My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 597: Snake Monster

At this time, the forest suddenly began to fog, and the fog became thicker and thicker.

"Nagato, I will fly to the forest to take a look" "Okay!"

Unexpectedly, Wukong could not see the end as he flew, the bamboo forest seemed to get higher and higher.

Nagato was underneath, thinking of a forest, but the fog got bigger and bigger, so big that Nagato couldn't see the road ahead.

Wukong wanted to go down to find Nagato, but the fog was too big.

Wukong was blinded by the mist. Wukong used Fire Eye Adamantite.

I saw the white "color" shuttle in the bamboo forest.

At this time, Nagato accidentally hit and collided with Monkey King.

Nagato took Wukong's arm and said, "Brother Monkey, this foggy man can't see the road ahead."

"I just used my fire-eye fine gold, and vaguely saw a white "color" like a snake and like a dragon flying through the bamboo forest."

At this time, Nagato was using Toad Qigong, and he saw Nagato's body bulge and his face swelled up, like a balloon.

Nagato opened his mouth, and the white mist that had just been blown disappeared.

At this time, the snake demon used his tail to roll up Wukong Nagato and the fog disappeared.

Seeing the snake monster Nagato widened his eyes, "It's a big python"

"It turns out to be a thousand-year old demon!

I think your Taoism is profound, why don't you cultivate righteous fruit, cultivate crooked demons and evil ways," Wu Kong said.

"You monkey talks so much, why don't you take your energy first, and watch you monkey practice so high."

The snake demon said.

"If you want to eat my grandson, you have to see if you have this ability!"'s voice fell, and "big, big" Wukong became bigger, and the snake demon tightened.

Goku was strangled a little bit, and Nagato's face turned pale.

Seeing this, Nagato talked to Wukong through the air.

"Brother Monkey, you get smaller so you can get out."

Wukong became small when he heard it, but he didn't expect the giant python to also become small. But Nagato has not changed.

At this time, Nagato immediately grabbed the python, "I almost forgot that there was a little guy there." After speaking, the python grew bigger and bounced Nagato out. Nagato flipped, "Mysterious Iron Sword."

Nagato drew out a big sword, formed two lights in the air and flew towards the giant python. The giant python is indeed a thousand-year old demon.

Nagato's attack did not hurt it, but its scales bounced back, and Nagato avoided the attack.

"Children, don't struggle, I think your delicate skin and tender meat will taste delicious."

The snake demon hissed while sticking out his tongue. It was as if the fox saw a piece of fat.

"Today is a big meal, let me enjoy you!" said the snake demon. "Brother Monkey, let's have a **** and indulge!" Nagato Transmission said.

"What a silly method" Wukong replied.

"It's that we pretended to be caught by him first, and then showed an expression of helplessness to beat him.

Let him get overwhelmed and "expose" his flaws, and then we will attack his vitals and kill them all at once."

"You still pay attention" Wukong threw a flashing eye at him.

"What a powerful white snake, this can't attack you" Nagato said, and Wukong immediately agreed.

"Hahahaha, my thousand-year cultivation base is not for nothing.

I want to swallow your inner alchemy," the white snake said triumphantly.

Nagato quickly scanned the whole body of the snake with his eyes, and the target "spine,"

Black iron sword, Nagato wants to take the sword

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