My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 590: How to eat Tang Seng meat?

After Sun Wukong heard this, he was inexplicably panicked. It turned out that their real purpose was Tang Seng!

At this time, Monkey King finally saw that they were three monsters, and this was basically a monster station. No wonder Monkey King felt weird last night, but how could they escape under their own skill?

Monkey King had an idea.

"So, I'm not interested in these things, I just want to know how the three of you fooled us."

Two of them were silent, and one of them stood up directly.

"It's not easy to lie to you. We are born to practice illusion, otherwise we wouldn't be able to stay in this place for so many years. How could we have been here without a little ability. How many people come and go in our inn.

We couldn't break through our illusion, we knew you were coming, and your grandson monkey is naturally the most powerful. Of course we have to be fully prepared to deal with you, so the ones you encountered in the beginning. Robbers are also our way to make you lose your guard. "

After hearing this, Monkey King nodded. That's why Monkey King was very desperate. At this moment, he shook his head over there, sighing again and again.

The three monsters were very proud, but at this time, Monkey King only heard this sound in his ear.

———How are you guys? Is there anything?

Sun Wukong was thinking about it. Now it happens to be Nagato asking himself. Sun Wukong is directly out of his body at this moment. Now that he is bound, Sun Wukong can only quickly spread his voice. Now is the time of crisis. If they really Tang Seng ate it, and still in front of him, how could Monkey King accept it.

——Danger, come and rescue me soon...

Monkey King stayed there forever, and he saw Zhu Bajie next to him wake up unexpectedly.

"Well, didn't I wake up? The beauty in my dream suddenly disappeared. Why am I **** with a rope again?"

Zhu Bajie had a lot of harassment, and now he opened his eyes blindly.

Zhu Bajie turned out to be the first "medicine" and "sex" to pass, but somehow he passed out directly. After seeing this, Monkey King really hated iron and steel. If he is not tied now, he can't wait to give him a stick.

Monk Tangshan and Sha also woke up one after another, but the two screamed directly as before.

"Ah, what monster?"

Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly, and for the present, he could only come to Nagato to rescue...

Nagato has returned to Doctor Ping. Doctor Ping has completely checked the inside of the bottle. At this moment, Doctor Ping nodded. "Nothing big, the judge has completely helped you, but because of your negligence, she may be born a year later. From now on I can only remind you, don’t believe anything People, besides me, there are judges, others can't believe it at all."

Nagato nodded, but he still had one thing "confused", and at this moment he just wanted to leave and turned around again.

Doctor Ping smiled.

"Why do you think that the judge's pen has always been strong in the sky, and black ink keeps coming out. His pen has absorbed too many sins in the world, and the little impurity in your bottle is fundamental to him. It’s nothing, as for this stone, it’s the connection between the two of us."

Nagato nodded, and after the last salute, he left directly. Just after leaving Nagato, he heard Qianli's voice.

"not good………"

Nagato was helpless, but there was nothing he could do. He immediately flew directly into the sky, not knowing what they had encountered, but in the situation that Monkey King and himself said, since Monkey King can’t handle it, it must be nothing. Good crops are right.

Nagato wanted to try to communicate with Monkey King, but he couldn't communicate with Monkey King anyway. It seemed that something bigger had happened over there, so Nagato had to keep on rushing back. Fortunately, he had just transmitted the sound from thousands of miles away. At that time, Monkey King had already marked the location, and it was not difficult for Nagato to find it.

Nagato's hand covered his chest, and the small bottle was placed on his chest. They were once again sure that they would never do stupid things again.


The monsters in the inn laughed loudly, now is a good time, maybe there will be another evil. They planned to avoid long nights and dreams, and now hurry up to eat Tang Seng meat.

Monkey King watched from the side, unable to reach out no matter what, the Monkey King at this moment could only attract their attention to delay time.

"How long have you three monsters been here?"

The monster didn't want to talk to him at all, Sun Wukong continued. At this time, Monkey King thought that Tang Seng was more professional. Tang Seng was very scared at this moment, but at this time Monkey King gave Tang Seng two eyes.

After Tang Seng saw it, he tried hard to keep himself calm.

"Do you know that you can eat human flesh alive, but it is not a good thing to violate the morality of heaven and earth, and do you know that if you really eat me, someone will come to you for revenge? Can you bear the consequences?"

Tang Seng talked endlessly there, and all the monsters were finally angered by him, and at this time, Monkey King felt that he had really made a bad idea. At this moment, he reluctantly shook his head, but the monsters could not wait. , Quickly put Tang Seng into the pot.

"and many more………"

The monster, looking back at Monkey King, at the moment Monkey King looked at them with a smile.

"Do you know how to eat Tang Monk meat to taste delicious?"

Hearing what Sun Wukong said, everyone was surprised..............

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