My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 589: Count in

The magistrate had just sat there at the moment. He was holding his pen at this moment and made a few strokes on the bottle, only to see that his pen stayed on the bottle, and slowly the impurity was absorbed in On the pen.

Nagato was very surprised when he saw this, but they were already mentally prepared when they came, and the former doctor Ping said a few words to themselves, so they were able to keep calm.

After the judge was very calm, he gave the bottle to the long door. The judge had already seen what was in the bottle, and at the moment, he shook his head in front of the long door.

"I have helped you, but I never help others in vain. I know what is inside, but you should also give me something."

When Nagato heard this, he was very sleepy and confused. What did he need for the judge?

The judge now smiled and slowly walked into the long door, and then said to the long door:

"Relax, what I want is not difficult to get, that is, I want you a promise, if you have something to do in the future, you must quickly reach my side, no matter what I let you do, you have to agree."

As soon as Nagato got up, he stood up and nodded. He knew the ability of the judge. Moreover, this time the judge helped him so much, and Nagato nodded directly.

At this moment, the magistrate called for another person, and then let him lead the Nagato out. The Nagato followed the man and went out directly. After slowly passing Ping Yi to teach him, he also walked out of the underworld.

The most important thing for Nagato now is that he hasten to ask Ping doctor, is this the case now? Whether the little black cat has completely recovered, this is what Nagato is most worried about. On the other hand, what happened to Tang Seng? Actually, Nagato was also a bit worried. Nagato shook his head after thinking about it.

He has always possessed the ability of Qianli Chuanyin, so he should not be too worried.


The Tang monk still stayed in this post. There was nothing strange about Sun Wukong's outing last night. Sun Wukong always felt that this place was gloomy and strange. Although there were many businessmen in the past, Sun Wukong felt that there was something else.

Anyway, they will have to leave after eating this morning. It is useless to consider these. Sun Wukong and Tang Seng have already packed up. At this time, Zhu Bajie is holding so many things. At this moment, he shook his head.

"When will Nagato come back?"

The sand monk laughed at the moment.

"Brother, you can do more business, and we have nothing to do now. Let the Nagato come back. Can he help you with things?"

While the two were talking, Monkey Monkey had led Tang Seng downstairs. After they went downstairs, they were ready to eat, and they sat there to help them serve.

Although sitting here, the inn was not as lively as yesterday, and at this moment, Sun Monkey called Xiao Er here, and wanted to ask what was going on.

Xiao Er Dian Er's come here again.

"Oh, this is the case with our inn. These business people come late and go early every time. We are only here to provide them with a place to rest."

After Sun Wukong waved his hand, the things had been put together, and everyone began to eat. Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Tang Monk, Sand Monk, all were very happy to eat.

Several people planned to checkout and leave immediately after eating, but when Sun Wukong stood up, he felt dizzy, and immediately fell to the ground, and all the pigs also collapsed.


"Mi" "Mi" opened his eyes and found that he was locked in a room, but Sun Wukong only regretted it, because he had guarded the inn last night, but there was nothing wrong with everything in the inn. So Sun Wukong didn't be so cautious today but didn't want to go, and in the end it was also a trick.

He had already seen several people staring at them in front of him. After all, Sun Wukong looked directly at them. Sun Wukong always felt a few people were wrong. There he laughed directly. They also found Sun Wukong, and then Sun Wukong was directly secret. Used his own flamboyant eyes.

Sure enough, these are indeed monsters, but why didn't I see anything abnormal yesterday?

Strange is really strange, Sun Wukong has been shaking his head there, watching Tang Seng several people are still falling asleep, Sun Wukong at this moment, trying to break free of the rope, but in any case he can not break free, and then those people look at He laughed at Sun Wukong again.

"Don't break away. If we are not sure, how can we wake you up?"

Sun Wukong frowned tightly.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

The shop owner and the two shop children were sitting there slowly, and they still laughed.

"You don't have anything to do with you, we are most concerned about him..."


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