My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 588: Judge

Sun Wukong went out immediately. He looked at the surroundings, all of which were dark and dark. It was already late at night, and all the goods and horses of the merchants were around. There were several merchants who had been guarding there for fear that these things might be robbed. Too.


Although the situation on the Nagato side is extremely critical, this thing is a evil thought and the last trace of the spirit of the little butterfly. If you want to completely remove this thing, you can only go to Yincao Difu.

So now Nagato has arrived at Yincao Difu, and after hearing what Pingyi said, Nagato already knows this thing, it must be helped by a judge of Yincao Difu. Only the judge’s own pen and ink can eliminate the last surplus. , And could not hurt Fluttershy, but Nagato didn’t know if he could let the judge help him.

It’s so easy to come to the underworld. The long gate now comes to the underworld and was robbed by someone, but this is not a person at all, it is just a ghost of the underworld, they are now Laughing, after enclosing the long door, he held the knife and kept looking at the long door.

It is impossible for living people to enter the underworld. This is the rule, but the long door is coming, so it is stared at. Now more and more ghosts are permeating around the long door, while the long door is eating Take a pill "medicine".

Suddenly, the Nagato became the same as those little devil, but the energy of the Nagato's body has been slowly converging. Even the energy of the Nagato's Nagato is still unaffected, this is what this doctor gave to himself this time. Things, let yourself be greeted to use.

Everything is ready, and the Nagato slowly moves forward. According to what Ping Doctor gave to him, where is the judge, Nagato should have an idea in his heart, so the current Nagato is slowly moving forward by his own memory.

The long door looked around, he felt a bit gloomy, but even if it had become like this, there was still a little devil slowly following it, and how could the messenger of the underworld let him easily leave, and at this moment someone left the long door Fenced up.

They looked at the Nagato with strange eyes, and the Nagato's body contained endless energy, so that they did not dare to approach them at all, and it was not a good thing to continue their stalemate like this, so now the Nagato is directly Said.

"I have something to come here, as long as you give way, I will definitely not hurt you, but if you want to continue to block, then blame me mercilessly."

Those little ghosts, look at me, I look at you, and then everyone slowly "close" to the long door, which makes the long door gather the strength of the whole body at the moment, and then the force forms a wave of anger, turning the little ghosts Flooded aside, Nagato took the opportunity to move forward quickly.

As long as the Nagato now moves forward quickly to break through all the obstacles, following the route Ping Yi gave to him quickly, the Nagato found a place, and he pushed open the door with force, and there was another gloomy piece in it. How can it be so easy to find a judge. The surrounding of the long door is different from before, it is not the little ghosts at all, it slowly condenses into a lot of big ghosts, they are more terrible and more scary, but the long door is basically Fearless, and just around this time the long gates gathered a lot of underworld messengers.

They also slowly approached the Nagato, and there was another person in the middle of these errands. This person looked like a big official. At this time, the Nagato suddenly had some hope.

Nagato can now communicate with them normally, and the man in the middle can't bear it anymore. He is now very cautious, because the arrival of Nagato makes the whole **** a bit disordered.

"Who are you? Why break into my hell?"

"I really have no choice but to come. I don't know if Lord Magistrate is here."

At this time, there was a person wearing a dark blue robe and a hat, and at this time he stood up directly. He looked at this man with supreme mana, and at the moment he felt that this thing was a big deal. It’s not good, and then waved his hand.

"I am."

Nagato was very happy when he heard that, and because the judge was letting Nagato pass, no one dared to stop him. After Nagato came to his side, he directly took Nagato to a place.

After entering, the judge sat there, but he was not in a hurry at the moment.


At this time, Nagato told the judge the ins and outs of the matter, and now he has also brought the bottle, including a dazzling stone, which can illuminate the essence of the bottle for discovery.

After Nagato finished speaking, he had been staring closely at the judge, not knowing that the judge could not agree, and the current judge just shook his head at the moment.

"From the moment you took this stone out, I have decided that I will help you."

After Nagato heard it, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth "..."...

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