My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 591: "Monk" soup

"Well, my eyes have countless experiences, and I will tell you carefully to make sure you like it. Do you like steamed, braised or stewed? This steaming will make the meat tender and fresh, while braised will be charred outside and inside. The crispy texture is multi-layered, this stew..." Wukong hasn't finished speaking, the three monsters can't wait, interrupting Wukong and saying: You can directly say what is best! "Wukong turned his head: "The stew is the best!" One of the three monsters said: "Then stew the soup, boil the water and throw Tang Seng in. "Eh eh eh, you are too rude, this stew is very particular, you throw Tang Seng in this way, not only does it taste bad, but the taste is terrible. My master doesn't like to take a bath. He can catch lice all year round. Be careful not only to eat your stomach but also side effects," said Wukong. At this time, the three of them seemed to have been brainwashed by Wukong. Together, they nodded in agreement, and one of them said: "Then teach us how to do it! "Wukong said: "First you have to wash the main dish and give my master a good bath. You can't see how dirty my master is without my fiery eyes, so it's best to wash it a few times. "Wu Kong said, "showing" an indescribable expression. The Tang Seng said when he saw it, "It's just a few days of being a teacher, so how can you be so exaggerated." "Wukong turned his head and kept his eyes at Tang Seng, but Tang Seng was still immersed in his sadness that he was so disgusted by others after only a few days without washing. "Brother, what's wrong with your eyes?" Is it bad? "Zhu Bajie said blankly. "Shut up!" "Said Wukong. The three monsters said, "Don't make a noise, don't make a noise. Be careful, I stewed your pig's head, you continue." "Prepare a big pot, add oil, add chili, onion, ginger, garlic, stir fry back and forth, then pour in hot water, boil, throw Tang Seng in, add carrots, yams, and goji berries and stew. "Wukong finished. The three monsters immediately did it, and while doing it, they said that when we are done, they will also share a bite for you. Wukong said yes, at this time the monk next to him can't stand it: "Brother, what are you doing? ! "Shhh, I have a clever plan." "Seng Tang regained consciousness this time, and said: "You splash monkey, be careful of reincarnation in the next life. I will squat by the Wuzhi Mountain every day to recite the scriptures to you, and I will stay by your side! "Tang Seng said as he was dragged out. At this time, Nagato Qianli said: Are you okay, I am rushing to your side. Wukong said: It is safe now, hurry! Half an hour has passed, the three monsters are taking The washed Tang Seng came, and Tang Seng was still struggling. The monster said, "It should be clean after taking a bath for half an hour. "Big Brother, when I washed this Tang Monk, that Tang Monk's skin was really nothing to say, it was white and tender, and I was about to drool. "The other demon said, this Tang monk: "Well, you are innocent as a teacher!" "Seeing that Tang Seng is about to be thrown into the pot, Wukong is right! He is still missing the most crucial "medicine" material!" "You monkey is playing with us," "Big brother don't listen to him, just throw it in. I can't wait." "You know that this East China Sea has a "medicine" material that is mixed with this Tang monk's meat, can cultivate immortality and immortality?" This time the three people's heart was moved, and a demon said: " If you monkey lie to us, be careful We peeled you off and used it as a seat. "

"I'm like this, how dare you lie to you all!" said the monkey, "you are a little self-aware." The other demon said, "What is the shape of your "medicine"." This "medicine" is called a clam.磲, hidden in the deepest part of the East China Sea, this 磲 has been in the deep sea for thousands of years to absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and is known as the king of shellfish! "It's a shell!" "A demon said, "That's right, it's a shell. Its hard shell is white on the outside and jade blue "color" brown powder "color" inside. "What's the "mess", the eldest brother simply let the monkey take us there, anyway, the rope is a treasure stolen from the sky, how can the monkey escape! "The leading monster thought for a while and agreed, then said: "You take us to find it!" "So there was a leader who took care of Tang Seng and the other two monsters to take Wukong away. On the way, Wukong and Nagato Qianli told Nagato to go to the East China Sea, and lie in ambush in the urn to catch turtles. East China Sea... at this moment. Nagato just got through here to receive news from Wukong, so he made an ambush. At this time, Wukong and two monsters came to the East China Sea and saw Wukong who was tied up. Nagato knew that he was going to prepare, and Nagato pulled up two The reef's net rope tied Goku and the two monsters together. "Ah, what's going on! "The two monsters broke free as they shouted. At this time, Nagato appeared on the stage, "Hey, I said how did you tie me up." "Wukong said, and Nagato said: "I didn't expect that the famous Monkey King would have this day. I can't help you be caught in the middle." "You come here and untie me." "Sun Wukong said, Nagato wanted to help Wukong untie, but the rope just couldn't be opened. At this time, the monster said: "Don't bother you. This rope is the treasure of Taishang Laojun, except for him. People untie. "Good fellow" Nagato said while giving a thumbs up, so Wukong said it was time to visit the old man. Nagato understood what Wukong meant, and took out a small gourd to install the two little monsters, Dasheng and Gang. In the gourd, head to the sky...

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