My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 444: The master was eaten?

At this moment, the monster heard his men's words, then he smiled there again.

"The two of you really did a big job this time, and now the Monkey Monkey has also been reduced to ashes. We seem to be able to eat pork and Tang Seng meat with peace of mind. The two of you did very well this time. OK, my brother and I will definitely reward you. "

They said that they let those little demon hurry up and clean up the two monks, Tang Shou and Zhu Bajie. After all, they are really able to eat the meat of both of them.

At that time, the monster with a golden "color" was talking to the monster with a silver "color".

"Second brother, since the gourd we got back from our men can hold the sky, why not let them show two demos, I haven't really seen any magic weapon that can hold the sky."

At that moment, the two little demon heard their boss say this, and then quickly said to their boss:

"The boss is not easy, just watch our two brothers show you."

At the moment, the two of them came to the gourd, and one of the monsters was standing next to the gourd, where he learned the old priest who had just read the spell.

The other monster is there to tell the rest of the demon to let them pay attention to it, and it will be dark moments. After all, they have seen that kind of feat before, so it feels unbelievable whatever they think.

But those two monsters sent those little monsters to light the torches, in order to prevent them from seeing nothing for a while.

It took a long time for the monster to read the spell, and the gourd remained motionless. The two monsters were very annoyed at the moment.

"The two of you are really confused. I was fooled and didn't know."

At the moment, the two men were there to hurry to beg for mercy, and neither of them thought that they had been cheated.

And these two monsters are also very helpless, now what should they do if their real baby is cheated?

"Brother, what can you do about this? Now that we don't have any baby, if the grand monkey really comes back, how can we deal with him, and this time we can deceive our baby, I am afraid he did it. "

Sun Monkey actually has been eavesdropping, and at the moment he heard these two monsters say this, he secretly laughed there. I am afraid they said that they still exalt themselves. If they do n’t help themselves like Nagato, I am afraid that Can't do so many things.

At this moment, he was slowly staying there, listening to the two monsters, what else could he do.

"Let's go tie up the Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie and continue hanging there."

At this moment, the monster covered with gold "color" sighed.

"It's this time now, I'm afraid that Sun Wukong will get our baby to find things, it seems that the Tang monk meat and pork are going to be eaten later. But I don't know what to do now."

The two little demon were kneeling and trembling there. They saw that their boss was no longer able to help them, and the two were even more afraid.

At that time, the monster covered with silver "color" was also very helpless, and now he was pestering his head there, very depressed, and suddenly he suddenly flashed.

"Brother, brother. You don't have to be like this, I just remembered that we still have goddess? Does the goddess still have a baby?"

The monster covered in gold "color" heard his second brother say so he finally remembered.

"You are talking about the golden rope of the horoscope. Think about it too. Now the two of us rush to find the goddess, and only after we find it can we resist Sun Wukong's attack."

The two of them finally discussed and decided that one should stay in the guarding cave, and one was to invite the goddess, and then the two little demon were direct, kneeling beside them and saying:

"King, king, can you give us two more chances? This time we must invite the old lady smoothly."

The two monsters heard this from their men. At this moment, you looked at me and I looked at you, and then nodded to each other.

"Okay, but this time is your two chances of atonement. If you two make another mistake this time, I'm afraid I won't treat you lightly anymore, and if you go again this time, you need to be smart.

After the two little demon nodded, they got up. Youyao went to invite the old lady ...

All these things were heard by Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong felt that since the monsters had now suspended eating the meat of Tang Seng and Ba Jie, he hurried back to report this matter to Nagato.

Sun Wukong went out, and a somersault returned to the Long Gate.

The sand monk was very excited when he saw Sun Wukong's return, but the monkey monk came back alone. At this moment, the sand monk was there and began to cry.

"Master, brother, the two of you are so miserable. Now that you two have been eaten, you still have to go late ..."

Monk Sha was crying there with a snot and tears, which was very pitiful. From time to time, I wiped my nose with my sleeve ...

This actually disturbed Nagato, who opened his eyes at the moment and saw that Sun Wukong came back. He felt that things were not simple. When Sun Wukong came back, he said something to himself.

Sun Wukong was very helpless to see the monk Sha, but now he sees Nagato also looking at himself. He still hastily reported this matter to Nagato.

"Just now I went to the monster ’s cave and listened to their conversation carefully. Now they have suspended eating the meat of Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie, but all their magic weapons have been taken by you, so they I was going to ask their goddess to do it. What should I do next? And I also heard that they are the two golden kings and two kings of silver. "

Long Gate heard Sun Wukong's narration and nodded.

He then waved his hand at Sun Wukong there, and then let Sun Wukong approach himself. Sun Wukong is naturally clever, so he is now approaching the long gate again.

At the moment, Nagato said, he started to say something to Sun Wukong's ear again. After finishing his speech, Sun Wukong nodded again, and a doom cloud flew away ...

The monk Sha was staying here now and had grown "Mao", but there was nothing that Nagato asked him to do. At this moment, the monk Sha was very helpless and said to the Nagato: "Nagato, is there nothing to command Am I going to do it? "

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