My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 612: Journey to God

Tang Seng and his party rested in the peach tree for a while, and then continued to walk forward.

"Hey, Master, the field here is a big piece of golden golden." Ba Jie said with a grin.

"Yes, it seems that these people have a good harvest this year" Tang Seng said with satisfaction.

There was a burst of wonderful music not far away, and Nagato looked forward curiously.

What catches the eye is a young man playing the pipa, the sound of the pipa is crisp, bright and full of granular "sex".

It was as if the young man merged with the soul of the pipa.

The four Tang Seng disciples were drunk in this music. Seeing Tang Seng passing by, the young man's hands stopped.

And Tang Seng and the others woke up, as if the sound of the piano was magical. Let them fascinate.

Nagato went to ask, "What kind of tune do you play, it sounds so good!"

Monkey King also leaned forward: "Nagato, what kind of musical instrument is this, why have I never heard this sound?"

Monkey King looked at the piano while scratching his head. Seeing the monkey so curious.

I just discovered the New World with my kids and want to explore him. Nagato said, "This is called Pipa."

When Zhu Bajie heard the pipa, he hurriedly came up: "Loquat? Loquat fruit is delicious."

Bajie stepped forward and pushed open the monkey and Nagato with his hands. He squeezed in the middle and said, "Where did the loquat come from?"

"You idiot, you know how to eat when you eat. You follow the nature of the pig." Wukong said.

"Brother Monkey, I was originally a pig." Zhu Bajie said as he looked at Monkey King.

Monkey King looked at Ba Jie's unsatisfactory expression, Tang Seng came to see him when he saw it, and the Drifter followed his master.

"Donor, you are a pipa" Tang Seng pointed and asked. Young Lang said: "Yes, the song I just played is a big wave."

"Amitabha Buddha, this song you played is a bit sad and indignant." Tang Seng said.

"Oh? Do you understand this song?" The young man looked at Tang Seng suspiciously.

"Your song shows your attitude toward your own destiny." Tang Seng said with emotion.

"It's hard to find a friend in this world for thousands of years," the young man in front of him looked at Tang Seng with relief.

"Caomin's surname is Tianci with one name," Tianci stood up and embraced his chest and prayed to Monk Tang.

Tang Seng put his right hand on his chest and bent slightly: "Amitabha, the donor is really a good name!"

Tianci said: "If the elders don't dislike it, it's not too late to rest for a few days in my humble house and start on the road. Bole is hard to find!" Tang Seng: "This westward journey cannot be delayed for too long."

Ba Jie said: "Master, it's not too early now. It's better to stay here for one night and get on the road tomorrow."

Wukong also felt that he could stay here for one night, so he said to the master: "Master, I just looked at it. There is no evil spirit, so you can rest assured."

Monk Sha put down his burden and said, "Master, I think the second brother has a good idea. Let's take a rest for a while and feel a little hungry."

Nagato said, "Don't worry, Tang Seng, I am here!"

Tang Seng heard what his disciple said and said, "Amitabha, then trouble the heavenly benefactor."

Tianci said: "Where and where, Bo Le is hard to find a friend, and I am also honored."

Godsend Home

Tang Seng's teacher and apprentice sat in front of the table, and Tianci said, "Wait a moment, I will prepare some coarse grains for you."

Nagato also went with him: "I will help you, how can you eat other people's food for nothing."

Godsend "Lu" smiled and said: "This is the first time that my family is full of excitement. My parents have died since I was a child. It was a kind man who saved me."

Nagato "touched" "touched" his head and said, "I'm sorry to bring up your sadness."

Tianci said: "In fact, it's nothing. Fortunately, if you find something you like, you won't be lonely by asking for sex."

Nagato asked, "Is it Pipa?" Tianci returned: "Yes, music can always heal people's hearts."

Nagato picked up the firewood and said, "Then why didn't we see the person who saved you. Doesn't he live with you?"

God's hand that burned the wood stopped for a while, and then he said: "I am an adult and have the ability to take care of myself. I don't want to trouble him anymore."

After hearing it, Nagato sighed that it was a hard life, not easy.

Nagato helped Tianci finish the firewood, went to pick the peaches at the door, washed the peaches and put them on the table.

Ba Jie wiped his hands on his sleeves, and it was a peach.

"This peach is really good, the flesh is sweet and juicy, the peach fragrance is rich and delicate." Ba Jie said.

Then Ba Jie picked up a peach and handed it to Tang Seng, “Master eats peaches. Master I think this peach tastes well because of the good water quality and sufficient sunshine.”

Sun Wukong saw that the Ba Jie was talking about the truth, so he joked: "Master, look, these Ba Jie are really full of energy when talking about food."

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, Nagato gave Bajie a thumbs up, and even Monk Sha was shocked by what Bajie said.

Ba Jie raised his head and said proudly, "No, it's not for nothing to be a pig for so many years."

Ba Jie said that the hall was roaring with laughter, Godsend brought the food up to see such a lively question: "What did I miss?"

Nagato said: "Bajie is praise your peaches are delicious!"..

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