My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 610: Buffalo essence

At this time, Monk Tang

The grandfather took the "medicine" under the tea water, Monk Tang and Monk Sha fainted, took out the rope and tied the two together.

The grandfather did not notice the white dragon horse, thinking that the white dragon horse was just an ordinary Tang monk's mount.

The white dragon horse outside turned into a pedestrian, looking for Monkey King.

"Look at it, brother," Eight Ring said, pointing forward.

"White Dragon Horse" Nagato and Goku said in unison.

Ba Jie stepped forward: "Hey, Bai Longma, your clothes are fine, it's going to be winter, so get me a set too."

When Sun Wukong went up, he gave Bajie a palm and said, "When is it all, thinking about other things."

Bai Longma said, "You come with me soon." Bai Longma told Wukong and the others what happened.

"This time we encountered a difficult monster," Nagato said.

Wukong sighed, "This master Drifter can't distinguish between fairies and people, but this is a hundred miles away, where is the name of the village?"

Nagato knew that Monkey King was very worried about Tang Seng, and said: "Tang Seng is kind and caring for the people, and it is excusable for him to have no defense against others."

Nagato went on to say, "Monk Sha has always been honest and honest. If he is not a fairy, he can't do it."

As they talked, the two came to a green grass in front of them, where no one lived, only a small house that looked like an earth temple.

But this person couldn't get in, there was a Buddha statue inside.

"Bailongma, did you remember correctly," he said while pulling the white dragonma.

"No, it's here!" Bai Longma said firmly.

Nagato said, "I guess this monster must live in this earth temple. There must be some entrance to this earth temple."

Monkey King observed for a while, knocking here and then knocking. I can't tell how.

Wukong anxiously took out the golden cudgel and hammered it. Tang Seng here...

"Which guy who doesn't know good or bad broke my house" I saw the monster turned into a plume of smoke.

"Who knows what's good or bad, show up to Grandpa," the fairy just finished.

Sun Wukong took a golden hoop and put it on the monster's neck and said, "Your grandfather grandfather is here, dare you call yourself grandfather?"

The monster disappeared and appeared behind Monkey King and them.

"Oh?" the monster said defiantly. Monkey King looked intently, and it turned out that this monster was the incarnation of a buffalo.

"Well, you buffalo spirit, you are here to make "chaos"." Wukong said, "Look if I call you grandpa."

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he picked up the golden hoop and tried to smash it at him. Unexpectedly, the Buffalo monster disappeared out of thin air with a bang again, and flashed behind him. Goku, who hit the empty space twice, made him a little bit "mao".

Nagato stretched out his hand and barked—like Spider-Man, spit out silk and tied the Buffalo monster's leg.

Wukong slapped the stick, and just about to hit it, Buffalo said, "Great Sage, please take your life, I will take you to find the master."

Wukong squatted down and said, "Is this true?"

The buffalo said: "Really, it is more real than the pearl!"

"Nagato let him go, let him take us to find the master!" Monkey King said to Nagato.

Nagato let go of the buffalo spirit when he heard it, and then a black hole appeared out of thin air.

The buffalo spirit immediately turned into a fly and flew in. The buffalo spirit that flew in wanted to close the door.

"Not good" Nagato saw that the buffalo spirit was frying. Convenience with strength and buffalo essence.

"Brother Monkey, go in, this buffalo spirit wants to close this passage!" Nagato said.

As soon as Monkey King heard it, he jumped in, and the Bajie Drifting also followed in.

They were about to come in when they saw Monkey King, the buffalo spirit gave up and closed the passage and fled.

There really is something else in this black hole!

As soon as Sun Wukong and the others entered, they were greeted by a waterfall leaving from the edge of the cliff to form a stream.

There are also flowers and grasses by the stream, and then walking inside, I saw a field.

"I guess this buffalo spirit is a vegetarian fairy" Nagato said.

"Then why did he catch the master?" Ba Jie said puzzled.

"Have you forgotten the ability to live forever as long as you eat Tang Seng meat?" Nagato said.

Monkey King said: "The place where this guy lives compares with my Huaguoshan Water Curtain Cave! This is a really good place to live!"

The white dragon horse ate the grass and saw the white dragon horse eating grass.

Ba Jie said: "It seems that the land here is very suitable for farming. If it is sprinkled with wheat, it will be delicious."

"Naughty boy, just as I praised you, you have something to do with eating again" Monkey King waved his hand and said.

Ba Jie argued: "Look at this meadow, Brother Monkey, it is so moisturized by the water buffalo."

"Hurry up and find the master," Wukong said. Wukong flew into the sky and saw the monster's residence at a glance.

"I found it, let's head south" Wukong said and flew over.

Nagato and the others followed, and Buffalo saw through the window that Goku was flying towards him.

Then he changed back to the original, ready to fight with Monkey King. When Sun Wukong saw the monster waiting at the door, he took out the golden cudgel and prepared to fight him.

Not to be outdone, the buffalo spirit uses his sharp horns and four strong and powerful horns. Charged towards Monkey King. ..

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