My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 593: Enter Yucheng

At this moment the Bodhisattva also arrived. On the way back, Wukong and Nagato had Jin Chan escaped and asked Guanyin to go to save the master. When the four disciples of Tang Seng saw Guanyin, they all bowed on their knees to worship the Bodhisattva, and Nagato followed the ceremony.

Nagato thought: "I'm a good boy, I didn't expect to see the Bodhisattva in my lifetime!"

When the Bodhisattva saw Nagato, he didn't "show" who this person was. Instead, he said, "My child, you have a long way to go." He left with the monster. Leaving the post station Changmen and Tang Seng four disciples left the post station together.

"Hey, where did you go back then Nagato."

"I went to deal with my own personal affairs." Nagato didn't say much, and Wukong naturally didn't ask much. On the way, Nagato followed the four masters and apprentices to ensure their safety. A strong wind.

"Protect Master" Wukong said, Nagato activated his skills, with both hands, propped up the screen cover over his head, it was safe now, the strong wind blew for a while, and finally stopped.

Only then did Nagato put away the screen photo, "Fortunately you are here! Nagato."

Wukong said, Wukong just looked around with its fiery eye gold, and found no abnormalities. The strong wind was all over the sky, and the branches were hung up. He couldn't see any abnormalities.

Nagato said, "It's okay, with me here, let's move on."

Wukong agreed and was very grateful to Nagato. They crossed a bridge and went on to meet an old man chopping wood.

Tang Seng walked over and asked, "Old man, we are monks who came to the Western Heaven to learn from the scriptures. We want to find a place to rest in Huayuan."

The old man looked at the good-faced monk, and then at the apprentices behind him, very scared.

Tang Seng "Old man, don't be afraid, these are my apprentices, they are all good people."

The old man trembled and said, "We are in front of Yucheng, you can rest there." After speaking, the old man turned around and left. For the Wukong Bajie Drifters who are used to seeing them, they have long been used to it and ignored them.

Tang Seng came back and said, "Go ahead, Yucheng, let's rest there!"

Wukong Nagato and the others listened, and they continued to move forward. Once they entered the city, it was very lively. Everything here seemed to be harmonious. This time Ba Jie was really happy, because it was finally unnecessary to eat coarse grains.

Wukong still looked around vigilantly, and saw an inn called Laifu Inn. This time Wukong also looked around with the eye of fire and everything was normal.

As soon as they entered the door, the guests inside were all frightened and shouted monsters. This relieved Wukong. This was a normal reaction.

Compared with those guests at the inn before, it is abnormal. Sun Wukong saw that no one dared to come to Nagato to see it, so he went ahead and said, "Don't be afraid, everyone, we are here to find a place to rest."

The appearance of Nagato calmed the people a little, but with a "confused" expression on his face, Nagato walked over to talk to the shop Xiaoer.

Wukong and the others looked at it from a distance, and it seemed that they were done. Xiao Er walked to Tang Seng's four disciples, and said to them "follow me!" Tang Seng's four disciples and Nagato came to the guest room for one person. The rooms are next to each other, and Wukong is still a little worried. After all, the thing about the post station is not a joke. Nagato saw Wukong's concern and said, "I'll live with Tang Seng! I also want to talk to Tang Seng about academic issues." Wukong said jokingly, "Could it be that you want to be a monk."

At this time, the eight precepts said, "Nagamon, this monk can have eight bad precepts: one precept to kill, two precepts to steal, three precepts of "fornication", four precepts of lying, five precepts of drinking, six precepts of scented flowers, seven precepts of sitting and lying The bed is high and the eight precepts are not seasonal."

Ba Jie looked at Nagato seriously, as if making him think twice.

At this time, the Drifter said, "Second Brother, Brother, this is a joke." Ba Jie shook his head, "I'm here to carry my luggage."

At this time, Tang Seng, Wukong, Drifting, and Nagato all laughed loudly, "I think Ba Jie is dissatisfied with his own name, hahahaha!"

Wukong clutched his stomach and laughed, Bajie ignored him, and Nagato sighed, "Bajie! Come on!"

While talking, he patted Bajie's shoulder, Xiaoer Dian didn't quite understand, but he was a little scared at a distance from them.

Nagato looked back at the shop Xiaoer outside the door, and walked over and said, "Don't be afraid, we are just here to rest. This is a tip for you." When the shop Xiaoer saw Yinzi's original stiff expression, he eased slightly. "You guys are so good at rest, I won't bother you" "Go go," Nagato said softly. "Nagato" Wukong called to Nagato. "I still feel a little worried. You are protecting the master in this inn. I will go out and see if there is anything unusual.

The strong wind that blew up just now, I think this is not a natural disaster. "

"Monkey, don't worry, I will protect your master, and you can go out with peace of mind," Nagato said, so Tang Seng four disciples and Nagato lived here temporarily. ..

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