My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 611: Brave Buffalo Spirit

Monkey King flashed back. If you want to give this bull a head, this bull is not to be outdone.

One spin, avoiding Wukong's blow, Wukong said: "Yes, there are two hands!"

Buffalo snorted: "That's not it! You have to be careful next!"

I saw the water buffalo take out the weapon and remove the circle he wore from his neck, "Ahahaha, don't you want to use this circle to fight me?" Monkey King laughed.

"Don't underestimate my circle, you monkey head," the buffalo said and took up the circle in his hand.

Monkey King thought that the buffalo spirit was exerting power on this magic weapon, but he didn't see any magic power in this circle.

Sun Wukong felt that the buffalo spirit was bragging, so he picked up the golden hoop and gave the buffalo another stick.

The buffalo held the circle above his head, but Wukong's magic weapon was taken in.

"Hahahaha" Buffalo smiled triumphantly. Seeing that the golden cudgel was collected by the circle in the hands of this buffalo spirit.

Nagato's eyes widened too, and Ba Jie and Bai Longma stared in awe. How to fight him now?

Monkey King turned his head and called: "Big", expressing himself that he wanted to step on the buffalo essence, and the buffalo essence would grow bigger.

Monkey King grabbed the horns and contended with this buffalo spirit, regardless of the enemy or the enemy.

Nagato saw that it was no way to go on like this, so he picked up the long sword and made a long cut under the tripe.

The water buffalo immediately fell to the ground like an air balloon.

Nagato went over to pick up the baby of the buffalo essence and put it in the bag.

Monkey King said to Nagato: "You always play a role at critical times. Fortunately, you are there!"

"Let's save Tang Seng," Nagato said. Nagato Monkey and his party came to the buffalo residence.

Zhu Bajie went in and shook Tang Seng, Shah, and yelled as he shook: "Master, Shah, you guys will wake up."

At this time, Tang Seng stretched out a hand and placed it on Bajie's back, "It's done, well, if you shake it down like this, I'm afraid this body will fall apart for the teacher!"

Ba Jie stopped and looked at Junior Brother Sha again. Junior Brother Sha said, "Second Brother, I'm fine."

Tang Seng looked at Wukong and asked, "Wukong, where are we?" Wukong said, "We are in the belly of this monster."

"Huh?" Tang Seng was shocked, got up immediately, and looked around. The scenery outside was beautiful, and it didn't look like he had entered the stomach of a monster.

"Wukong, please follow the teacher and recruit truthfully and don't want to joke," Tang Seng said.

Wukong pretended to be serious and said: "We got into the belly of a buffalo. This buffalo lives by eating grass. Knowing that you can live forever after eating it, he swallowed you in one bite." At this time, Drifting believed it was true, and patted his face, "No dreaming!"

Nagato sneered and said, "Don't listen to monkey brother nonsense, this is where the buffalo lives."

"This place where the buffalo lives is really good!" Drifting sighed.

"Yes, I think it's good too, this buffalo spirit really knows how to enjoy" Ba Jie said with a smile. "Amitabha, let's go on the road!" Tang Seng said.

Nagato used mana to "fumble" the black hole and opened it. Tang Seng five people walked out, and then continued to go west.

"It's autumn, we don't need to make a fast on our way." Bajie said "touching" and "touching" his belly.

Monk Sha asked: "What do you say, Brother Sha?" "Senior Brother Sha is not in the autumn, the fruit is full, and the harvest season is good" Ba Jie said.

"You idiot, you are very proficient in eating." Monkey King laughed.

"By the way, Brother Monkey almost forgot." Nagato took out the magic weapon of the Buffalo Essence and returned Monkey King's golden cudgel to it.

"Thank you very much," Monkey King said with a smile.

There was a sea of ​​flowers in front, and Tang Monk and the others were walking among the paths of the sea of ​​flowers, talking and laughing.

Ba Jie was overjoyed and said, "Look, master, there is a fruit tree in front of you!"

Monkey King squinted his eyes and looked forward and said, "Why didn't I see it."

"Brother Monkey, apart from the fact that you can distinguish between monsters and monsters with the eyes of fire, what else can you see?" Ba Jie waved his hand.

Ba Jie's appearance was very undue, and Monkey King picked up Ba Jie's ears, Ba Jie begged for mercy, and said, "Master, save me. If you see Brother Monkey, just get started."

"Amitabha Buddha, Goku, don't make trouble." Tang Seng said, "I think I will let you go on the face of the master."

There really is a fruit garden in front, Ba Jie quickened his pace and arrived at his destination first.

Ba Jie looked at the big and beautiful peaches on the tree, so he picked one off and ran back choked.

Ba Jie handed the peach to Monkey King and said, "Fresh peach, do you want Brother Monkey?"

"Go and go, I'm not incapable of picking," Monkey King said.

Ba Jie put the peach to Wukong's mouth and said, "Come on, Brother Monkey, I will feed you."

"Are you so kind?" Monkey King wondered, "Come on, Brother Monkey, it's not too offensive just now, take a bite" Ba Jie said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, just as Monkey King opened his mouth, Ba Jie immediately retracted and said: "Hey" and then put the peach into his mouth, eating it and saying, "It's delicious."

"Okay, you Bajie, don't expect your master to protect you now." Wukong picked up the golden hoop and chased after him.

Tang Seng smiled helplessly, Nagato said, "These are really two live treasures!"..

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