My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 596: Tonosho

At this time, Nagato brought some food.

The Drifter fed Tang Seng some porridge.

The Tang Seng who saw Nagato said, "Nagato, I was very scared the moment I was blown away by the wind."

Don't be afraid of Nagato stepping forward, this matter is over.

Tang Seng said, "I want to eat more dry food, so that the wind can't move me."

Everyone was relieved now, and Wukong was also relieved.

Seeing Wukong's nervousness just now, Nagato said, "Let's go here at night," Ba Jie immediately clapped and applauded.

after dinner……

Drifting monk Wukong Bajie and Tang Seng changed into local costumes, and the market at night was particularly lively.

With Ba Jie walking in the forefront, Drifting Wukong shook his head.

"Nagato, you are still having fun," Ba Jie said, hahahahahaha, the big guys all smiled.

The next morning, the mentor and apprentices will continue their journey westward. They bid farewell to Xiaoer and set off.

Wukong said, "We still have one thing to do."

Nagato patted Wukong on the shoulder, don't worry, I wiped out all the people in this city last night that I had to offer boys to the east river bank every month. "

Wukong sighed, "Nagato, I really don't "worry" anything with you."

"Don't worry, Brother Monkey" Nagato draped Wukong's shoulders, and Wukong had an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

This is a mountain road, with pine trees planted on both sides of the mountain, and I really feel good when I look at everything.

Walking along—Boom—Tang Seng and his group fell into a hole, which was still a bit deep.

At this time, a person appeared on the top of the cave, "I thought I hit something."

One was wearing a fur coat, a leather hat that had been with him for many years, and a bow on his back.

In order not to attract attention, Nagato said, "Donor, we are monks from the Western Heaven."

The hunter heard the man was pulled out quickly, and saw Tang Seng being pulled out.

Bajie, Wukong, Drifting, Bailongma, Nagato all jumped up and jumped out.

This frightened the hunter.

"Don't be afraid of the donor, this is my apprentice who followed me to practice" Tang Seng said.

The hunter swallowed and took a step back.

"That's still a bit scary."

Wukong said, "How can you judge people by their appearance!"

The hunter nodded, "Yes, yes" Tang Seng said, "Donor, do you know where is in front?"

"A village ahead," said the hunter.

After Tang Seng and his party said goodbye to the hunter, Tang Seng said, "Wukong, let's go down and turn into the fast."

Goku "Good, good"


When I first entered this village, I was seen by a farmer. "Youkai! Youkai!"

Everyone in the village ran into the house, afraid to go out.

Nagato said loudly, "Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. We are monks who go to learn the scriptures and want to make a fast here."

The farmers came out of their homes dubiously.

Tang Seng said, "Amitabha Buddha, don't be afraid, everyone, this is my apprentice."

When I saw Tang Seng's farmers, they let go of their vigilance.

He said, "Monk, you go quickly."

"Donor, what are these words?" Wukong asked, and the farmer glanced at the monkey tremblingly, and said, "We have monsters here."

"Oh, let's listen to some monsters" Wukong scratched his ears.

The farmer looked at Wukong, really scared.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my apprentice specializes in destroying demons and demons," Tang Seng said.

When the farmer heard this, he said with courage.

"We are called Tuzhuang here, originally because the land here is fertile, hence the name Tuzhuang.

Later, I didn’t know what was going on. Someone disappeared every day in our village.

And when we found the corpse, it was dry and flat. "

Hearing these words, Wukong said, "This monster must be living by inhaling human spirit."

"Save us! Save us!"

At this time the farmers all knelt down, folded their hands together, "Help us, monk."

"Wukong..." Wukong said before Tang Seng finished speaking.

"I know, I know," Wukong asked the name of the village, "There is an inn here."

At this time the hunter came. "There is no inn. If you don't dislike it, you can live in my house."

Now Tang Seng and his party are staying at the hunter's house.

Wukong said, "You are optimistic about Master Nerd Sha, and Nagato and I will come."

After speaking, Nagato and Wukong flew out.

"Let's split up," Goku said, and Nagato said hello.

Nagato flew to the bamboo forest, saw what was on the ground, and flew down.

I saw a body that had been sucked dry in front of me. Nagato and Wukong Qianli transmit sound.

Nagato "Brother Monkey, how is your place?"

Wukong said, "There is no abnormality on my side for now." "I found another corpse here," Nagato said.

At this time Wukong flew over to join Nagato.

Nagato recalled that the farmer in the village said that the last corpse was also found in this bamboo forest.

He said, "Brother Monkey, do you remember that the farmer said that the last corpse was also found here, and I guess the old dynasty of this monster must be here."

Wukong said, "Then we will go into the bamboo forest and look for it."

"Good!" Nagato said.

Nagato and Goku traveled through the bamboo forest to find the monsters. ..

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