My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 445: Old vixen

Sun Wukong arrived here after a struggle, and now he saw these two men on the top of the hill, where the two little monsters were still smiling and proud.

Sun Wukong had met there before, so he naturally knew that these two little monsters were deceived by the long door, and now they let them both come to invite the so-called goddess?

Sun Wukong didn't disturb them. Instead, he kept following them. Waiting until they reached the so-called cave of the goddess, Sun Wukong finally came down and killed all two monsters.

Sun Wukong stepped forward to pull out his own "hair" and became one of the monsters. And he looked at his whole body, and now he also became another monster.

Sun Wukong and the monster he had transformed were still shaking hands there, and the two held hands and jumped there. It's exactly like a monkey spirit.

At the moment, the two of them ran into the cave leisurely, and after saying all the reasons, the monster was very happy, and he got on the sedan chair, and Sun Wukong and the monster he had transformed were carrying little by little She walked slowly ...

The old monster is already old and she is still smoking a cigarette bag there, just like a leisurely look.

"I didn't expect that my two cadres had already captured Tang Seng. It seems that now that I am old, and I am blessed, I can eat Tang Seng meat."

"Yes, yeah, or old lady, you are blessed, and now you can still eat a bite of Tang monk meat at this time, which is really a good thing that no one can ask for."

The old lady heard that their two little monsters were so sweet-mouthed and laughed there at the moment, but he still did not stop the movement of her smoking bag.

"You two little demon will say so, when I go to my son's side when the time comes, I will share the taste of Tang Seng meat with you two."

The two little monsters were even happier when they heard it, but now they are even more hardworking. But the mountain road was rugged. After they walked a long distance, they were a little tired, and there were some crooked aisles in the walkway. The old lady bumped on the sedan.

"You are walking more smoothly. I am already old and I can't stand your toss."

The old lady had just finished speaking, and the two little monsters threw her directly to the ground ...

"Ah ... my old bone."

The old lady was very angry at the moment. She was about to reprimand him. When she saw that she was no longer a little monster, she was Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong had already prepared a gold hoop at the moment.

"Oh, it turned out to be an old vixen. It's so old and still there to deliberately eat Tang monk meat. It's really beautiful."

Sun Wukong clearly remembered the monster saying, what kind of treasure does this coquette have? At this moment, he looked at it for 4 weeks. On the edge of a grass, he found something gleaming with gold. He quickly moved the grass away and watched There was a rope.

Haha, this is the old baby's so-called baby gold rope, haha, now this thing is still in my hands, see how you two monsters pretend ...

In the monster hole ...

"Children, be courteous."

The old lady has just arrived, and the two monsters have just saluted the old lady at this moment.

The old lady saw the Tang monk hanging from the side, laughing at the moment.

The two monsters were very attentive, and they helped the old lady up.

"Gang Niang, you only saw this Tang monk, but when you walk in again, you can see Zhu Bajie. The fat, fat ears of Zhu Bajie are very popular."

The two helped the old monster to walk slowly there at the moment. As he passed the Tang monk, the old monster also glanced at the Tang monk.

"This fine skin and tender meat must be very delicious."

Speaking of this, he and the two monsters laughed there when they saw one at the moment. While walking inside, I saw Zhu Bajie again, and he was hanging there at the moment.

The old monster was surprised when he saw Zhu Bajie. There was even a hint of rejoicing.

"This is the pig bajie, this fat man with big ears, and tell you that I like to eat such fat and dumb, it must be particularly delicious."

At that moment, the two monsters laughed together with the old monster ...

It took a long time for the monk Sha, but the longmen still meditated there, but the monk Sha could not even sit down at all.

At this moment, Sha Monk touched the long door with his hand.

"Long door, long door, don't you have to stay here like this? Can you ignore me? I'm bored to death here now. And I'm about to grow grass."

The long door looked at this sand monk, and at this moment he opened his eyes.

"If you want to do something like that, then go to the monster hole and help Sun Wukong to see if you can get them out in advance."

After hearing it, Sha Monk nodded at the long door, and then took his weapon and planned to leave. And suddenly he seemed to think of something.

So the monk Sha came back again.

"Don't you have anything to tell me? Or some advice to me, what did you say to him when I was just a brother?"

Nagato shook his head, but the monk Sha looked at it again. Why Nagato was so good to his brother, and he still told him there for a while. Why didn't he give himself some advice when he went?

But now it is like this, he doesn't want to look at the long door anymore or let the long door have any advice to himself, he will directly turn his head and leave directly ...

Until the figure of the sand monk disappeared, the little black cat reached the front door.

"Nagamon, why are you doing this to Monk Sha? If this is the case, he wouldn't be caught by the monster if he went like this."

Nagato shook his head.

"I don't want him to be caught by the monster, but he is very bored now. He is willing to go there. It is also very interesting to add a little difficulty to them."

The little black cat flew over her head at the moment, but she could not think of it. The reason why the long gate let the sand monk go was for this reason.

If you are not satisfied with the water and soil, you will serve the long door. This sentence is not just said in vain. The little black cat shook his head, then jumped aside ...

Nagato was very pleased at the moment. After all, he finally had a quiet environment. The world without Sha Monk was so quiet. Nagato shook his head there at the moment. It seems that the monk should have been asked to find the grandson Monkey! ..

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