu Bajie with complaining eyes.

"Look at you. There are laughter so loudly that these monsters are attracted. You want them to eat us two earlier."

Pig Bajie was very helpless at the moment. He resented that Tang Seng had n’t heard Tang Seng ’s narrative focus on being too funny, but he could n’t help but laughed. I really convinced you ...

The long gate on the other side hit the monsters from the place they just hit a plain in the mountains.

Nagato did not expect these monsters to be so difficult, in fact, these monsters are not so powerful, but they are too many, so they have to wait some time to destroy them ...

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