My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 592: Rescue Tang Seng

When Nagato came to Douzi Palace, he saw two little doormen guarding the door. Nagato sighed that it was strangely cute, and he said, "Boys, my Nagato visit today is an important matter to look for Mrs. Taishang!" I don't know where the sugar is from Nagato, and he shakes the candy in his hand while talking. . Unexpectedly, one door boy said, "You little boy, you look so handsome, but you have never seen your face!" And the other door boy was intoxicated in Nagato's handsome face, still silly and happy. Nagato said, "Looking at me like this, you can still harm your master." "Yes, you don't look like a harming old witch." These days, the beauty can really bring yourself. Many benefits! Nagato sighed in his heart and thanked his parents! Thank heaven! Give me a good skin! At this time, Laojun Taishang was invited out, and Laojun Taishang took a look, "Oh, where is this young man from? He looks so handsome, tusk tusk, it's a rare encounter in a thousand years! Nagato heard it, so quickly Ashamed "Where is there? "

"You boy, what do you want to do with the old man, but you want to be a teacher? The old man still lacks apprentices."

Taishang Laojun couldn't laugh while holding Nagato.

Nagato realized that he was here to do serious business.

"God, I have come here to ask the gods for help."

"Oh? Then come and listen."

Nagato took out his treasure gourd and shouted a spell, Wukong and two monsters appeared.

Seeing Monkey King this way, Taishang Zhenjun laughed.

"You Monkey King didn't expect to have today!"

"Hey, I said you old man, it's not your baby that restrained me."

Sun Wukong said anxiously, and while speaking, he showed the bound hand to True Monarch Tai Shang.

Taishang Zhenjun walked in and took a look, eh, this is not my lost treasure.

"Well, you shrewd monkey, you can't get rid of this stubborn "problem"!"

Monkey King anxiously said: "You old man, I can't help but get old and confused. Didn't you see the two monsters next to me?"

"It's the old man who is confused," Taishang Laojun said while helping Wukong to untie the rope, only to see Taishang Laojun'touching' the rope twice and then untying it.

Just like the obedient corn snake, all you have to do is caress it, but it is also a little fellow who recognizes the Lord, Nagato sighed, absolutely!

Wukong thoughtfully looked at the two monsters, "Old man, these two monsters will be handled by you, otherwise I will sue you with the Jade Emperor, saying that you didn't take good care of the things and the monsters stole them. Caused my master to be caught by these monsters."

This Taishang Laojun listened to Wukong's arrangements obediently, and he smiled "Great Sage, don't worry, I will be responsible for Tori to arrange everything, go and save your master!"

"Nagato" Wukong and Nagato looked at each other, and Nagato nodded like a brother with a bright heart.

"Goodbye, young man."

Taishang Zhenjun waved his hand while looking at the departing Nagato and Goku.

About to reach the gate of the post station, Wukong turned into one of the monsters, Nagato seemed to understand something.

Turning into another monster, Wukong stretched out his hand and shouted "change".

Seeing Wukong conjured a shell with a big palm, Nagato said, "What are you doing?"

"This is a recipe that I gave the monster."

Seeing Nagato's puzzlement, Wukong said, "This is not to delay time, just teach the monster me how to make a delicacy."

Nagato exclaimed, "Brother! I admire it."

Monkey King pulled off one of his own hair and blew his small mouth lightly, turning him into the appearance of a monkey.

Another rope was conjured to tie it, Nagato's smart mind immediately understood Wukong's intention, and the two walked in.

The big monster said "finally back", and Wukong, who turned into a monster, said, "Brother, this shell is really hard to find!"

Nagato on the other side attached "Good things are different!"

"Then what are you waiting for, quickly throw Tang Seng into the pot, and the monster who turned into Wukong now speaks.

"Brother, this shell needs to be opened and used. Only the essence is inside to make the soup sublimate and "shoot" the soul."

The big monster heard this and said, "That's not open yet."

Brother, this little brother can't open it"

"Two useless guys" At this moment, the big monster opened the shell, walked into the pot, and was about to put the shell in. Only a plop was heard, and the water splashed everywhere. It turned out that Monkey King kicked the big monster into the pot. .

Zhu Bajie on the side said cheerfully, "Okay! Okay!"

The two monsters turned into prototypes, and the big monster looked at "you, you."

Wukong said, "Don't struggle."

Later, I will let Guanyin collect you, and Wukong will put out the fire and tie up the monsters as he speaks.

"Nagato, come and loosen my tie," Zhu Bajie said.

Nagato used to untie Tang Seng first, and then untie the Bajies. Tang Seng "Thank you for coming to help, Amitabha."

Ba Jie stood up and patted his body with his hands. When he went up, he gave Nagato a hug. The Drifting tears as if he saw his relatives.

"I thought I would never see the master again." Drifting tears, he walked to Nagato, thanking Nagato for his help. ..

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